Wii outsells 360, 10 months to 2 years?! hahaha

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#51 Number_1_Gamer
Member since 2007 • 1786 Posts

"Don't get me wrong I like the Wii, but it nowhere has the same attach ratio of games per console sold, than the 360"

The Wii's attach rate after 10 months is higher than the 360's attach rate was after 10 months. And in terms of total software sales, the Wii is doing WAY better 10 months in than the 360 was.

Companies don't even care about attach rates. They just care about how much software they can sell. They're rather sell 400,000 to an installed base of 15 million than 300,000 to an installed base of 5 million.

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#52 thedarkomen
Member since 2007 • 859 Posts

So the Wii will let me play games that I've already played 10 years ago?



You must hate xbox live. lol

No, I just use XBLA to download new games, you know, Like Geometry Wars and Catan.

And at least the games on retro games are updated with online functionality, which is more than what I can about the Wii VC

Funny, the Wii is getting Geometry Wars, explain that? lol
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#53 Tylendal
Member since 2006 • 14681 Posts

Funny, I remember seeing tons of non-casuals having the Wii, even college kids. I even have a Wii.

Most kids having the system is a big lie, most kids have the 360 and whine for Halo. I guarantee that's the reason why you hear so many nasty kids on xbox live.

Ownage approved.


I'm glad you have statistics to back up your well formed argument.

And you have the statistics to disprove it?

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#54 pins_basic
Member since 2003 • 11521 Posts

So is the collectors edition of Halo a pack-in then?


Do you get it when you buy 360 or a 360 controller? You know there use to be PC games that came in cerial boxes, does that mean they out sold HL2? You know for 4 bucks you could have got a game from BK when you buy a whooper, do you seriously compare those games to Metroid Prime 3?
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#55 jbeen
Member since 2006 • 2372 Posts

Is it just me or are the Sheeps and Cows really in damage control mode today? cosmostein77

Because the 360 got yet another AAA title today wich is still one more then either of them have gotten.

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#56 thedarkomen
Member since 2007 • 859 Posts

Wow this is sad for lemmings. While they grasp for straws to bash a $600 system they can't afford that's selling at about the same rate, the Wii is clobbering the lemon's precious system.

You have to admit how wonderful the system has to be to have completely clobbered 360 sales in only 10 months.

Casuals? You can't really be that subjective when they're buying up the system regardless. 10+ people don't seem to lie.

And it doesn't break down either, so no excuse for that. The wii is always getting a plethora of games, even minigames are selling out your precious 3 year in the making fps'. lol


First off im not a lemming, at one point i owned all 3 next-gen consoles.

But what is your point,I'm assuming you only own one next gen console and thats a wii, or your a ps3 fangirl that is basking in the success of wii because ps3 has not out-done 360 yet(sales wise).

I agree that 360 fangirls are a bit foolish IMO, but so are ps3 fangirls and so are wii fangirls.

First off 360 sold more than twice the amount of ps3's last month, and ps3 has never outsold 360 in a mont, and the only time it came close was the month after the $100 price drop.

And it's great the wii has had so much success, its great for the industry, but i would not call the console wonderfull, it was just a great marketing plan.

I bought a wii at launch, i got zelda,red steel and of course wii sports, i really enjoyed zelda but realistcly it was a gamecube game with waggle, im not a fan of the motion control, i found it boring to shake my hand back and forward or up and down to fight, theres no skill in that.

Red steel was terrible, i enjoyed wii sports for around a month, my family who have never played games also enjoyed it, but soon the novelty wore off and nobody wanted to play the wii.

So after not turning it on for 2-3 months i decided i needed some new games, i bought mario strikers,mortal kombat,raym-man and rented several games like super monkey ball,wario,cod 3 and a few others, i didnt enjoy any of them, cod3 felt bad compared to the sub-standard 360 version, monkey ball and wario were good for a week or two while it kept people interested in playing the wii, mortal combat was boring.

I spent more time playing vc games than actual wii games.

And finally i sold the wii on ebay because i felt like i had been ripped-off, to me i bought an expensive gamecube with waggle, i had not played anything in another 3 months and while searching for new games i realised theres only one single game announced i want to play and thats mario galaxy, and my sister has a wii so i can borrow hers, but other than that there was not another wii game that interrested me.

Mini-games-ps2,psp ports and a few decent first party games.

I am pleased nintendo brought casuals into gaming, but overall i doubt wii will win the console war, wii has already dropped dramitcly in sales over the last two months in japan, and i think the same will happen in the other continents some time next year.

And mini-games, infact no wii game will outsell halo 3, your sayingmini-game games areoutselling halo 3, one halo is not even released yet and two halo 3 has had over 2 million pre-orders.

Wii owners keep saying since the wii doesnt have super hd graphics dev's will concentrate on amazing game-play, where is the next-gen amazing gameplay, i have failed to find it, all i see is ps2 ports and mini games, last gen games with waggle.

