Poll Worst Generation humanity ever witnessed? (134 votes)
Aside from microtransactions, inflated prices and remasters, appears consoles have brought nothing to the table.
Is this the worst generation ever?
Aside from microtransactions, inflated prices and remasters, appears consoles have brought nothing to the table.
Is this the worst generation ever?
Well it's still only early in the gen, so it's a bit harsh... but I still wouldn't agree anyway I don't think. By the end of next year, we're going to have some brilliant games out.
Good time to live in because you still have access to past generation content. However, on it's own, this gen has been abysmal. I can only hope that more and more developers move to PC, which is what has happened over the past few years.
Good time to live in because you still have access to past generation content. However, on it's own, this gen has been abysmal. I can only hope that more and more developers move to PC, which is what has happened over the past few years.
Sounds like a positive thing.
Yeah its pretty bad. PC is extremely far ahead of any one console.
Sounds really good
that 4th/5th gen transitional stretch between the SNES/Genesis to the PS1/N64, we saw the Philips CD-i, Nintendo's Virtual Boy, Panasonic 3DO, Neo-Geo, Atari's Jaguar & Jaguar CD and probably many more spectacular failures we can't even name they didn't even show up on the radar, even the Saturn was just short of a disaster, I guess most of those were 5th gen entries, CD-i was considered a 4th gen entry though, we also saw those add-ons that got a lot of hate like 32X and Sega CD (I liked Sega CD though), and I'd hardly call the 5th gen a disaster, it was the beginning of something great with the PS1, and the N64 was probably Nintendo's last great console, and the 4th gen with the SNES and Gensesis was great too
uninspiredcup - when all you worry about is how negative things are then that's all you'll see and notice in your life and it's really a sad and uninspiring way to live your life my friend.
You're always constantly complaining and whining dude.
Inflated prices? This shit needs to stop. Games were more expensive in the 16 bit Era.
Especially if you live in Canada right now. Games cost $60-$80 new.
I still don't have a current gen console yet.
Inflated prices? This shit needs to stop. Games were more expensive in the 16 bit Era.
In case they don't believe you, with inflation those $60 games would be $95 now...
Now add DLC and micro-transactions to equation, at least 15 years ago you could get the full game on release.
Too early to say, but last gen was easily the worst. Everything that is bad today was started during last gen. This gen in fact is looking better so far TBH (if you ignore bad stuff and be more clever with your picks, instead of being blind due to marketing tactics). A lot of devs are going back to their roots; Epic Games, Firaxis, idSoftware etc.
COD clones are also dying and non-military FPS are coming back. Due to rise in popularity of Steam, we've seen resurgence of many genres that wouldn't have existed if devs were dependent on publishers. But now they can easily publish their games digitally and people make their games famous through positive word of a mouth.
Yes there are anti-consumer policies but only noobs don't know how to dodge them. There are a lot of studios out there that still advertise and release their games like good old days and there is so much content in their games that you actually feel sorry for them for not charging their games more. It's up to us consumers to support these people. Sadly most people are too dumb to make smart choices, that's why craptastic games are mostly best sellers.
You might wanna take a break from creating threads from a while.
You're becoming uninspired, uninspired.
@-God-: holy crap you've been on gamespot since 1990? Damn was the internet even around then?
Fun Fact: Gamespot was founded in mid 90s.
Good luck sleeping tonight.
That is so over exaggerated, most games do not have 2 $50 season passes. Yeah, because Batman Forever has so much value over The Witcher 3 because it doesn't have DLC. The game has about a whole hour of content and has broken ass controls but it's so much better for being complete. All these people that complain about big budget AAA games would they rather be forced to buy it all and games cost $100 on disc at release?
Inflated prices? This shit needs to stop. Games were more expensive in the 16 bit Era.
In case they don't believe you, with inflation those $60 games would be $95 now...
Now add DLC and micro-transactions to equation, at least 15 years ago you could get the full game on release.
I am honestly looking forward to backwards compatibility getting officially launched on Xbone so I can play some of the good X360 games I missed last gen more than I'm looking forward to any current gen game that isn't PC or Wii U exclusive.
Lol, that pic always makes me laugh.
That is so over exaggerated, most games do not have 2 $50 season passes. Yeah, because Batman Forever has so much value over The Witcher 3 because it doesn't have DLC. The game has about a whole hour of content and has broken ass controls but it's so much better for being complete. All these people that complain about big budget AAA games would they rather be forced to buy it all and games cost $100 on disc at release?
You have zero sense of humor.
This generation itself wouldn't stack up favorably to gen the previous 5 generations of gaming before it, but beauty of this era, just like with music, film, and television is you have the advantage to go back and play classics, with the advantage of hindsight. Cant' say that for any other era.
Otherwise it's been a mediocre generation, it is what it is.
We'd probably be a lot better off if we stopped buying used and stopped pre-ordring. I'm pretty sure the prevalence of used game market in 7th Gen attributed to much decline in industry. Stores use to almost always carry robust fully stocked libraries of supported platforms, now they only carry new copies of new games but used for everything else. That hurts publishers who in turn fire the developers and abandon the franchises. We are here we are partially because of this. The other half of it is the development arms race, to make the best games you need money, generally a mix of talent is a factor too, but money helps a lot. Those who can't keep pace to make up for their high budgets fail and go under.
Too soon to call, the best is yet ro come. So far this gen is not that great. A few gems save it a lot though (Witcher 3, MGS5 and Bloodborne).
