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Probably not, and I wouldnt worry about it if I were you.
One of the my biggest disapointments this gen behind MGS4 and FFXIII.
Deniable Ops was fun, but the campaign was horrid. Ubisoft needs to take a good look at what made Chaos Theory so great and go from there.
better not... all splinter cell games are not my cup off tea... and it's a copycat of MGS but in a way of failurehippiesanta
MGS2 and MGS3 are two of my all time favorite games. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is also and outstanding stealth game. SC is far from being an MGS copy cat and if anything MGS4 borrowed heavily from Splinter Cell with its control scheme and mechanics.
better not... all splinter cell games are not my cup off tea... and it's a copycat of MGS but in a way of failurehippiesantasplinter cell does stealth gameplay far better than MGS could hope to accomplish. both are still pretty crappy in that aspect however.
[QUOTE="hippiesanta"]better not... all splinter cell games are not my cup off tea... and it's a copycat of MGS but in a way of failureDead-Memoriessplinter cell does stealth gameplay far better than MGS could hope to accomplish. both are still pretty crappy in that aspect however. What exactly do you mean by this? SC is characterized by a single possible solution to each situation while MGS has a lot more choice in gameplay.
splinter cell does stealth gameplay far better than MGS could hope to accomplish. both are still pretty crappy in that aspect however. What exactly do you mean by this? SC is characterized by a single possible solution to each situation while MGS has a lot more choice in gameplay. these are stealthbased games at their core, before conviction at least. and splinter cell does that aspect better[QUOTE="Dead-Memories"][QUOTE="hippiesanta"]better not... all splinter cell games are not my cup off tea... and it's a copycat of MGS but in a way of failureemorainbo
better not... all splinter cell games are not my cup off tea... and it's a copycat of MGS but in a way of failurehippiesanta
you mean like how SC games actually uses stealth? :P
but no i don't see it coming out for ps3. which is a shame because it actually is a really fun game.
i think it will.. rumors (if not confirmed already) splinter cell collection is coming to ps3... so i think that they will release conviction around the time that this collection gets released... im probably wrong but thats what i think.....maybecampzor
I doubt that. Slinter Cell was originally an xbox game before it went to ps2. That was one of the reasons they said that it wasn't going to be on ps3.
[QUOTE="hippiesanta"]better not... all splinter cell games are not my cup off tea... and it's a copycat of MGS but in a way of failureSNIPER4321
you mean like how SC games actually uses stealth? :P
but no i don't see it coming out for ps3. which is a shame because it actually is a really fun game.
its a fun game if you didnot played Chaos Theory which was Masterpeice.oh yeah, of course SC:CT was the best SC game. But after hearing reviews I went into the game not expecting a chaos theory like game, and more of an action game. I wasn't dissapointed, it was fun just messing around with everything
In conclusion and IMO, SC as always been a frustrating series, very little room to maneuver and basically trial and error to the end, the bad out weights the good IMO, as for MGS yes, it may not do the stealth with so much "realism" i mean only on MGS4 you were able to crouch-walking but overall its a more fun game, more to do and find and if you find yourself in a tight spot you not gonna be overpowered by low rank scout boys. Kane04
Yeah, you know, stealth. That's what stealth is all about.
they are both different games IMO. Splinter cell is a more realistic spec ops game with an average story you find in a TV show. MGS is a more Sci-fy lonewolf EPIC movie.
I enjoy both, but if your looking for a movie type story.. MGS. If your looking for fun gameplay.. SC
[QUOTE="Kane04"]In conclusion and IMO, SC as always been a frustrating series, very little room to maneuver and basically trial and error to the end, the bad out weights the good IMO, as for MGS yes, it may not do the stealth with so much "realism" i mean only on MGS4 you were able to crouch-walking but overall its a more fun game, more to do and find and if you find yourself in a tight spot you not gonna be overpowered by low rank scout boys. waltefmoney
Yeah, you know, stealth. That's what stealth is all about.