This is just my opinion like that seemed to be yours(it seemed more like an un-informedfangirl rant to me).

PS3/Xbox 360 and a high end pc will do for my next gen gaming needs, oh and also to borrow my sister's wii for the only wii game worth noting, "a plethora of games" more like a ton of crap games and 3 good ones.

I will take quality over quantity anyday of the week, i will take beautiful next-gen graphics and gameplay over sub-standard ps2 graphics, i will take brilliant online features over friend codes that barley get used anyday of the week.

if you're really into games why did you sell a system with it only being out for 6 months?

it has a great life ahead of it.

you will regret that soon.

In your opinion. Man I have owned the last 4 generations of nintendo consoles. But unless my wife really wants one, which I doubt(she is addicted to her DS), I will have no use for the Pii Wii. It offers nothing that appeals to me.

Wife? Lol.
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#57 thedarkomen
Member since 2007 • 859 Posts

Wow this is sad for lemmings. While they grasp for straws to bash a $600 system they can't afford that's selling at about the same rate, the Wii is clobbering the lemon's precious system.

You have to admit how wonderful the system has to be to have completely clobbered 360 sales in only 10 months.

Casuals? You can't really be that subjective when they're buying up the system regardless. 10+ people don't seem to lie.

And it doesn't break down either, so no excuse for that. The wii is always getting a plethora of games, even minigames are selling out your precious 3 year in the making fps'. lol


Say who? Name one title on the Wii that will outsell Halo 3? I can only assume that is your meaning. English is not your friend.

LEGEND OF ZELDA TWILIGHT PRINCESS has already sold almost 5 million copies as much if not more than gears of war

WII PLAY, WII SPORTS, sell more than Halo 3 will.

and if you don't watch out

Super Smash Bros Brawl will outsell halo3 in the long run

halo 3 will sell like 4 million this year tops and then shimmer down.

it has a much smaller userbase than the xbox did when halo 2 came out.

Link to sell at 5M?

:lol: At Wii sports and play selling more than Halo when they are pack ins.

Wiiplay isn't a pack-in game.

You get it for 5 bucks when you buy a Wii mote, it's a pack in.

So is the collectors edition of Halo a pack-in then?


Do you get it when you buy 360 or a 360 controller? You know there use to be PC games that came in cerial boxes, does that mean they out sold HL2? You know for 4 bucks you could have got a game from BK when you buy a whooper, do you seriously compare those games to Metroid Prime 3?

But we're talking games bought at a store here. Not cereal boxes. Even so, its still selling like hotcakes. What are you gonna say if they pack-in Halo 3 in a 360 package sometime? Lol.

Metroid 3 looks on par with Halo 3 in SD, there I said it. Sorry lemmings. lol.

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#58 jbeen
Member since 2006 • 2372 Posts

Wow this is sad for lemmings. While they grasp for straws to bash a $600 system they can't afford that's selling at about the same rate, the Wii is clobbering the lemon's precious system.

You have to admit how wonderful the system has to be to have completely clobbered 360 sales in only 10 months.

Casuals? You can't really be that subjective when they're buying up the system regardless. 10+ people don't seem to lie.

And it doesn't break down either, so no excuse for that. The wii is always getting a plethora of games, even minigames are selling out your precious 3 year in the making fps'. lol


First off im not a lemming, at one point i owned all 3 next-gen consoles.

But what is your point,I'm assuming you only own one next gen console and thats a wii, or your a ps3 fangirl that is basking in the success of wii because ps3 has not out-done 360 yet(sales wise).

I agree that 360 fangirls are a bit foolish IMO, but so are ps3 fangirls and so are wii fangirls.

First off 360 sold more than twice the amount of ps3's last month, and ps3 has never outsold 360 in a mont, and the only time it came close was the month after the $100 price drop.

And it's great the wii has had so much success, its great for the industry, but i would not call the console wonderfull, it was just a great marketing plan.

I bought a wii at launch, i got zelda,red steel and of course wii sports, i really enjoyed zelda but realistcly it was a gamecube game with waggle, im not a fan of the motion control, i found it boring to shake my hand back and forward or up and down to fight, theres no skill in that.

Red steel was terrible, i enjoyed wii sports for around a month, my family who have never played games also enjoyed it, but soon the novelty wore off and nobody wanted to play the wii.

So after not turning it on for 2-3 months i decided i needed some new games, i bought mario strikers,mortal kombat,raym-man and rented several games like super monkey ball,wario,cod 3 and a few others, i didnt enjoy any of them, cod3 felt bad compared to the sub-standard 360 version, monkey ball and wario were good for a week or two while it kept people interested in playing the wii, mortal combat was boring.

I spent more time playing vc games than actual wii games.

