That's expected, since the first Wolfenstein wasn't that much of superb selling game. Also the occult following is very small, so it's a wonder it's sold this much.
*The last game (Return to Wolfenstein), not the original.
RTWC was actualy a quite a big seller....on PC that is (over 1mln in two months AFAIR), thus making it's sequel console-centric...well it's their fault for the game failing I guess. I wonder why publishers always assume that even if they make console sequel to PC shooter the PC version will sell as good as original, it's obviously never the case it seemks.
You are absolutley right!!! I can name quite a few games that had this fate... my most famous example and the biggest travesty being Dues Ex 2, the original... being built on PC first was a spectacular achievement in melding rpg and fps and it was perfection by most players and cirtics alike. It later got ported to the ps2 a year later.(the way it should be for pc games!) Then the xbox was brought to market... The developer ion storm (not Romero's team..warren spector, but he kinda took a backseat and let someone else have the helm) Designed the game around xbox... it turned out a complete mess and paled in comparison to the original. They made the levels extremly limited and short, marred by freaquent load-times due to the limited 64mb ram the xbox had, the game took away all of the stat based depth that the orginal had...it was like they were dumbing the game down, like they felt the console crowd wouldn't get the rpg elments. (which is just stupid if you ask me.) The game was so bad compared to the first! and it was the start of the offical term "consolitus" -def: a disease that inflicts games when the developers abandon the pc root audience of a game, and instead make it for the console and taking all depth out thinking that console gamers like simpler games...Wolfenstien suffers from this some what.. you can see it in how they made the character look, the over use of shaders, the less clean looking game. RTCW came out on PC in early 2001 and it still looks great! There is a very clean look to the textures.. I don't know if it is the quake 3 engine that makes the difference or what, but the new game while has some cool graphics effects deffinatly doesn't have the same feel to the graphics. Also they placed too much emphasis on zombie and super-natural foes when the original wolfenstien had that but the majority was just people. The game is not bad at all, it just doesn't feel like wolfenstien and it feels like they abandoned their pc heritage and made this game for the consoles mostly. Being that wolfenstien is the first major quasi - 3d fps game on pc... this should of been a pc focused game to match it's roots and then ported...but it's Activision, that would never happen with that miling company...
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