You asked this question instead of doing what, exactly?
I dont think so. Nutella said the xbox brand is important but no word on the hardware side. They will just use the xbox brand but pull out of the console business. Maybe sell preconfigured PCs as xbox or call a service xbox.
Of course you say the Wii U is doing great but apparently the shot callers in Kyoto think different.
Not one person disputes Nintendo's ability to make money.
In '17 the ps4/x1 will still be doing quite well. Will the same be said for the Wii U in '16?
Yes, Wii U has Xenoblade Chronicles X, Star Fox Zero, Pokken, Zelda, Mystery JRPG, Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei, and others coming 2016. Plus they will still be playing all the other awesome Wii U game still.
Add other games to your list as well such as Mario Kart, Smash, Pikmin, Donkey Kong, etc.., and it makes the picture look even worse. The supposed big hitters have been released and the console is still failing. The console will not rise out of the fires like a Phoenix in '16. Next year a new console will be released and Nintendo is banking on people getting on board with the new system rather than old.
Of course you say the Wii U is doing great but apparently the shot callers in Kyoto think different.
Not one person disputes Nintendo's ability to make money.
In '17 the ps4/x1 will still be doing quite well. Will the same be said for the Wii U in '16?
Yes, Wii U has Xenoblade Chronicles X, Star Fox Zero, Pokken, Zelda, Mystery JRPG, Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei, and others coming 2016. Plus they will still be playing all the other awesome Wii U game still.
Add other games to your list as well such as Mario Kart, Smash, Pikmin, Donkey Kong, etc.., and it makes the picture look even worse. The supposed big hitters have been released and the console is still failing. The console will not rise out of the fires like a Phoenix in '16. Next year a new console will be released and Nintendo is banking on people getting on board with the new system rather than old.
What? You is cray cray. How can a console that has sold 10 million copies in 3 years a failure??? How is a console that sold 2.42 million copies of Splatoon a failure??? How is a console that just sold almost 2 million copies of Super Mario Maker a failure??? How is a console that sold 10+ million Amiibos a failure?
Everyone says Xbox One is breaking previous 360 records with its sales and it hasnt even reached 15 million yet, yet Wii U is a failure cause its selling a slower then the console that are breaking the record of previous consoles? I swear people just want things to fail.
Wii U prints money, that is fact.
Ten million in three years is pathetic and even more so when looking at the initial few years of its predecessor. With the exception of the Virtual Boy, this will be Nintendo's biggest flop in the video game market. The shot callers know it is a failure and have said as much. If you won't believe them, then who will you believe? The competition is doing well. Very well to be honest. I very much doubt Sony or MS is writing off their console like Nintendo has done.
Yes, Phil Spencer confirmed it.
Phil Spencer ultimately doesn't make that decision. If the CEO/Board of Directors want the Xbox brand dead, the Xbox brand will be dead.
It could either go one of two ways...
Microsoft will try again to push their own store on PC to rival steam, perhaps put some Microsoft exclusives on it in the next few years, if that succeeds then they will double down on PC and maybe attempt to partner with companies to produce and generic PC box that have some kind of agreed upon specs and make it online only for DRM purposes, seems unlikely though.
They will probably try to push another Xbox, there is still money to be made out of it even if they only have first party support like Nintendo. I think the next console they will have to reduce their expectations on sales and focus on their core markets, what I mean by that is dump the casual gamers like Sony has but try to add something that is different but not shit. If they try to push their online only bullshit again they will kill it for good.
Yes, Phil Spencer confirmed it.
Phil Spencer ultimately doesn't make that decision. If the CEO/Board of Directors want the Xbox brand dead, the Xbox brand will be dead.
Luckily the CEO doesn't want it dead. So it's not going anywhere. There will be another XBox, no doubt. Hopefully Microsoft speaks to developers and gamers this time around to find out what they want the system to be like.
I dont think so. Nutella said the xbox brand is important but no word on the hardware side. They will just use the xbox brand but pull out of the console business. Maybe sell preconfigured PCs as xbox or call a service xbox.
That's what i'm thinking. The Xbox brand, and Live is pretty important to them.
Now I have to go buy some Nutella.
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