And finally i sold the wii on ebay because i felt like i had been ripped-off, to me i bought an expensive gamecube with waggle, i had not played anything in another 3 months and while searching for new games i realised theres only one single game announced i want to play and thats mario galaxy, and my sister has a wii so i can borrow hers, but other than that there was not another wii game that interrested me.

Mini-games-ps2,psp ports and a few decent first party games.

I am pleased nintendo brought casuals into gaming, but overall i doubt wii will win the console war, wii has already dropped dramitcly in sales over the last two months in japan, and i think the same will happen in the other continents some time next year.

And mini-games, infact no wii game will outsell halo 3, your sayingmini-game games areoutselling halo 3, one halo is not even released yet and two halo 3 has had over 2 million pre-orders.

Wii owners keep saying since the wii doesnt have super hd graphics dev's will concentrate on amazing game-play, where is the next-gen amazing gameplay, i have failed to find it, all i see is ps2 ports and mini games, last gen games with waggle.

This is just my opinion like that seemed to be yours(it seemed more like an un-informedfangirl rant to me).

PS3/Xbox 360 and a high end pc will do for my next gen gaming needs, oh and also to borrow my sister's wii for the only wii game worth noting, "a plethora of games" more like a ton of crap games and 3 good ones.

I will take quality over quantity anyday of the week, i will take beautiful next-gen graphics and gameplay over sub-standard ps2 graphics, i will take brilliant online features over friend codes that barley get used anyday of the week.

if you're really into games why did you sell a system with it only being out for 6 months?

it has a great life ahead of it.

you will regret that soon.

In your opinion. Man I have owned the last 4 generations of nintendo consoles. But unless my wife really wants one, which I doubt(she is addicted to her DS), I will have no use for the Pii Wii. It offers nothing that appeals to me.

Wife? Lol.

What is so funny about him having a wife?

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#59 neogeo419
Member since 2006 • 1474 Posts

Wow this is sad for lemmings. While they grasp for straws to bash a $600 system they can't afford that's selling at about the same rate, the Wii is clobbering the lemon's precious system.

You have to admit how wonderful the system has to be to have completely clobbered 360 sales in only 10 months.

Casuals? You can't really be that subjective when they're buying up the system regardless. 10+ people don't seem to lie.

And it doesn't break down either, so no excuse for that. The wii is always getting a plethora of games, even minigames are selling out your precious 3 year in the making fps'. lol


First off im not a lemming, at one point i owned all 3 next-gen consoles.

But what is your point,I'm assuming you only own one next gen console and thats a wii, or your a ps3 fangirl that is basking in the success of wii because ps3 has not out-done 360 yet(sales wise).

I agree that 360 fangirls are a bit foolish IMO, but so are ps3 fangirls and so are wii fangirls.

First off 360 sold more than twice the amount of ps3's last month, and ps3 has never outsold 360 in a mont, and the only time it came close was the month after the $100 price drop.

And it's great the wii has had so much success, its great for the industry, but i would not call the console wonderfull, it was just a great marketing plan.

I bought a wii at launch, i got zelda,red steel and of course wii sports, i really enjoyed zelda but realistcly it was a gamecube game with waggle, im not a fan of the motion control, i found it boring to shake my hand back and forward or up and down to fight, theres no skill in that.

Red steel was terrible, i enjoyed wii sports for around a month, my family who have never played games also enjoyed it, but soon the novelty wore off and nobody wanted to play the wii.

So after not turning it on for 2-3 months i decided i needed some new games, i bought mario strikers,mortal kombat,raym-man and rented several games like super monkey ball,wario,cod 3 and a few others, i didnt enjoy any of them, cod3 felt bad compared to the sub-standard 360 version, monkey ball and wario were good for a week or two while it kept people interested in playing the wii, mortal combat was boring.

I spent more time playing vc games than actual wii games.

And finally i sold the wii on ebay because i felt like i had been ripped-off, to me i bought an expensive gamecube with waggle, i had not played anything in another 3 months and while searching for new games i realised theres only one single game announced i want to play and thats mario galaxy, and my sister has a wii so i can borrow hers, but other than that there was not another wii game that interrested me.

Mini-games-ps2,psp ports and a few decent first party games.

I am pleased nintendo brought casuals into gaming, but overall i doubt wii will win the console war, wii has already dropped dramitcly in sales over the last two months in japan, and i think the same will happen in the other continents some time next year.

And mini-games, infact no wii game will outsell halo 3, your sayingmini-game games areoutselling halo 3, one halo is not even released yet and two halo 3 has had over 2 million pre-orders.

Wii owners keep saying since the wii doesnt have super hd graphics dev's will concentrate on amazing game-play, where is the next-gen amazing gameplay, i have failed to find it, all i see is ps2 ports and mini games, last gen games with waggle.

This is just my opinion like that seemed to be yours(it seemed more like an un-informedfangirl rant to me).

