Lets face it, for Hardcore gamers the Wii is no more than an hour or two of fun with friends and lets face it besides Madworld, No more heroes and maybe even Super Smash Bros Brawl the games do not appeal to Hardcore gamers. The online is TERRIBLE and Wii-codes are a FAIL but other than that there arent many games to have fun with online. Wii is more of a second or third console because you cant really sit there and have some Hardcore fun for more that an Hour. Its a shame that the Wii is nothing like the Nintedo 64 and that it doesnt appeal to Harcore gamers as much as 360, PC and PS3. I have a message for Nintendo...
The average gamer is around 30 (here in Australia anyway) and you need to make more games appeal to this age groups, lets be honest would 30 year olds want to play a game like God of War or Mario? Thats my point well these games are not 'Babyish' but they do not appeal to them as much.
PLEASE NOTE - The Wii is still a fun console to play a bit with friends but lets face it no Hardcore gamers can let this console be there First console (including PC). I am not a Fanboy anymore (despite my name...) and these are just plain old' facts.
- PSfanboy101
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