Because it doesn't provide a substantial update in the context of gaming. Like how i went from XP to Windows 7 64. That's what i call a significant update, and a required one to play new games that dropped XP support, and play them at their utmost 'oomph'. What, i should just shell out money for a little performance increase and a minuscule DirectX update that's not even going to be noticeable in the first place? Though to each their own, even tho i wouldn't, i understand why some might.
Also another reason for me is that it hasn't ben that long since i switched to 7, and i've grown comfortable with it. Leaving your comfort zone isn't a small feat to do, unlike what some arrogant people may think.
Yet another reason is that all the old games (and i do play a ton of them), albeit some tweaked, work great, and i don't have the guarantee that they'll work as good in Windows 8. Hell, feedback has ben negative in this regard from a lot of people that use Windows 8.
There, three good, personal reasons.
1) You're argument would've been stronger had you just left it at "I dont want to pay for an upgrade" instead of essentially saying "i dont want to pay because i dont know what it does." No one is forcing it down your throat. Do a little research to decide whether it holds value for you or not; there are far more features than what you've listed.
2) Being afraid of change has nothing to do with whether or not the product is good or bad. That's not Window's fault - that's yours.
3) If it works on Windows 7 it'll pretty much work on Windows 8. 8 is based off 7 (which was based off Vista). I can't gaurantee you that it will work on 8, but every older title i've tried that has worked on 7 has worked on 8.
Just to be sure you don't missinterpret anything, i did write 'in the context of gaming'. Exactly, no one is forcing anything down my throat, hence why i don't care about upgrading to Windows 8. I did a little research, why the hell would anyone post in this thread if he hadn't? Minus dumbasses that seek attention. I've read articles about how gaming is on this new OS and checked out benchmarks, which is the only thing i cando because for me to fully comprehend Windows 8, i would need to experience it myself, or go to someones that uses it, and no soul i know has it.. Some games perform better, wile some perform exactly the same. Doesn't sound like a substantial increase to me. And this excluding the oceanic differences in hardware from one dude to another that will cause some semblence of a difference of performance.
Well no sh*t, ofcourse it's my fault. To leave your comfort zone is something tied only to you. And that's ultimately what's going to decide if you wanna jump towards something unfamiliar. Read the last sentence in my post, it contains the word 'personal' there. I didn't add it just to waste 2 seconds of my life.
Your experience is fully noted, though i'm gonna need a lot of more feedback. Since that's not what i see from the people that posted here.
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