[QUOTE="Desmonic"] Even indie games had to pay, why would MS change things specifically for F2P games (a genre in which they only have a couple games too)? And yes, you not being able to prove = not being true. Or better it it equals not being true & true at the same time, since we don't know, we have no evidence to indicate whether they pay or not. Logic stops applying when patches are released for PS3 & PC and on the Xbox are delayed by long periods of time (sometimes months), and when even a F2P game is locked behind the pay wall. At least those should be available to Silver accounts.
MS needs to revise it's policies. They do not have the advantage on that field anymore.
Indie games don't have to pay. Have you been listening to anything I said? lol all that was scrapped, arcade titles can be patched as much as they want for free. So its prefectly reasonable to think free games like Happy Wars, WoT etc. can be patched for free as well. The dev never complained about any cost, just time it takes to go through Microsofts certification process.
Lets not forget Sony too charged for patches, so don't lay the blame entirely on MS, however Sony have since said they too don't charge indie developers for patches.
That happened just recently, not during most of the gen. Since 2005 until early this year or late last year (can't remember) indies HAD to pay. So no it's not that straigth forward to assume F2P games won't also have to pay up. I'm not even mentioning the time it takes to get a certification all that much because that's just beyond ridiculous. Yeah Sony charges for their patches(the first one is free, everything else is paid perhaps with exception for the 1st party studios. Should be the same as MS though), but they also never got to a point where a small or big dev refused to patch a game because of their (Sony's) policies.Like I said MS needs to revise it's policies. It's not like they have it all wrong, but it definitely needs some serious improvement.
You can't expect and indie dev with little to no experience to endure months of negotiations to just get one lousy patch in. It's their game, if they f*ck it's their own fault. That's how it works everywhere else and I don't see devs complaining.
So what policies do MS need to revise then? You've acknowledge they don't charge for patches anymore, good. What else? Time they take to review a patch? Okay, well in the link it says the dev is working with MS to get patches out faster. So ... the only legitimate complaint I see is them locking f2p games behind the gold paywall.
There is no negotiation, the indie dev submits the patch and if it passes certification it gets released. If the patch doesn't break anything, then theres no issue. PSN or XBL will never be totally open, so I don't know why people are complaining. You have the option of PC gaming if you want that freedom.
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