PS3/Xbox 360 and a high end pc will do for my next gen gaming needs, oh and also to borrow my sister's wii for the only wii game worth noting, "a plethora of games" more like a ton of crap games and 3 good ones.

I will take quality over quantity anyday of the week, i will take beautiful next-gen graphics and gameplay over sub-standard ps2 graphics, i will take brilliant online features over friend codes that barley get used anyday of the week.

if you're really into games why did you sell a system with it only being out for 6 months?

it has a great life ahead of it.

you will regret that soon.

In your opinion. Man I have owned the last 4 generations of nintendo consoles. But unless my wife really wants one, which I doubt(she is addicted to her DS), I will have no use for the Pii Wii. It offers nothing that appeals to me.

Wife? Lol.

Yea you might get one of those someday if you get out of your Mom's basement
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#61 whocares4peace
Member since 2005 • 4971 Posts

So the Wii will let me play games that I've already played 10 years ago?



You must hate xbox live. lol

No, I just use XBLA to download new games, you know, Like Geometry Wars and Catan.

And at least the games on retro games are updated with online functionality, which is more than what I can about the Wii VC

Funny, the Wii is getting Geometry Wars, explain that? lol

As a full disced game, I'm content paying 5$ for that game, not 50$.

Also the game is not developed by Bizzare, but by another dev team, so I doubt its any good.

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#62 Fusible
Member since 2005 • 2828 Posts

Wow this is sad for lemmings. While they grasp for straws to bash a $600 system they can't afford that's selling at about the same rate, the Wii is clobbering the lemon's precious system.

You have to admit how wonderful the system has to be to have completely clobbered 360 sales in only 10 months.

Casuals? You can't really be that subjective when they're buying up the system regardless. 10+ people don't seem to lie.

And it doesn't break down either, so no excuse for that. The wii is always getting a plethora of games, even minigames are selling out your precious 3 year in the making fps'. lol


It will never happen, and Zelda sold 3.70 mill., while GOW sold 4.56. Sorry not in the same league. Halo 3 already on it's own, the only game to do so, preo-order over a million, just in the U.S. Imagine when all the numbers come out for worldwide sales by the end of this year. I'm not a big Halo fan, but it will sell more than any of those games ever will. Sorry honest truth. Although I like MP3: Corruption, I know Halo 3 is just a crazy phenom.

Say who? Name one title on the Wii that will outsell Halo 3? I can only assume that is your meaning. English is not your friend.

LEGEND OF ZELDA TWILIGHT PRINCESS has already sold almost 5 million copies as much if not more than gears of war

WII PLAY, WII SPORTS, sell more than Halo 3 will.

and if you don't watch out

Super Smash Bros Brawl will outsell halo3 in the long run

halo 3 will sell like 4 million this year tops and then shimmer down.

it has a much smaller userbase than the xbox did when halo 2 came out.

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#63 thedarkomen
Member since 2007 • 859 Posts

So the Wii will let me play games that I've already played 10 years ago?



You must hate xbox live. lol

No, I just use XBLA to download new games, you know, Like Geometry Wars and Catan.

And at least the games on retro games are updated with online functionality, which is more than what I can about the Wii VC

Funny, the Wii is getting Geometry Wars, explain that? lol

As a full disced game, I'm content paying 5$ for that game, not 50$.

Also the game is not developed by Bizzare, but by another dev team, so I doubt its any good.

Bet you, it'll outsell the original geometry wars. lol
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#64 pins_basic
Member since 2003 • 11521 Posts

But we're talking games bought at a store here. Not cereal boxes. Even so, its still selling like hotcakes. What are you gonna say if they pack-in Halo 3 in a 360 package sometime? Lol.

Metroid 3 looks on par with Halo 3 in SD, there I said it. Sorry lemmings. lol.

:lol: If they pack in halo with the 360 than it would be a pack in like Wii sports but they havent done that, have they? You could buy bk games at eb and no sorry MP3 doesn't look anywhere near on par with H3 on any TV. YOu are seriouly blinded by your fanboyism if you think they are anywhere near in graphics. MP looks like a last gen game as do all Wii games. Sorry Sheepy but you fail.
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#65 TacoJelly
Member since 2005 • 1723 Posts

Why would sales matter when 360 and even ps3have better games then Wii?


That's just a downright lie.

And Wii is catching up in that area too.

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#66 Soulja_West
Member since 2003 • 15084 Posts

Call me when its game library matches that of the 360.



what he said

yeah,what he said to.

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#67 shadystxxx
Member since 2005 • 2158 Posts

Call me when its game library matches that of the 360.



what he said

Resident Evil 4, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64.

I would take those over anything Xbox anyday.

Can I play those on the 360 right now? like today?

how about earthbound, chrono trigger, dragon quest? (not right now on VC but i see it coming)

oh yeah, you guys got grabbed by the ghoulies and kameo.

such a shame compared to goldeneye, star fox 64, original perfect dark, banjo

but hey maybe the new banjo will be great right?

and maybe banjo and kazooie didn't borrow everything it had from mario 64?

no. Ratchet and Clank and Mario are the best platformers around. Banjo could be the next donkey kong (sad as that is to say)

meaning a parody of its former self.

