if its so great, why nobody is buying it ? :lol:
wiifit 18m > MGS4 3m
3 million isnt nobody. and 10>7.01 review = 1 opinion but the sales show what people want !
18 million wiifit owners > 1 opinion
Yea, yea 'the people' are not us. More like soccer moms, casuals. Huh. Oh and also, every single review on the internet and on magazine would acknowledge that MGS4 is 10000000x a better video game that freaking wii cra i mean wii fit is.
That would mean wii cra i mean wii fit is better than Halo 3, gears of war 1/2, Zelda OoT, super mario galaxy, pretty much 95% of playstation 1 or 2 games, GTA4, KZ2, LBP, gran turismo, ratchet+clank..anything (a proper video game i mean) really.
You sheep are breaking down, your sales game is comming to a critical crashing point....enjoy your interactive.. exercise video.
Id much rather go play bball with my friends.
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