- Online lobby with real-time leaderboards
- EA Locker features
- EA "My Profile" when online, which includes country of origin, win/loss record, defensive percentage, overall ranking, and 5-star
reputation score
- ESPN ticker updates
- Promised downloadable content such as roster updates planned for late 2008, early 2009
- Friend Code Implementation: Unknown as of right now, interface will be similar from other versions. Wii players will be able to
randomly play against an opponent.
- No voice chat, but will offer EA's instant-messaging system
Offline: 22-mini-game party mode, which allow players to play new drills such as the 40-yard dash. Also includes a football-trivia
mini-game. Your performance in party mode will also affect your party mode rating, which can go as high as 99. This rating is recorded via your system's own Mii roster.
- Instant head-to-head action with worldwide gamers
- Up-to-the-moment roster updates
- Virtual League which will allow players to join online tournaments
- Offline: Full Mii roster functionality with mini-games and more.
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