So stealth is about trying 2 or 3 times till you get it right? And nvm Sam was in the Navy Seals and what not, he can't win a one to one gunfight, as of hand to hand combat early games in the series didn't even gave you that option and the later ones have a shallow system, that's what stealth is about? People talking about how SC3 is a master piece, you guys even remember how Sam holds his enemies with a knife on their neck? You think thats how its done? Holding them with his thumb on the palm of their hands, its not spouse to be a dance last time I check. But hey, i'm not saying Sam is a weakling just because he can't win a fight against crappy mercs or have a decent hand to hand fight or because each group of enemies probably equals a continue till you figure out the "right" way do deal with the situation, no i'm not saying that, in fact i remember on SC2 i think one time i left Sam hanging on a pipe just with his hands while i went away for a few minutes and he was still there, he got some power on those arms i tell you that.[QUOTE="waltefmoney"][QUOTE="Kane04"]In conclusion and IMO, SC as always been a frustrating series, very little room to maneuver and basically trial and error to the end, the bad out weights the good IMO, as for MGS yes, it may not do the stealth with so much "realism" i mean only on MGS4 you were able to crouch-walking but overall its a more fun game, more to do and find and if you find yourself in a tight spot you not gonna be overpowered by low rank scout boys. Kane04
Yeah, you know, stealth. That's what stealth is all about.
So stealth is about trying 2 or 3 times till you get it right? And nvm Sam was in the Navy Seals and what not, he can't win a one to one gunfight, as of hand to hand combat early games in the series didn't even gave you that option and the later ones have a shallow system, that's what stealth is about? People talking about how SC3 is a master piece, you guys even remember how Sam holds his enemies with a knife on their neck? You think thats how its done? Holding them with his thumb on the palm of their hands, its not spouse to be a dance last time I check. But hey, i'm not saying Sam is a weakling just because he can't win a fight against crappy mercs or have a decent hand to hand fight or because each group of enemies probably equals a continue till you figure out the "right" way do deal with the situation, no i'm not saying that, in fact i remember on SC2 i think one time i left Sam hanging on a pipe just with his hands while i went away for a few minutes and he was still there, he got some power on those arms i tell you that.Then I guess you'll adore Splinter Cell Conviction because in that game Fisher is pretty much a machine that can take out an entire squad of commandos with ease.
The first 3 Splinter Cells are being rejiggerfied in HD collection form for PS3 which is even better news tbh. Conviction will surely follow but it's no masterpiece.
I would adore if it ran properly on my rig, its good enough to almost max out Mass Effect 2, but conviction crawls in it. And if your point was to disprove me or anything like that, you just gave me more credit, SC has always been an unbalanced series, frustrating and way off reality. At least MGS never tried to be a "realistic". Its and action movie and it did what it set out to do brilliantly.Then I guess you'll adore Splinter Cell Conviction because in that game Fisher is pretty much a machine that can take out an entire squad of commandos with ease.
[QUOTE="waltefmoney"]I would adore if it ran properly on my rig, its good enough to almost max out Mass Effect 2, but conviction crawls in it. And if your point was to disprove me or anything like that, you just gave me more credit, SC has always been an unbalanced series, frustrating and way off reality. At least MGS never tried to be a "realistic". Its and action movie and it did what it set out to do brilliantly.Then I guess you'll adore Splinter Cell Conviction because in that game Fisher is pretty much a machine that can take out an entire squad of commandos with ease.
But it's still more about actual stealth than MGS. Even Conviction. I didn't even know you were trying to argue anything, you've just been complaining about how difficult it is. Guess what, sneaking behind soldiers ain't easy and they'll most likely notice you if you hide in a cardboard box.
I love the Splinter Cell Series and I was pretty upset to know that it was not being released on the PS3 at launch. I would not go and buy a new console just for one game but I read in a few places that it was getting ready to come to the PS3 but I heard in some other places that it was only sticking to the 360 and PC. Which of these are true???chrisp47Don't even bother, I was a huge SC fan back in the day but after trying it out at a friend's house, I found SC:C to be a huge disappointment and a disgrace to the series.