You could play the majority of those games on the pc, 90% of the games you mentioned were old games for the nntendo 64 etc.

So your saying the reason the wii is great is because you can pay steep prices for old games.

I know why you are lsiting those games as theres more fun to be had playing the vc than actual wii games infact i spent more time playing sonic.mario 64 etc than i did playing any wii game.

Resident evil 4 is great but we all played that like 2 years ago, i can only see one wii game worth owning zelda, and ican only see one wii game i would want to know thats not released mario galaxy, thats just my opinion you may like wii play,rayman etc etc, ps2 ports,GC ports and even psp ports you may like those aswell so yeah its a great system for you but those dont interest me.

i liked the vc but i like xbla better with improved graphics and added features to old games, and also great nw arcade titles for both ps3 and 360.

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#68 whocares4peace
Member since 2005 • 4971 Posts

Bet you, it'll outsell the original geometry wars. lol

And that makes its a better game how?

The entire point of this discussion is that sales dont matter, games do, and thats where the 360 absolutely crushes the wii.

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#69 jbeen
Member since 2006 • 2372 Posts

[QUOTE="cosmostein77"]Is it just me or are the Sheeps and Cows really in damage control mode today? Number_1_Gamer

Because the 360 got yet another AAA title today wich is still one more then either of them have gotten.

Wii got a 9.1 game. Is 9.1 no longer AAA? LOL.

Enjoy Gaylo 3 lems.

I will, and you enjoy what ever cute, fuzzy excuse for a video game you are currently waving you're gimmicky controller at.

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#70 thedarkomen
Member since 2007 • 859 Posts

But we're talking games bought at a store here. Not cereal boxes. Even so, its still selling like hotcakes. What are you gonna say if they pack-in Halo 3 in a 360 package sometime? Lol.

Metroid 3 looks on par with Halo 3 in SD, there I said it. Sorry lemmings. lol.


:lol: If they pack in halo with the 360 than it would be a pack in like Wii sports but they havent done that, have they? You could buy bk games at eb and no sorry MP3 doesn't look anywhere near on par with H3 on any TV. YOu are seriouly blinded by your fanboyism if you think they are anywhere near in graphics. MP looks like a last gen game as do all Wii games. Sorry Sheepy but you fail.

Oh Yeah that wasn't a fanboy statement... lol! :P MP last gen lol

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#71 Soulja_West
Member since 2003 • 15084 Posts

[QUOTE="cosmostein77"]Is it just me or are the Sheeps and Cows really in damage control mode today? Number_1_Gamer

Because the 360 got yet another AAA title today wich is still one more then either of them have gotten.

Wii got a 9.1 game. Is 9.1 no longer AAA? LOL.

Enjoy Gaylo 3 lems.

We will considering that no Wii game hasn't matched a 9.5.

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#72 AdolescentDon
Member since 2005 • 9081 Posts

Yeah and it's all thanks to Japan.. Where everyone knows the 360 doesn't sell.

Take Japan out and the 360 is beating it.

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#73 pins_basic
Member since 2003 • 11521 Posts

But we're talking games bought at a store here. Not cereal boxes. Even so, its still selling like hotcakes. What are you gonna say if they pack-in Halo 3 in a 360 package sometime? Lol.

Metroid 3 looks on par with Halo 3 in SD, there I said it. Sorry lemmings. lol.


:lol: If they pack in halo with the 360 than it would be a pack in like Wii sports but they havent done that, have they? You could buy bk games at eb and no sorry MP3 doesn't look anywhere near on par with H3 on any TV. YOu are seriouly blinded by your fanboyism if you think they are anywhere near in graphics. MP looks like a last gen game as do all Wii games. Sorry Sheepy but you fail.

Oh Yeah that wasn't a fanboy statement... lol! :P MP last gen lol

Saying MP has last gen graphics is not a fanboyism, it's a fact. I didn't say the game was last gen, I didn't say anyting about the quality of the game itself other than the graphics looking like last gen games which they do. Now saying it's on par with H3 graphicly is a pathetic thing to say. The shee use to use that arguement about a year ago. "bu bu but you can't tell the diffrence in grapchis if you are using a SDTV". The sheep have most moved on from that since it's so patheticly wrong. You need to catch up with your fellow sheep and start saying that graphics don['t mean anything at all to you. Wait, you can't do that since you already brought up graphics when no one was talking about graphics, which shows that you do care about graphics.
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#74 darth-pyschosis
Member since 2006 • 9322 Posts

Call me when its game library matches that of the 360.



what he said

Resident Evil 4, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64.

I would take those over anything Xbox anyday.

