I was at a local Target tonight and got to spend some time with the Wii U mainly watching videos of some games and getting background info on the system itself and the tablet controller. I must say that all of my fears about the tablet being uncomfortable and unwieldy were put to rest. It is actually very light and in all honesty quite comfortable to hold. I think the possibilities are endless for the uses the tablet will have. Think back to the VMU on the Dreamcast. Play calling for Madden will be awesome with it being on a separate screen. Inventory in games like ZombiU or Zelda. Split screen multiplayer for FPS's will be quite nice as well. I honestly think this system will be quite amazing now that I have had some hands on time with it.ShoTTyMcNaDeS
I do think the touch screen it going to add a lot to certain games, ZombiU being a great example, but the fact you can really only practically have one in use with the system means it's not going to be quite as great as it could have been otherwise. An example would be the play calling you mentioned. If there's two or more people playing Madden on the Wii U then only one of them is actually going to have a controller with a separate touch screen for that secret play calling. I don't think that's going to feel quite right. What would have been perfect, in an ideal world, is if each person had access to a Wii U GamePad and then everyone could be calling plays secretly. Now that's the ideal realization of this idea but unfortunately for whatever reasons we're not going to quite get that this time around. This limitation will probably also affect the full potential of quite a few other games too. So, the Wii U GamePad is a first step and a very decent start but it's not quite as fully realized a concept as I personally would have actually hoped it would be. Maybe next again gen...
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