You're point? Again, MGS never tried to be the ultra realistic stealth game. Its an action movie with a good dose of humor tossed at it. As far as game series goes MGS as always been a superior series (scores?). You didn't have to have been on the Navy Seals (the ultimate special forces) to take out with ease an inferior enemy. Pretty much the entire series (and i cant really talk about Conviction because i never finish it) SC is always been about finding the path devs thought about, there's not going off the line its like a rope between two buildings you have to cross. Not to mention you have to cope with the pretty-terrible-at-times shadow/light system, Sam shaky hands that can't hold a rifle steady to shoot someone 15 meters away and talking about a master piece, SC3, a diesel generator is noisier than a suppressed handgun? You never got a proper hand to hand combat on SC, and like i just said, shaky-hands-Sam is not so good with rifles you have to be 2 meters away to have a sure shot. Sneaking ain't easy, but these are video games, there's a line when the "realism" must stop so the fun can begin, SC never did realism nor fun much good. Its always been trial and error, spanning 2 or 3 times till you get it right? Where's the realism in that?But it's still more about actual stealth than MGS. Even Conviction. I didn't even know you were trying to argue anything, you've just been complaining about how difficult it is. Guess what, sneaking behind soldiers ain't easy and they'll most likely notice you if you hide in a cardboard box.
[QUOTE="waltefmoney"]You're point? Again, MGS never tried to be the ultra realistic stealth game. Its an action movie with a good dose of humor tossed at it. As far as game series goes MGS as always been a superior series (scores?). You didn't have to have been on the Navy Seals (the ultimate special forces) to take out with ease an inferior enemy. Pretty much the entire series (and i cant really talk about Conviction because i never finish it) SC is always been about finding the path devs thought about, there's not going off the line its like a rope between two buildings you have to cross. Not to mention you have to cope with the pretty-terrible-at-times shadow/light system, Sam shaky hands that can't hold a rifle steady to shoot someone 15 meters away and talking about a master piece, SC3, a diesel generator is noisier than a suppressed handgun? You never got a proper hand to hand combat on SC, and like i just said, shaky-hands-Sam is not so good with rifles you have to be 2 meters away to have a sure shot. Sneaking ain't easy, but these are video games, there's a line when the "realism" must stop so the fun can begin, SC never did realism nor fun much good. Its always been trial and error, spanning 2 or 3 times till you get it right? Where's the realism in that?But it's still more about actual stealth than MGS. Even Conviction. I didn't even know you were trying to argue anything, you've just been complaining about how difficult it is. Guess what, sneaking behind soldiers ain't easy and they'll most likely notice you if you hide in a cardboard box.
Okay, what are we arguing about again? Which game does stealth better(because AFAIK that's how this argument started and hasn't changed), or which is the superior series? For me, Splinter Cell is both, but in general, SC just does stealth better.
AFAIK Facts > Opinions Splinter Cell (Xbox) - 9.1 Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (Xbox) - 9,1 Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (Xbox) - 8,6 Splinter Cell Double Agent (Xbox) - 8,5 Splinter Cell: Conviction (X360) - 8,0 Metal Gear Solid (PS) - 8,5 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2) - 9,6 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2) - 8,7 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3) - 10 So as far as better series you got and average 8,6(SC) vs 9,2(MGS). SC may look more realistic at first look (that's because it is... or tries to be anyway...) but when you get the controller on your hand its a lesser game, it fails on what it was set out to be, looks great on paper and trailers (if you can cope with the bad CGI) but when people start playing it, its just not that great of a gaming experience, there's no room for anything besides the only way thats not gonna get you killed and thats it. On every MGS i look at an enemy and i can think of several ways to deal with it, and the cardboard box its a humor icon and as far as "realism" goes it beats walking on the shadows. Seriously you ever tried? The moon alone would get you spot, not to mention there's always lights close annnnnnnnnd the fireflies on Sam forehead goes without saying............ IDK if you watch much news, but a few years ago there a prisoner that pulled something like that to escape, was on the news with the game reference.Okay, what are we arguing about again? Which game does stealth better(because AFAIK that's how this argument started and hasn't changed), or which is the superior series? For me, Splinter Cell is both, but in general, SC just does stealth better.