Can I play those on the 360 right now? like today?

how about earthbound, chrono trigger, dragon quest? (not right now on VC but i see it coming)

oh yeah, you guys got grabbed by the ghoulies and kameo.

such a shame compared to goldeneye, star fox 64, original perfect dark, banjo

but hey maybe the new banjo will be great right?

and maybe banjo and kazooie didn't borrow everything it had from mario 64?

no. Ratchet and Clank and Mario are the best platformers around. Banjo could be the next donkey kong (sad as that is to say)

meaning a parody of its former self.

You could play the majority of those games on the pc, 90% of the games you mentioned were old games for the nntendo 64 etc.

So your saying the reason the wii is great is because you can pay steep prices for old games.

I know why you are lsiting those games as theres more fun to be had playing the vc than actual wii games infact i spent more time playing sonic.mario 64 etc than i did playing any wii game.

Resident evil 4 is great but we all played that like 2 years ago, i can only see one wii game worth owning zelda, and ican only see one wii game i would want to know thats not released mario galaxy, thats just my opinion you may like wii play,rayman etc etc, ps2 ports,GC ports and even psp ports you may like those aswell so yeah its a great system for you but those dont interest me.

i liked the vc but i like xbla better with improved graphics and added features to old games, and also great nw arcade titles for both ps3 and 360.

I said that because the 360 doesn't have a single game that is as timeless as those.

resident evil 4 still owns anything on the 360, so does ocarina of time.

i think improving graphics in classic downloadable games is stupid.

why do i need HD in alien hominid or mortal kombat 3?

i didn't play it then for those reasons, i don't now.

how can you play those on PC? They only one you can is RE 4. All others are owned by Ninty.

You could illegally play them on your PC.

the sad thing is no matter the 360 has, no matter what halo 3 does it won't be better, more critically acclaimed than a 10 year old N64 game.

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#75 darth-pyschosis
Member since 2006 • 9322 Posts

Yeah and it's all thanks to Japan.. Where everyone knows the 360 doesn't sell.

Take Japan out and the 360 is beating it.


thats like saying take oxygen out.

Japan is too important to gaming to take out of the equation like that.

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#76 Admyrr6
Member since 2004 • 145 Posts
There is hardcore fans on the Wii? Do they play with barbies still?
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#77 dhjohns
Member since 2003 • 5105 Posts

Call me when its game library matches that of the 360.



what he said

Resident Evil 4, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64.

I would take those over anything Xbox anyday.

Can I play those on the 360 right now? like today?

how about earthbound, chrono trigger, dragon quest? (not right now on VC but i see it coming)

oh yeah, you guys got grabbed by the ghoulies and kameo.

such a shame compared to goldeneye, star fox 64, original perfect dark, banjo

but hey maybe the new banjo will be great right?

and maybe banjo and kazooie didn't borrow everything it had from mario 64?

no. Ratchet and Clank and Mario are the best platformers around. Banjo could be the next donkey kong (sad as that is to say)

meaning a parody of its former self.

You could play the majority of those games on the pc, 90% of the games you mentioned were old games for the nntendo 64 etc.

So your saying the reason the wii is great is because you can pay steep prices for old games.

I know why you are lsiting those games as theres more fun to be had playing the vc than actual wii games infact i spent more time playing sonic.mario 64 etc than i did playing any wii game.

Resident evil 4 is great but we all played that like 2 years ago, i can only see one wii game worth owning zelda, and ican only see one wii game i would want to know thats not released mario galaxy, thats just my opinion you may like wii play,rayman etc etc, ps2 ports,GC ports and even psp ports you may like those aswell so yeah its a great system for you but those dont interest me.

i liked the vc but i like xbla better with improved graphics and added features to old games, and also great nw arcade titles for both ps3 and 360.

I said that because the 360 doesn't have a single game that is as timeless as those.

resident evil 4 still owns anything on the 360, so does ocarina of time.

i think improving graphics in classic downloadable games is stupid.

why do i need HD in alien hominid or mortal kombat 3?

i didn't play it then for those reasons, i don't now.

how can you play those on PC? They only one you can is RE 4. All others are owned by Ninty.

You could illegally play them on your PC.

the sad thing is no matter the 360 has, no matter what halo 3 does it won't be better, more critically acclaimed than a 10 year old N64 game.

The sad thing is that you don't realize that that is your opinion. One that I don't share.

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#78 BigB_Anderson
Member since 2007 • 106 Posts
Why would graphics matter? I can play MP3, which has last-gen graphics, if you listen to everybody here, and have more fun that playing Halo 3 because I don't care about graphics. The proof that graphics doesn't matter is that almost everybody here says that the SNES was the best console. And until somebody proves me otherwise, there are no games on SNES with better graphics than Halo 3.
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#79 kevbo77
Member since 2003 • 656 Posts
I have both systems, and I play the 360 probably 2-3 times more. I think there will be some great games coming out for the Wii, but they won't compare collectively with all the great games for the 360. Plus, comparing sales of the Wii and the 360 is like comparing Honda sales to Lexus sales. Of course Honda will sell more, but I think if you polled the owners of both cars, the Lexus owners would have more satisfaction from their purchase.
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#80 TalesofRaGnArOk
Member since 2007 • 3189 Posts

So now the cows use the Wii as a basher of the 360 since they can't use the ps3 as an example, huh?

