[QUOTE="Malta_1980"]Listen, I played the beta for a good three hours. Gameplay is a standard FPS but it lacks any unique factor. Previews are generally almost always positive as well as people have no chance to delve into the campaign or anything with any deep evaluation. First person cover system? That's old. I used that in Riddick last generation or Perfect Dark Zero this generation. Rainbow Six Vegas has one too. It adds nothing to the fun and does not make a game better.why people state its gameplay is average or that devs are not giving it the proper attention... guess you didnt have the chance to try the beta... Gameplay is fine and considering the positive feedback from the media the sp campaign will be even better since the 1st person cover systems works really well...
just stop criticising KZ2's gameplay specially if you havent even had the chance to try the beta.... like all other games KZ2 won't be perfect but looks like GG managed to combine solid gameplay with amazing visuals this time which can only be good news to PS3 owners who like shooters..
well cover systems you mentioned are different from the one in KZ2 specially the RSV games... why people expect that KZ2 revolutionise the fps genre?? is it because its a hyped game and exclusive to PS3 so therefore it has to completely re-invent the fps genre??
If you tried the beta and like shooters then you should know as much as i do that it was slow paced but shooting was sharp, and there was a good feeling for weight for both character & weapons... also maps available were well designed for online play with open areas and corridors which create different situations & tacticts to adopt..
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