[QUOTE="neogeo419"][QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"][QUOTE="shadystxxx"][QUOTE="thedarkomen"] Wow this is sad for lemmings. While they grasp for straws to bash a $600 system they can't afford that's selling at about the same rate, the Wii is clobbering the lemon's precious system.
You have to admit how wonderful the system has to be to have completely clobbered 360 sales in only 10 months.
Casuals? You can't really be that subjective when they're buying up the system regardless. 10+ people don't seem to lie.
And it doesn't break down either, so no excuse for that. The wii is always getting a plethora of games, even minigames are selling out your precious 3 year in the making fps'. lol
First off im not a lemming, at one point i owned all 3 next-gen consoles.
But what is your point,I'm assuming you only own one next gen console and thats a wii, or your a ps3 fangirl that is basking in the success of wii because ps3 has not out-done 360 yet(sales wise).
I agree that 360 fangirls are a bit foolish IMO, but so are ps3 fangirls and so are wii fangirls.
First off 360 sold more than twice the amount of ps3's last month, and ps3 has never outsold 360 in a mont, and the only time it came close was the month after the $100 price drop.
And it's great the wii has had so much success, its great for the industry, but i would not call the console wonderfull, it was just a great marketing plan.
I bought a wii at launch, i got zelda,red steel and of course wii sports, i really enjoyed zelda but realistcly it was a gamecube game with waggle, im not a fan of the motion control, i found it boring to shake my hand back and forward or up and down to fight, theres no skill in that.
Red steel was terrible, i enjoyed wii sports for around a month, my family who have never played games also enjoyed it, but soon the novelty wore off and nobody wanted to play the wii.
So after not turning it on for 2-3 months i decided i needed some new games, i bought mario strikers,mortal kombat,raym-man and rented several games like super monkey ball,wario,cod 3 and a few others, i didnt enjoy any of them, cod3 felt bad compared to the sub-standard 360 version, monkey ball and wario were good for a week or two while it kept people interested in playing the wii, mortal combat was boring.
I spent more time playing vc games than actual wii games.
And finally i sold the wii on ebay because i felt like i had been ripped-off, to me i bought an expensive gamecube with waggle, i had not played anything in another 3 months and while searching for new games i realised theres only one single game announced i want to play and thats mario galaxy, and my sister has a wii so i can borrow hers, but other than that there was not another wii game that interrested me.
Mini-games-ps2,psp ports and a few decent first party games.
I am pleased nintendo brought casuals into gaming, but overall i doubt wii will win the console war, wii has already dropped dramitcly in sales over the last two months in japan, and i think the same will happen in the other continents some time next year.
And mini-games, infact no wii game will outsell halo 3, your sayingmini-game games areoutselling halo 3, one halo is not even released yet and two halo 3 has had over 2 million pre-orders.
Wii owners keep saying since the wii doesnt have super hd graphics dev's will concentrate on amazing game-play, where is the next-gen amazing gameplay, i have failed to find it, all i see is ps2 ports and mini games, last gen games with waggle.
This is just my opinion like that seemed to be yours(it seemed more like an un-informedfangirl rant to me).
PS3/Xbox 360 and a high end pc will do for my next gen gaming needs, oh and also to borrow my sister's wii for the only wii game worth noting, "a plethora of games" more like a ton of crap games and 3 good ones.
I will take quality over quantity anyday of the week, i will take beautiful next-gen graphics and gameplay over sub-standard ps2 graphics, i will take brilliant online features over friend codes that barley get used anyday of the week.
if you're really into games why did you sell a system with it only being out for 6 months?
it has a great life ahead of it.
you will regret that soon.
In your opinion. Man I have owned the last 4 generations of nintendo consoles. But unless my wife really wants one, which I doubt(she is addicted to her DS), I will have no use for the Pii Wii. It offers nothing that appeals to me. Wife? Lol.
What is so funny about him having a wife?
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