What time is it? Where am I?

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#81 MasterC5
Member since 2006 • 2932 Posts
LOL this thread made my day the arquments between the sheep and lems are pretty damn funny.
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#82 Donkey_Puncher
Member since 2005 • 5083 Posts

Wouldn't the Xbox 360 have been out for 2 years in Novermber? If you're rounding it off then say the Wii has been out for a year. Like it or not, the Xbox 360 has only A YEAR advantage.

Besides, I couldn't care less if the Wii is beating the Xbox 360 in sales. I play games, the Xbox 360 delivers. The Wii is a cute toy.

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#83 dobbywii
Member since 2007 • 220 Posts

Yeah and it's all thanks to Japan.. Where everyone knows the 360 doesn't sell.

Take Japan out and the 360 is beating it.

how convenient.:lol:
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#84 LoeJance
Member since 2006 • 1595 Posts

Why would sales matter when 360 and even ps3 have better games then Wii?

because sales are fact, which games are better is an opinion opinions
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#85 Tnasty11
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#86 neogeo419
Member since 2006 • 1474 Posts

Call me when its game library matches that of the 360.



what he said

Resident Evil 4, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64.

I would take those over anything Xbox anyday.

Can I play those on the 360 right now? like today?

how about earthbound, chrono trigger, dragon quest? (not right now on VC but i see it coming)

oh yeah, you guys got grabbed by the ghoulies and kameo.

such a shame compared to goldeneye, star fox 64, original perfect dark, banjo

but hey maybe the new banjo will be great right?

and maybe banjo and kazooie didn't borrow everything it had from mario 64?

no. Ratchet and Clank and Mario are the best platformers around. Banjo could be the next donkey kong (sad as that is to say)

meaning a parody of its former self.

You could play the majority of those games on the pc, 90% of the games you mentioned were old games for the nntendo 64 etc.

So your saying the reason the wii is great is because you can pay steep prices for old games.

I know why you are lsiting those games as theres more fun to be had playing the vc than actual wii games infact i spent more time playing sonic.mario 64 etc than i did playing any wii game.

Resident evil 4 is great but we all played that like 2 years ago, i can only see one wii game worth owning zelda, and ican only see one wii game i would want to know thats not released mario galaxy, thats just my opinion you may like wii play,rayman etc etc, ps2 ports,GC ports and even psp ports you may like those aswell so yeah its a great system for you but those dont interest me.

i liked the vc but i like xbla better with improved graphics and added features to old games, and also great nw arcade titles for both ps3 and 360.

I said that because the 360 doesn't have a single game that is as timeless as those.

resident evil 4 still owns anything on the 360, so does ocarina of time.

i think improving graphics in classic downloadable games is stupid.

why do i need HD in alien hominid or mortal kombat 3?

i didn't play it then for those reasons, i don't now.

how can you play those on PC? They only one you can is RE 4. All others are owned by Ninty.

You could illegally play them on your PC.

the sad thing is no matter the 360 has, no matter what halo 3 does it won't be better, more critically acclaimed than a 10 year old N64 game.

Hate to tell you this chief, but your opinion does not = fact. I love my 360, and I own all the games you listed. But the simple fact is I beat them all a long time ago. Yes they are great, but not to the point were I would play them over, and over again just because I'm a blind sheep and hate everything not nintendo.
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#87 Riviera_Phantom
Member since 2006 • 3658 Posts

Call me when its game library matches that of the 360.



what he said

Resident Evil 4, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64.

I would take those over anything Xbox anyday.

Can I play those on the 360 right now? like today?

how about earthbound, chrono trigger, dragon quest? (not right now on VC but i see it coming)

oh yeah, you guys got grabbed by the ghoulies and kameo.

such a shame compared to goldeneye, star fox 64, original perfect dark, banjo

but hey maybe the new banjo will be great right?

and maybe banjo and kazooie didn't borrow everything it had from mario 64?

no. Ratchet and Clank and Mario are the best platformers around. Banjo could be the next donkey kong (sad as that is to say)

meaning a parody of its former self.

Stop giving Wii credit for PAST console games for the LOVE OF GOD. OoT is a wii game? Pelase don't make me puke. It's an N64 game so N64 deserves credit for such a masterpiece, not the crappy wii. And You are a bigger nintendo fanboy then most people here. Please be quiet and Learn how to structure a post properly, stop using so many spaces between lines.

