If i had to choose Ummm...Xbox 720+PS4+WiiU.
What about you fellow warriors?
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i will not waste my money on peasant trash, i rather save it for a worthy upgrade for my rig
master race 4 life
720 for the exclusives. But, I'll wait for the slim or whatever it will be version of the console because the first ones are always crap. Hardware-wise.
Already have the uber gaming PC. It just needs an optional graphics card upgrade.
Yep I'm onboard for the next generation of consoles. I'll probably get a WiiU first then PS4 followed by Xbox last. I don't think I'll be getting any of them at launch though :)
Edit: Actually I'll probably get the WiiU close to launch :)
why did you make 2 of these threads? :?
GS glitch after editing :(
Yeah it's been glitching hard lately.
Anyway at OP I will just stick to my PC and upgrade as necessary :)
I'll probably get Nintendo's console for the exclusives and Sony's console for the 3rd party games Like I did the past two gens.
All I need is a PS4. I will pick up the Xbox 720 a few years later primarily for exclusives. Couldn't care less for Nintendo or PC.
All I need is a PS4. I will pick up the Xbox 720 a few years later primarily for exclusives. Couldn't care less for Nintendo or PC.
The others it depends on the cost. I got each this time, but I came across good deals each time... and was disappointed with both the PS3 and the Wii... the PS3 redeemed itself somewhat but the Wii never did.
Each one represents the mindset of their respective company, and I don't like what Sony and Nintendo think the world wants from gaming today. They each have moments of brilliance but as a whole the miss steps are overwhelming.
i am up for all. i am a REAL gamer. not a fanboy at all. i point out the facts or my opinion
Now if i don't like what i see then forget it
i am up for all. i am a REAL gamer. not a fanboy at all. i point out the facts or my opinion
Now if i don't like what i see then forget it
I will continue to upgrade my PC and I will buy the new Xbox and the PS4
I will not buy the Wii-U I have learned my lesson
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