[QUOTE="waltefmoney"]AFAIK Facts > Opinions Splinter Cell (Xbox) - 9.1 Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (Xbox) - 9,1 Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (Xbox) - 8,6 Splinter Cell Double Agent (Xbox) - 8,5 Splinter Cell: Conviction (X360) - 8,0 Metal Gear Solid (PS) - 8,5 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2) - 9,6 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2) - 8,7 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3) - 10 So as far as better series you got and average 8,6(SC) vs 9,2(MGS). SC may look more realistic at first look (that's because it is... or tries to be anyway...) but when you get the controller on your hand its a lesser game, it fails on what it was set out to be, looks great on paper and trailers (if you can cope with the bad CGI) but when people start playing it, its just not that great of a gaming experience, there's no room for anything besides the only way thats not gonna get you killed and thats it. On every MGS i look at an enemy and i can think of several ways to deal with it, and the cardboard box its a humor icon and as far as "realism" goes it beats walking on the shadows. Seriously you ever tried? The moon alone would get you spot, not to mention there's always lights close annnnnnnnnd the fireflies on Sam forehead goes without saying............ IDK if you watch much news, but a few years ago there a prisoner that pulled something like that to escape, was on the news with the game reference.Okay, what are we arguing about again? Which game does stealth better(because AFAIK that's how this argument started and hasn't changed), or which is the superior series? For me, Splinter Cell is both, but in general, SC just does stealth better.
But we're arguing about which game does stealth better, not which game series is better as a whole. I said that already.
better not... all splinter cell games are not my cup off tea... and it's a copycat of MGS but in a way of failurehippiesantasplinter cell is a way better stealth game than MGS, if you get spotted in splinter cell you are more than likely going to die, if you get spotted in MGS you break out the guns, which one do you think is the more better/realistic stealth game? anyway, doubt it will be coming for Ps3 now, it's been too long really
[QUOTE="waltefmoney"][QUOTE="Kane04"]In conclusion and IMO, SC as always been a frustrating series, very little room to maneuver and basically trial and error to the end, the bad out weights the good IMO, as for MGS yes, it may not do the stealth with so much "realism" i mean only on MGS4 you were able to crouch-walking but overall its a more fun game, more to do and find and if you find yourself in a tight spot you not gonna be overpowered by low rank scout boys. Kane04
Yeah, you know, stealth. That's what stealth is all about.
So stealth is about trying 2 or 3 times till you get it right? And nvm Sam was in the Navy Seals and what not, he can't win a one to one gunfight, as of hand to hand combat early games in the series didn't even gave you that option and the later ones have a shallow system, that's what stealth is about? People talking about how SC3 is a master piece, you guys even remember how Sam holds his enemies with a knife on their neck? You think thats how its done? Holding them with his thumb on the palm of their hands, its not spouse to be a dance last time I check. But hey, i'm not saying Sam is a weakling just because he can't win a fight against crappy mercs or have a decent hand to hand fight or because each group of enemies probably equals a continue till you figure out the "right" way do deal with the situation, no i'm not saying that, in fact i remember on SC2 i think one time i left Sam hanging on a pipe just with his hands while i went away for a few minutes and he was still there, he got some power on those arms i tell you that.dude, i could hang from a pipe for longer than a couple of minutes and i was only bog standard infantry when i was in the forces, and yes, that is exactly what stealth is about, i think you have wached too many movies, when we used to do CTR's, we would move about 100 metres an hour at night, a snails pace really, stealth is all about 2 things 1 patience 2 getting it right first time (you don't get a second chance)[QUOTE="hippiesanta"]better not... all splinter cell games are not my cup off tea... and it's a copycat of MGS but in a way of failureSNIPER4321Splinter cell is Far better than MGS in every way. Did you ever played it??? yes I do play all the SC during the PS2 years... and most of them half way.... because it's just a waste of time. Thank goat the DVD is borrowed from my brother and happily return it back early. never think to get a lame xbox360, SCDoubleAgent for PS3 or SCconviction for my PC........and oh yes.... the free download SCConviction for java phone are even lame... hahahahaha
better not... all splinter cell games are not my cup off tea... and it's a copycat of MGS but in a way of failurehippiesantaI fail to see how they copy each other in the slightest? MGS calls itself a stealth game but is infact a cinematic action experience. Like Conviction. Lol.
I love the Splinter Cell Series and I was pretty upset to know that it was not being released on the PS3 at launch. I would not go and buy a new console just for one game but I read in a few places that it was getting ready to come to the PS3 but I heard in some other places that it was only sticking to the 360 and PC. Which of these are true???chrisp47Probably not. Gamespot scored it lower than the hype, and thus it was labeled a flop, but it was actually really quite a fun game. PS3 only owners lose out on that title, and will probably bash it because they can't play it.
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