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I love the witcher3. If fallout 4 blows that away, then i cannot wait to indulge. However, i have never played any of the other fallouts. Hopefully it'll be easy to follow.
No, it's a 3D Zelda, and there's never been a good 3D Zelda.
Literally the highest rated and community/critically acclaimed game in existence is a 3D Zelda...
And GTA 4 is an amazing game then, amirite?
I also really doubt the highest rated community rated game is Ocarina of Time. It's not 1998 anymore.
Bethesda's yet to make a good game.
That said i'm only cautiously optimistic about the new Zelda, seeing as Skyward sword wasn't good and i'm concerned that the Zelda team's substituting content with scale.
@Blabadon: I'd rather play ANY Zelda, even poorly aged one over that sad life sucking experience I had to with TW3.
No, it's a 3D Zelda, and there's never been a good 3D Zelda.
Literally the highest rated and community/critically acclaimed game in existence is a 3D Zelda...
And GTA 4 is an amazing game then, amirite?
I also really doubt the highest rated community rated game is Ocarina of Time. It's not 1998 anymore.
That's true, we now walk in a straight line and pay microtransactions.
In terms of what? I don't get what either game is competing in? Sales? Score? Overall game?
I think Fallout will probably have better sales but Zelda will be the better game.
@Salt_The_Fries: Witcher 3 is a masterpiece. You just have poor taste.
But Ocarina Of Time has better controls.
@Salt_The_Fries: Man I know you've probably explained yourself a million times now, but why didn't you like it again? Is it a quantity over quality thing?
I'm waiting for the enhanced edition myself but i'm really looking forward to playing it. One thing I can tell is that there were a lot of bugs patched and the patch sizes are ridiculous.
@uninspiredcup: Witcher 3 has some of the best story, characters and world design I've ever seen in a game. It rivals movies and TV shows.
Will you ever make a good thread, or good comments?
what are you for...?
on topic.
they're not even the same damn game type.
Bethesda's yet to make a good game.
That said i'm only cautiously optimistic about the new Zelda, seeing as Skyward sword wasn't good and i'm concerned that the Zelda team's substituting content with scale.
@Salt_The_Fries: Witcher 3 is a masterpiece. You just have poor taste.
But Ocarina Of Time has better controls.
OOT is garbage in every way and was only good for it's 15 minutes on the shelf before it got passed.
You're the kind of person who's killing the industry.
@Salt_The_Fries: Witcher 3 is a masterpiece. You just have poor taste.
But Ocarina Of Time has better controls.
OOT is garbage in every way and was only good for it's 15 minutes on the shelf before it got passed.
You're the kind of person who's killing the industry.
Strong words my friend, strong words.
I'm waiting for the superior NX version of Zelda anyway.
By the time they finally finish Zelda U the NX will be out.
@Chozofication: Yet to make a good game?
Morrowind is widely considered one of the greatest games of all-time.
Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim are all GOTY winners, despite what people on these kinds of forums ramble on about.
People are taking the day off work for Fallout 4. I know one dude who is contemplating quitting his job just to play it.
Zelda doesn't have this kind of power.
No, it's a 3D Zelda, and there's never been a good 3D Zelda.
Says who?
OOT is garbage in every way and was only good for it's 15 minutes on the shelf before it got passed.
You're the kind of person who's killing the industry.
Are you two just trolling?
Hard to compare when we know next to nothing about Zelda aside from it being open world. I'm guessing in terms of open world size Zelda will probably lose, but Zelda will probably be a better game.
Fallout 4 sales will probably be higher than the next Zelda so I guess it will blow it up in that way.
Zelda U? More like Zelda Who?
Isn't Zelda the guy who wore a green overall that that slices grass with his sword (in which might have a wild pokemon hiding on that patch of grass), vandalizes jars and throw bombs and stuffs?
No, it's a 3D Zelda, and there's never been a good 3D Zelda.
Literally the highest rated and community/critically acclaimed game in existence is a 3D Zelda...
And GTA 4 is an amazing game then, amirite?
I also really doubt the highest rated community rated game is Ocarina of Time. It's not 1998 anymore.
Yeah, if you can't see what GTA IV did for the franchise than that's your view.
GTA IV was a huge improvement over SA, generational leap for sure. Just because it had less side stuff to do, boring use of the cell phone and a smaller (though insanely more detailed) world, doesn't make it a bad game.
By the time Zelda U releases Fallout 4 will have already come out, released their GOTY edition, and Bethesda will be in talks of planning the next The Elder Scrolls game, and it'll be both a Wii U / NX dual release like Twilight Princess got delayed to be a GameCube / Wii release. Fallout 4 will be out of the picture by the time that happens.
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