No one on here know's what a corridor is. And everyone throws around linear and on rails like it's a bad thing. Crysis is a tech demo for Crytek's middleware first and a game second, the game's suck.
Killzone 4 will probably blow Crysis 3 out of the water on a raw output level, and I highly doubt Crysis 3 can't be maxed out with a 7850 on PC.
Keep on dreaming. Everyone here knows the capabilities of GG and Crytek nad let me tell you Crytek is leagues ahead technically and artistically. KZ4 has first to beat Crysis before thinking it self against Crysis 3.
And yes, everybody knows what corridor is. See even C3 and KZ4 isn't even out yet and cows are already in DC mode. All hail Crytek. And yes linear and onrails is BAD, period.
LOOOL. Crysis 2 is HIDEOUS. Crysis and Crysis 3 look good though, nothing special artistically though.
Some of the best games of all time are linear / on rails. Besides, there's nothing open ended about that tech demo Crysis 3.
You obviously don't know what a corridoor is, Killzone isn't doom.
Although, perhaps I jumped the gun a little. Maybe Killzone 4 will just be comparable to Crysis 3 running perfectly on PC, it certainly won't "blow it out of the water". That was just that PS4 hype train talking.
Crysis 3 looks to be pushing the PC pretty hard...
What's so good about Killzone artistically? It's just all the gey spread everywhere, same as Gears terrible terrible art direction.
And yes at least to me C3 is pretty great artistically. It's not easy to that Urban Jungle setting like they did.
Anyways, when talking about things technically, linear is much easier to achieve than open world and also less taxing on the system. I'll say it again no game on next gen consoles will compare to C3 maxed out on PC, period.
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