Once you said not counting all of the microtransactions, remasters, and inflated prices, then it got a not really. 1) It is still too early to tell with this gen. 2) We have had some brilliant experiences with the Witcher 3, MGS V, Ori and the Blind Forest, and Bloodborne. So it isn't what I currently would call a complete disaster yet. But those three thing you let be excused sure do make a case for it to be one of the worst to date.
First Gen was, but this gen has taken steps in wrong directions.
Hopefully dumb people stop buying microtransactions.
And what exactly is PC doing now that is so revolutionary this generation? All of them (consoles and PC) are making money off of successful franchises and popular genres, so why are you leveling charges towards consoles only, when PC is following the same comfortable, money-making routine these last few years? I haven't seen anything from PC gaming that made me go "WHOA! Now THAT'S different" since 2013 when this generation began (in terms of new gaming ideas).
If you're thinking about VR being the revolutionary thing, that isn't a "PC thing." That's a new medium that will be available on multiple platforms.
And why are PC snobs laughing at DLC/microtransactions? You have something called TF2 and F2P games (some/lots of it trash) that were also responsible for igniting its popularity. It's what gives you the ability to boast about "PC makes the most money in the world!!"
DLC/microtransactions don't even bother me that much because I can sort of understand why they exist. Some DLC content can only come about if a game is a certified hit. If Borderlands 1 & 2 were complete flops and scored badly, there wouldn't be much DLC. It wouldn't be worth the time. If you want all of that Borderlands DLC to be included in the original $60 game, how frickin long do you want devs to spend making these games? The wait is already long enough.
DLC is also helps make the wait for sequels less painful for fans (where the next sequel could take as much as FIVE years or a whole generation). I'm sure we will have to wait a looong time for Mario Kart 9 and GTA 6 (or any Rockstar game), but IN THE MEANTIME, some DLC content spread out helps keep the online community alive, so that online doesn't quickly dry up into a ghost town. So apart from the obvious economic benefits, DLC (new missions, maps, characters, etc) can help keep a fanbase engaged with your game.
But pc not mentioned.
I don't know if it's the worst console gen ever, but I miss my Mega Drive. And my Saturn. And my Dreamcast...
That can't be a good sign.
During 8-bit era, could complete most games in 1-2 hours and I paid 799 kronor (96 USD) for each game during the 80s and early 90s. No, this isn't the worst generation by far. Either you weren't alive at the time or nostalgia is clouding your judgement.
Games were also a lot more challenging back then, providing a lot more replay value as a result. The same cannot be said for most modern AAA games which provide little challenge or replay value compared to old-school classics.
It's not a great gen, for sure. X1 massive exclusive drought, PS4 getting there and on course but a disappointment so far. Wii U a complete joke unless you're a deluded manchild and absolutely must have more Mario shit going on. PC sadly reduced to the multiplat machine of choice or if you have no money.... tons of F2P games and online games and stuff on Steam for a few dollars a time, almost a paupers machine really.
Yeah, it's not great really, has to be said, nearly as bad as your posts tbh.
And what exactly is PC doing now that is so revolutionary this generation? All of them (consoles and PC) are making money off of successful franchises and popular genres, so why are you leveling charges towards consoles only, when PC is following the same comfortable, money-making routine these last few years? I haven't seen anything from PC gaming that made me go "WHOA! Now THAT'S different" since 2013 when this generation began (in terms of new gaming ideas).
If you're thinking about VR being the revolutionary thing, that isn't a "PC thing." That's a new medium that will be available on multiple platforms.
And why are PC snobs laughing at DLC/microtransactions? You have something called TF2 and F2P games (some/lots of it trash) that were also responsible for igniting its popularity. It's what gives you the ability to boast about "PC makes the most money in the world!!"
DLC/microtransactions don't even bother me that much because I can sort of understand why they exist. Some DLC content can only come about if a game is a certified hit. If Borderlands 1 & 2 were complete flops and scored badly, there wouldn't be much DLC. It wouldn't be worth the time. If you want all of that Borderlands DLC to be included in the original $60 game, how frickin long do you want devs to spend making these games? The wait is already long enough.
DLC is also helps make the wait for sequels less painful for fans (where the next sequel could take as much as FIVE years or a whole generation). I'm sure we will have to wait a looong time for Mario Kart 9 and GTA 6 (or any Rockstar game), but IN THE MEANTIME, some DLC content spread out helps keep the online community alive, so that online doesn't quickly dry up into a ghost town. So apart from the obvious economic benefits, DLC (new missions, maps, characters, etc) can help keep a fanbase engaged with your game.
as one firaxis dev said, pc gaming is in another golden age, for the 1st time since around a decade, pc gamers can have not only console centric AAA multiplatform titles but can also enjoy pc centric games coming from smaller devs.
Due to all the cross-gen stuff I would say yeah. Although I'm still getting plenty of enjoyment out of stuff like Dark Souls 2 SOTFS, Minecraft, Witcher, Metal Gear, etc. Doesn't matter what you're playing it on, you still get the enjoyment
yeah it's pretty bad. two years in and the game I want to play the most on next gen is gta v, a game I already beat to death on last gen. that's kinda sad
Ugh....so many fucking whiners in gaming now.
Seriously...there's a game for just about every type of person today. Not only that but games are cheap compared to how it used to be and how much it takes to create them.
You want a hardcore RPG - theres a game for that
You want a movie like experience - theres a game for that
You want a action game - theres a game for that
You want a racing game: sim OR arcade - theres games for that
Fucks sake.
Yes. Lots of copy-paste games, consoles are low end weak sauce, no innovation in games other than slightly improved graphics, microtransactions, pay2win, broken games, remasters, boring first party games.
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