@mr-powers said:
Most games don't have unlimited funds and time, something's got to give and priorities are made. Different titles also have different goals. COD is a MP oriented FPS, Half Life 2 is not and it shows. I listed just a few of the many reasons Bloodborne is superior. I'll take insight over Soul Memory or Humanity any day. I'll take the moon cycle over whatever that was in DS2.
You're right, our definitions are different. I place a higher priority on substance like good design and game mechanics than on "fashion souls" and useless stats. I'll take substance over useless novelty weapons and pretty clothing. Again, just goes to show DS2 priorities compared to Bloodborne. You can ignore Chalice Dungeons, doesn't mean they don't exist and don't add long lasting appeal.
You are entitled to your opinion, even if is a bad one. The PVE is so much better, it's hard to even go back to DS2. Feels like you have to remove part of your brain just to go back and deal with those garbage hitboxes. The only reason I've seen some people talk about going back was for the arena souls experience, not because the actual game as a whole was so amazing. The AI and combat is much better than any Souls game, gone are the days of poke, turtle, poke, turtle in the same patterns over and over. Enemies have more attack variety and even hidden attacks that are revealed later.
Sounds like you played the easy mode without knowing it, a lot of people who claimed to be godlike in this game did this. I think they patched that mode out. Dumbed down, marketed towards casuals... funny, that's exactly what the consensus about DS2 is, not Bloodborne.
Now, looking at the join date, I think I realize what's going on. Sorry I entertained the troll.
If a game sacrifices certain features to prioritize another, then that feature must be exceptional in order to compensate. Bloodborne does not have better PvE and you're either that loyal to Sony or new to the series to fool yourself into believing it does. You can talk all you want about level design and atmosphere, those were great in this game. There is nothing else otherwise.
Dear god, you completely misunderstood what I was saying didn't you? Where did I say anything fashion souls? You think stats that alter your playstyle entirely are useless? Oh poor you, you don't even know meta is...? Oh boy, I have a lot to explain to you.
Allow me to elaborate:
-It lacks variety because there is essentially only one build(dex), and just because other builds from past games that used magic and miracles were super easy to use doesn't mean that removing them improves the game. It just lessens it. If they really wanted to appeal to souls vets like me they would have kept the easy mode ways and simply made the game harder. Not remove easy modes and make the game easier for dex.
-It lacks items because there are less weapons, yet it still shares imbalance that DKS had. So instead of having something like 40/300 viable weapons, Bloodborne has more like 4/17 viable weapons. You made a crack at fashion souls, but in BB you might as well just pick prettiest looking armor because armor has absolutely no impact on anything.
-It lacks meta because everyone is making the same build(dex), using it the same way (fastattack/bloodvialspam), in a whopping total two pvp areas. Players don't try new things because there is nothing else to try. Every pvp match, for the rest of BB's duration, will be exactly the same, done over and over again.
Do you really consider level design/dungeons to be "variety and depth?" I am not pretending they don't exist, but randomly generated dungeons have nothing to do with what I was referring to.
gone are the days of poke, turtle, poke, turtle in the same patterns over and over.
It was better than the fucking spamspamspam system that BB has. If I wanted BB's shitty combat I would play DMC, I expect something more technical from From Software.
Dumbed down, marketed towards casuals... funny, that's exactly what the consensus about DS2, not bloodborne.
Partially right, DKSII was marketed towards casuals, it was the CoD 4 of it's series. Bloodborne is marketed more towards casuls(super casuals) and the consensus is quickly turning to BB being the MW2 of it's series. The easiest, most dumbed down, fanbase-betraying CoD of them all. Not like you really care, you're probably one of those casuls they recently reeled in.
Feels like you have to remove part of your brain just to go back and deal with those garbage hitboxes.
That's funny. Inversely, I quickly learned that I have to turn off my brain entirely when I'm playing Bloodborne so rational thought doesn't hold back my hand-twitch and mindless spam stunlocking.
Sounds like you played the easy mode without knowing it.
Don't make bad jokes with me, casul. I don't claim to be godlike, only that this game is stupid easy. I struggled on Gascoigne and Blood Starved beast because I didn't know how to use riposte. And from there the rest of the game was just a big fat joke of easiness. Actually, playing a Dex build in Dark Souls 1 and 2 is 10x harder than anything in this game. You actually have to manage your stamina instead of just spamspamspamspamdodgebloodvialbloodvialdodgesspamspamspam. At least half the time I went to chug estus the boss punished me for it, now I can just heal for half my health every .5 seconds with bloodvials. Oh Bloodborne is so very hard!
I think you like easier games because you're a console only gamer. Oh well, maybe you'll open your mind sooner or later.
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