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Doubt it. The 360 has almost double the number of AA or better games on GameRankings, and the consoles have more or less reached parity in terms of new releases.
The 360 had the head start and the "wow, new generation" factor working for it, and I think its impossible for the PS3 (which, like the 360 lives mostly off multiplats) to make up that kind of ground.
EDIT: If you mean catch up in terms of quality games that come out at the same time, then yes, I expect both systems to be in their stride this holiday, and for the great games to keep pouring out for the next few years on both.
I dont think it will, the 360 is becoming cheap to the point that aload of devs will jump on board.
Also if the ps3 does catch up on games, the next xbox will probs be released by then
i find both consoles having great exclusives but i prefare the PS3 ones.. its just a matter of personal taste...
In terms of quantity, no. I think it does have a chance of getting more AAAE+ games than the 360 by the end of this gen on GS. It already has 2 with MGS4 and LBP and R 2 will be AAAE. If you factor in Gears 2, that's 3 AAAE's+ vs 5 AAAE's.
As for my own opinion- yes, easily. I already own more exclusive games for the PS3 than on my 360.
Games-wise? Haven't they already?
As far as console sales go, I'd expect the PS3 to catch and pass the 360 by Christmas next year.
In terms of games.
In my opinion, Yes. Eventually they will have great games but i think it won't be until 2011.
What do you think?UnrealSin_X
Quanity or quality?
If you are talking quality, PS3 IMO has caught up this year and will surpass X360 next year. Honestly all it needs is some good RPGs and I will offically say it's better than X360. When that's going to happen I have no idea....Sony seems to be all about the shooters lately.
Given the fact that Sony has so many first and second party studios and MS can't keep on paying for exclusives (they could but it'd be stupid) I'd say it's only a matter of time before the PS3's library outclasses that of the 360. NielsNLLOL! not bein a fanboy here but.. u do realize that the PS3 requires ALOT more time to develop for do u?
Not sure, but a good question. I have the 3 main systems (Wii, PS3, Xbox 360). I almost always find myself choosing the Xbox 360 version of any game. I guess the reason I do this is because there is usually less slowdown and I like the controller better on most, but not all games on the Xbox 360. I will say though that it might also be a habbit. It took Sony (and 3rd party) to o long to get good games out for the PS3, and now I am just acustom to getting games for my Xbox.
There are now many good games on the PS3 that should allow some catching up, but not sure if it will equal. MGS, Socom (although with no single player I boycotted), and some early Xbox 360 games now showing up like BioShock.
Sony also needs to make the online experience better. On the Xbox360 it just works. On the PS3 I might or might not connect. If I do connect will the headset work. Sony has impoved this as well, and given time might get close to the Xbox360. My fear is that Sony will have things all ironed out about the time the Xbox 720 or PS4 comes out. I do look for great things in the PS4.
As for the Wii. I just can't understand how it outsells the Xbox360 and PS3. Graphics are not close. The controller (for me) is not accurate enough for motion controlling, choice of games is very limited, and online drives me crazy.
I think it will need more unique games like LBP to get me interested.
I mean, if I don't have a PS3, I miss out on Resistance 2 and Killzone 2. But do I really care? Given the number of quality shooters available (Half Life, Left4Dead, CoD, Halo, Far Cry, Crysis, STALKER, Quake, Battlefield...), my answer is no, I won't miss them because there are too many to play anyways.
First it was....Also if the ps3 does catch up on games, the next xbox will probs be released by then
Sony: "This gen doesn't start until we say it does!"
Now it's....
MS: "This gen doesn't end until we say it does!"
Talk about irony. Anyways, I think it doesn't matter who moves on to the next system first. If the last gen console outsells the new console's predecessor, then it counts. It's like a game of Chicken. The guy who pulls out first loses.
I only own 3 games for my PS3 and they suck. I tried all the new games for my PS3 and they suck. So I don't know where this games argument is coming from. Even sales of PS3 games say people don't want to buy them.
360 games are far better.
[QUOTE="metalgear-solid"]I believe we've been over this once already. Gears 2 > PS3 line-upTX360
Stop making stupid claims like that.For me, the bottom line is that I get the overall impression that MANY others feel the exact same way I do (those who own both systems). Which is: my 360 is getting an ass-load more mileage than my PS3. And since blu-rays cost so much much money, PS3 is getting even less mileage overall.
I will, however, gladly welcome the day when this turns around, then I will feel a little more justified for spending SO MUCH MONEY on being a wii, ps3, and 360 owner. And, as soon as mutli-plat games give me incentive to choose PS3 over 360 (lets just say....COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF WHAT JUST HAPPEND WITH FALLOUT 3) I will be more than happy to enlarge my PS3 library.
The 360 has its RROD issue but as a console it outclasses the ps3 everytime for example fallout 3 on the 360 looks better than the ps3 version and you would think with blu-ray this would not be a problem lol and the PS3 titles are good but LBP is honestly a bad game and R2 is the only decent exclusive the rest are worthless and don't get me started online because for playing with friends the 360 is so far in front its not even funny the ps3 feels last gen in this and its home is a joke but its a good system that is flawed in almost everyway apart from the fact it looks nice and glossy.TX360
i'm guessing you've never played LBP...and i'm guessing you haven't even bothered to play the ps3 exclusives yourself...all you think when you hear the ps3 is "crap ports"'re a joke...
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