I certainly hope this doesn't make me sound like a fanboy or a hater, but here it goes..
The only two hardware advantages the Vita has over the 3DS are: An OLED screen that looks fantastic, and two Analog Sticks. That's it. Because contrary to what most fanboys think, the performance gap isn't like it was with the DS lite and the PSP.
You know, I almost fell for Sony's Vita hype too, until I got to play with one for myself. I didn't like setting up the machine. It's a tad confusing. I don't like games that require a memory card to play. I'm sorry, but that is a very big BAD on Sony's part. I'll admit that Uncharted is cool, but man, there are lots of Frame rate issues throughout the game. If the Vita's hardware is so superior, why doesn't it run Uncharted as well as the 3DS runs Resident Evil Revelations?
Anyway, The more I played around with the Vita, the more I thought, "Man, I don't know if I want to pay $250 for this." I bought a PSP last gen thinking that it would take over the world. But in the end, my DS Lite became my handheld of choice, even with it's vastly inferior hardware.
This time around, the hardware is just about even. There really isn't a huge difference in the graphics now between the two handhelds. So I guess for some of you, it's going to come down to which games you like to play. And to a few of you, it may come down to which one is made by Sony and which one is made by Nintendo (because lets face it, fanboys will love and support their corporate Nannys no matter what). But for me, I'm going to just stick with my 3DS. Not because it's made by Nintendo, not because it has better hardware, but because the machine delivers. It's got the graphics, it's got the games, it's got everything the Vita is trying to re-sell to everyone.
*ching* There's my two cents. Fire away, guys!
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