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#88 Raoul_Duke_HST
Member since 2006 • 1070 Posts

There is hardcore fans on the Wii? Do they play with barbies still?Admyrr6

just a suggestion... If you are going to bash people for being kiddy you should at least get a basic grasp of the English language... ;)

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#89 Riviera_Phantom
Member since 2006 • 3658 Posts

Why would sales matter when 360 and even ps3 have better games then Wii?


because sales are fact, which games are better is an opinion opinions

So Britney Spears is better than Celine Dion?

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#90 Raoul_Duke_HST
Member since 2006 • 1070 Posts

Why would sales matter when 360 and even ps3 have better games then Wii?


because sales are fact, which games are better is an opinion opinions

So Britney Spears is better than Celine Dion?

lol - sure but its hard to tell because they are BOTh so great!

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Member since 2006 • 7025 Posts

You could play the majority of those games on the pc, 90% of the games you mentioned were old games for the nntendo 64 etc.shadystxxx

You just brought up the PC-multiplats is an argument against the Wii and for the 360?

Fission Mailed.

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#92 Ontain
Member since 2005 • 25501 Posts

Why would sales matter when 360 and even ps3 have better games then Wii?


because sales are fact, which games are better is an opinion opinions

So Britney Spears is better than Celine Dion?

better is an opinion. but the one that gets the most sales would be the one that the most ppl felt was worth buying.

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#94 army-of_one
Member since 2007 • 565 Posts
Come talk to me when you get decent games and a good online service.
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Member since 2005 • 18418 Posts

Not a good time to be bragging about sales... *points to Halo 3 statistics* .... :roll:

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#96 rexoverbey
Member since 2002 • 7622 Posts

So when games like Wiiplay completely outsells your games, that doesn't match "your" game library?


Do you mean Wii sports? What is the retail price of Wii Sports again? It's free and included in the box. You might as well include tetris and minesweeper it comes with every PC. Wii play only sells good because it's included with a controller for $10 more. Plus it isn't even a real game it is more like a training manual for the Wii-mote.
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Member since 2005 • 18418 Posts

So when games like Wiiplay completely outsells your games, that doesn't match "your" game library?


Do you mean Wii sports? What is the retail price of Wii Sports again? It's free and included in the box. You might as well include tetris and minesweeper it comes with every PC.

No, he means Wii Play. Wii Play has been in the top ten list of the NPD software sales chart since it's release in I think January or February.
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#98 rexoverbey
Member since 2002 • 7622 Posts

So when games like Wiiplay completely outsells your games, that doesn't match "your" game library?


Do you mean Wii sports? What is the retail price of Wii Sports again? It's free and included in the box. You might as well include tetris and minesweeper it comes with every PC.

No, he means Wii Play. Wii Play has been in the top ten list of the NPD software sales chart since it's release in I think January or February.

Ya I had Wii play and I wouldn't even consider that a game. You have duck hunt, match a guy (is that really a game), pool, and some stupid cow race. It is more like an introdcution to the Wii mote on DVD included with the controller for $10 more. Plus if I was that guy I wouldn't brag about a game sellng well when it only scored a 5.4 at Gamespot.
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#99 kman3002
Member since 2006 • 1440 Posts

Sales>Games amirite:lol:

Seriously sheep The Wii has outsold the 360 but what games have announced for the Wii since?No matter how much the Wii sells you sheep are still playing a gamecube with motion controls and most developers who care about their gameswould rather make a true next gen title then some **** shovelware for the Wii.

It's time to get a real next-gen system.I don't want to sound harsh but I honestly don't see the Wii getting any games that equal anything the 360/PS3/PC can accomplish.Nintendo screwed it's fans with the Wii and it's going end up like last-gen for you sheep,playing Ninty's 1st party titles and having nothing else to play except the DS.

Please sheep if you only own a Wii get a real next gen system,you can play Ninty's first party all you want(the reason I own a Wii)but you guys really deserve a real next-gen system,unless the Wii is really all you need.:?

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#100 REVOLUTIONfreak
Member since 2005 • 18418 Posts

So when games like Wiiplay completely outsells your games, that doesn't match "your" game library?


Do you mean Wii sports? What is the retail price of Wii Sports again? It's free and included in the box. You might as well include tetris and minesweeper it comes with every PC.

No, he means Wii Play. Wii Play has been in the top ten list of the NPD software sales chart since it's release in I think January or February.

Ya I had Wii play and I wouldn't even consider that a game. You have duck hunt, match a guy (is that really a game), pool, and some stupid cow race. It is more like an introdcution to the Wii mote on DVD included with the controller for $10 more. Plus if I was that guy I wouldn't brag about a game sellng well when it only scored a 5.4 at Gamespot.

The score or how good it is is irrelevant, considering we're discussing sales. Mario Party 8 has also been in the top ten the past few months, that isn't necessarily good, but it's selling well.