@lundy86_4 said:
You may be up there with @TigerSuperman in terms of your predictions.
Yeah..... I don't think so...
@bobrossperm said:
You're talking like the game is some sort of disaster and no one knew it. The games fantastic.
No, what I'm saying is that the game was misrepresented in a way, not intentionally or anything, just taken the wrong way by 'non-Souls gamers' as if it would be appealing to them when it's not. Like I've said before the resale market for this game is abnormally large just because of that, people bought it due to it being a new exclusive, the hype and the fact that the current lineup of exclusives are for the most part meh and games on the imminent horizon are non-existent. After actually playing the game and understanding what people have been saying about Souls games since they have existed, they do not like it and are abandoning it.
Don't misconstrue what I'm getting at here.
@Krelian-co said:
both being lems, with their low iq, and the way the spew moronic posts i wouldn't be surprised if they were in fact the same person.
Clearly you don't know what a lemming is as I am most certainly not one, it's also ironic you speaking of low IQ's in relation to me yet you can't understand that me coming after a specific game doesn't have anything to do with its platform of origin. You're tying things together that have nothing to do with each other, this game being on the PlayStation 4 has nothing to do with the way I am responding to the game. I like Driveclub, it's not a great game but it's also not as terrible as people make it out to be, it's generic but I still find enjoyment in it. Infamous Second Son was great, I still think it's a really good game and the best available on the PS4.
Don't try to intertwine things which should not be.
@princeofshapeir said:
Give him a break, he said he played it for an hour and got frustrated and quit. He can't see the appeal of a game unless it's on Xbox One and/or has the word "Halo" on the cover, since he's a delusional Microsoft shill.
Completely false, I played it for about three hours and me quitting had nothing to do with getting frustrated, I just don't find it appealing and the load times by themselves are almost enough to make someone quit, they're ridiculous. It's just a very one dimensional hack and slash, that's really all there is to it, if you like that then more power to you, but most people don't. In terms of the rest of what you're saying please try harder, just because some of us aren't digging your precious game and we're making it known doesn't correlate to the nonsense you're trying to peddle about me and Microsoft...
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