re on wii was a port , streight port of re4 ,, crusin is supposed to look like that its arcadey ,, any game aimed at arcade gameplay throws graphics to the back time crisis 4 any one , or how about ridge racer as a whole lol , , its not nintendos nor wiis fault , its the laziness , the greed , and the people who refused to buy the goods last gen ,lol chick, why why should nintendo care any more when they did -goldeneye perfect dark turok remember all those when they did care ,
no one else cared yall chose a console with 32 bits over a console with 64 so whos fault for changing nintendo lo l its not nintendos fault people wouldnt buy their games nor systems ,
yall keep coming with excuse after excuse complaints and slogans , -remember n64 kiddy console right thats what ithought , ,
lets jsut say wii will be an exception , cause yall made ps1 and ps2 alot of exceptions ,
example 1-lack of power
2 lack of storage space 8mb memorycards arent enough for me , 3 2 controller ports . .compared to 4
so ya worst graphics is what i said ,,ridge racer and pd0 and for ps3 resistance or haze
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