Just wait. Yep you heard me right, just wait. PS3 has alot of potential as you guys may be aware of and it's created by an industry leader but at the end of the day actions speak louder then words, so for now we all have to just wait. Playstation 3 is definitely a great console for the long term and people whohave one or are planning to buy one just have to trust Sony interms of great games, honestly did Sony not deliver with the PS1&2 ?so this means they have a great track record of delivering what gamers want.
Guys I'm not implying that PS3 sucks right now I'm just saying that if you want to experience the most out of PS3 well then you just have to wait.
lets see what PS3 offers now though.
As you can see if you pick up a PS3 right now you are sure to get alot of fantastic features and lets not forget FREE ONLINE PLAY
oh and lets not forget what PS3 offers now game-wise, after all games are the most important aspect of a console. So far the PS3 has these quality titles: RFOM, Uncharted, R&C Future, Motorstorm, Warhawk, Heavenly sword, UT3, Folklore and along with the multi-plat AAA titles you all know and love; Assassins Creed, COD4, Oblivion etc
Knowing all this if you still believe PS3 is not worth purchasing, well my friend then you just have to wait, wait till PS Home, MGS4, FF13, KZ2, LBP, Ingame XMB, GOW3, GT5, White Knight, Rumble etc. Simply Just wait. You had to wait for PS2's top titles like MGS2 which came a year & a half later along with GT3, DMC etc.
PS3 is a system which is here to stay, heck it's already got 6 million customers and I'm sure its gonna increase, Sony have delivered before and they will deliver again but in the mean time, Just Wait :)
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