Wow, that was a pretty cool post. I agree that you pretty much nailed the Wii experience thus far. Although for me there was no anger in the droughts because I had a 360 to fall back on or lead the way. I love my 360 and am looking forward to a number of games this fall.
But I noticed that a lot of the games I'm anticipating are very similar on the 360, Kane and Lynch, Army of Two, Call of Duty 4, The Orange Box, Brothers in Arms, Blacksite: Area 51, Jericho, etc, they are all shooter oriented and violent. Games like Mass Effect and Portal in the Orange Box, plus Rock Band definitely bring something unique to the table though.
But funny enough I noticed that there are a lot of Wii games I'm looking forwrd to this fall as well, and I didn't even realize it until I put a list together. The great thing is that there is a lot of variety between the titles, from point and click puzzle games, to operation games, to rail gun games, platformers, brawlers, 3rd person/rts hybrids, turn based, mini-games done well, the spiritual successor to Wii sports, and even for once Guitar Hero with all the features of the other consoles. Even what is arguably one of the most violent games ever in Manhunt 2 on a Nintendo console of all things.
For me, BWii, Mario Galaxy, Brawl, and Zack and Wiki are just as exciting as Mass Effect, Army of Two, Assasins Creed, and The Orange Box. Obviously a lot of gamers here don't feel the same way, but I know there are some here who do.
To me the games pictured here are the heart of Nintendo's holiday line-up. The top 2-3 rows here are some games I am really anticipating givng a try or just outright purchasing.

Other somewhat notables are Ghost Squad, Nitrobike, and Donkey Kong Barell Blast. Some new takes on old games include Tomb Raider Annivesary, Rockstar Table Tennis, and Bully. Plus there is the Zapper and the Zelda Crossbow game.
There's definitely more than I expected coming from the Wii between now and December, either rental or purchase status worthy. This of course leaves me clueless as to what we can expect next year beyond a new Fatal Frame, Mario Kart, and the questionable Wii Fit project. But hopefully the crappy third party support and drought of this past spring and summer are not going to be repeated next year.
Getting back on topic, of the 16 games I pictured, 12 are third party. I think that is a pretty healthy number for Nintendo when it comes to the more notable Fall titles. Things can certainly and seem to really be improving for the Wii regarding third party support. On the flip side, Nintendo's strength has always been first party, and to have Galaxy, Brawl, Fire Emblem, and BWii coming from Nintendo in a three month span is great and shouldn't detract from the Wii's image.
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