[QUOTE="Nuck81"] Esplain to me how a game like Tetris, or even some of the games in Wii Play are Casual, When they take years to master, can be played at an elite level, and are all about mastering your skill and attaining a higher score. And a game Like Halo and GTA IV are hardcore, when you complete a story mode that you can't ever fail at and once that's over, move on t an online mulstiplayer mode, where you will eventually attain a high level of experience and rank no matter your skill level.Nuck81
I never claimed that tetris was casual, the topic says Wii, not all of Nintendo, and Wii play is most definetly catered towards casual audiences, it is five min games that with the possible exception of the tank game are all able to be beaten in under 5 minutes. YOu are just rambling on, you can lose at Halo and GTA, while yeah there are no game overs that force you to restartor anything, there is none of that in the wiis larger titles either, they all have save systems, so by saying that games like Halo and GTA are mainly catered towards the casual you are also claiming that games on Wii like Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Twilight PRincess etc. all are as well.
Pretty much yeah they are. Zelda is probably Wii's most casual franchise, since it takes no skill or ability to compete, just progress. The original Donkey Kong is probably the most hardcore game I've ever seen. Watch the Documentary "King of Kong" will change the way perceive the concept of hardcore and casual. Those guys are real gamersI will agree with you that older games are a lot more hardcore then the games now, but I dont really associate hardcore with difficulty, I more associate it with depth and amount of time required playing, and how long you play it. (like it isnt just a pick up and play, you devote several hours to it.)
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