very funny lol , this thread is nothing but a fan site trying to argue , ,
pass on ,,
nothing to see here,
madworld sold very well , wheres that article lol
there for this thread is epic fail ,
and you cows think sonys doing the industry any better their the one who started the casuals ,
(looks at over half the ps1 .2 library for evidence, eye toy? lol eye of judgment guitar hero and rockband ddr etc ,
you call these hardcore games these are a piece of cake to play , even my 13 year old cousin can strum the tunes, lol makes me sick , by the way what company has nintendo put out of business? none
sony---- 2
microsoft none lol ,
sony is the one putting studios out of business ,left and right the good ones to
free radical-responsible for -timesplitters 1 2 3 second sight haze-its last game which is to no suprise an exclusive ps3 game
factor 5 another one who was hard at work on a ps3 game that emptied its pockets,
and a wii game that looked promising lol ,
and midway , no more midway and the only promising title they released this gen was on the wii , crusin
so get lost, wheres driver 5 by any means, i hope that developer isnt next
if so ill blame sony yet again , because driver 5 is an exclusive ps3 project
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