I dunno why many people go with Win OS's (other than gamers) although other OS's are available and many of which are free and better. It is not like M$ is the only company providing us with OS's. Guys, try trying Ubuntu, OpenSolaris, Fedora or other linux distributions (Kubuntu, YDL...etc). I find Ubuntu to be be fantastic and the main strength of such OS is that it is powered by the community, each person could change and improve upon that OS which makes it a better choice.
I was amazed when I first installed Ubuntu on my laptop and all of my hardware were working fine without any need to install drivers.
It is just a humble advise for those who didn't use such a great OS (or used it for a few days only). :)
It's pretty obvious, actually: Windows is objectively the most "useful" operating system for a consumer. Its software library is unparalleled..and when you get down to it: people use software programs..the operating system just acts as a layer necessary to run software.
I've tinkered around with Linux a bit (real distros, i.e. not Ubuntu), and while I love the do-it-yourself feeling it brings (I actually just burned Arch to a disc, going to start on a new install when I get the time), I don't feel that it'll replace Windows for me anytime soon simply because the software library isn't there. Yeah, you can use compatability layers to run Windows software on Linux..but it's a hassle first and foremost, and even then very few programs function at 100% capacity.
OS X, while it has some great software, is a bit worse in that respect (which is what Bootcamp is for.) As far as software library: OS X has all the basics and not a whole lot else (what little specialized software it does have can also be run on Windows, or at least has a Windows equivalent..with the single exception of Final Cut.) As I heard someone say recently: it's the perfect netbook OS. You'd never catch me using it on a desktop machine, however.
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