now here me out, as you're saying "Darth that link didn't even mention the Wii"
but i'm thinking the rumors of Wii 2 coming out in 2011 will be, well true. Its odd i know, that the generation leader in sales would cut their sales off by being first to launch. It'd be like Sony releasing the PS3 in 2004 during some good years where the PS2 still sold insanely well
But, devs, like THQ in the article, are excited about the generation extending potential of the Wand and Natal. They're happy those willl extend the gen longer than most would think, perhaps taking devs into a super profitable time period late in gen where costs have gone down to develop for PS3/360 in 2010-2013 where they don't have to focus on the PS4/Xbox 3 development coz Natal and Wand are trying to bring "New" gamers
those new gamers = People who bought Wii Fit. Those consumers currently don't seem to be buying 360s and PS3s. Now yes, a lot of consumers buy GTA, Halo, COD and those titles sell very well but not 20 million + like Wii Fit, Wii Fit a new IP none the less at a higher price than GTA/COD/Halo sell for. Its amazing that Wii Fit sells 20 million +, or nearly as much as the PS3 in its lifetime, with a $90 price. Not even Guitar Hero/RB can match that and they're established IPs with similar prices and on various platforms
and Nintendo has to defend these consumers. They do not want to lose the customers who gave them the lead this gen.
If your Nintendo, do you focus on making quality Wii games for core and casual, and just stick it out until 2012 or 2013 even if Natal/Wand sell well? Or do you launch a Wii 2/HD (whatever they call it) with 360/PS3 level hardware in 2011 when it would be very profitable, if done right could be a $150-$200 package at launch with motion plus built in to get multiplats from these devs like iD, Rockstar, IW that normally ignore the Wii (coz as Iwata himself says, Nintendo makes new hardware when devs say they can get nothing else from the hardware,.....) Additionally, if Wand/Natal catch on they're games could be easily ported to a Wii HD to at least let nintendo say they have that software too
Again, Wii HD in 2011 would potentially give Nintendo a nex gen headstart, even if the Wii HD was only PS3 level in hardware if given enough of a headstart (like launch in mid-2011) of 2-3 years when the more than likely more expensive to develope for PS4/Xbox 3 do come out after Natal/Wand have 2-3 years to test the market and extend the gen, they'd have lofty launch prices of $300 OR MORE while Wii HD could have a userbase of 20-50million if sales are good, and it would be cheaper. therefore all the devs grateful that natal/wand extended this gen and kept costs down would keep developing on Wii HD and might not jump on PS4/Xbox 3
Iwata even said they liked the PS3/PS2 strategy sony has been taking, saying maybe Nintendo could try that. Huh? Sell the new gen console for a higher price while still selling the last gen console as third parties carry it with the casaul friendly games like Madden, Lego series , every year? Sound familar?
I think its possible and nintendo has been talking about HD a lot lately. and as i said, Iwata will replace hardware when devs can get no more out of the hardware, and some devs may get no more out of the Wii hardware if the other motion controllers catch on. With Wand projected Spring 2010 and Natal fall 2010, i'd say Nintendo will wait to see how the Wand sells, as the Wand is really the closest competitor to the Wii controller. it offers the most Wii-esque gaming, with the potential for casual titles and if it gets popular in japan where Iwata recently said the PS3 and Wii are "neck and neck" in sales, perhaps they'll let sony test the Wand for 6-10 months while designing the Wii HD, and then see if the sales/reception warrants a new console to counteract the success of the Wand (if its successful)
Thoughts, i know long read. Wii HD to counter the other motion controllers? Your thoughts?
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