Why do 360/PS3 suck:
Because it only plays First/Third Person Shooters,
The 360 likes killing itself,
Their libraries arent as diverse, innovative, varied, and unique as the Wii,
Wii have a better online store (Do you have SNES and NES games, I dont think so),
Only appeals to graphic whores who dont care about gameplay,
80 percent of the games here are better on the PC,
They are not as amazing as their predecessors,
Only little kids play on XBL and PSN,
PS3 only good function is the Blu-Ray player and as a doorstop,
Too overpriced, less bang for your buck (they are worth at least 80 bucks each),
Filled with overrated, mainstream crap games nobody will remember 20 years from now,
MH3, Muramasa, Boom Blox, TvC, Trackmania, Madworld and No More Heroes are more hardcore than any game on your systems
You dont have true gamers games like Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Metroid, Zelda, Rondo of Blood, Cave Story......
If you ask me, you are ruining the gaming industry with redundant, uninspired, mediocre, irrelevant, status quo games while Wii continue to make innovative, progressive, unique games that move this industry forward. Wii the best, man. Listen.
Where is DJ Khali when I need him.....
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