[QUOTE="AzatiS"][QUOTE="BlackIsle_rip"][QUOTE="Gamerboi27"]wow...thnx dude.. NOW IM SURE i made the right choice purchasing the PS3
Because of Motorstorm, an AA game, and an Xbox port? :|
Is that really better than Zelda: Twilight Princess, GOTY Super Mario Galaxy, and a Resident Evil 4 port with Motion Sensing, No More Heroes, Zack & Wiki, Warioware, etc etc...
DevilMayCry4 - GTA4 - MetalGearSolid4 - TEKKEN6 - ResidentEvil5 - MetalGear online -Motorstorm +2 - Gran Turismo 5- God of Wars 3 - Heavy Rain - SilentHill5 - CallOfDuty4- Halo3-GearsOfWar +2 - FinalFantasy 13 + FFversus - Forza2 - LittleBigPlanet - StreetFighter4- AssasinsCreed -BurnoutParadise - FarCry 2 - The Orange Box - Fable 2 - Ninja Gaiden Sigma +2 - Uncharted - Resistance 2 - Killzone 2- Soul Calibur 4 - Mafia 2 - LA noire - Prototype - Lost Oddysey - The getaway - Oblivion - Rainbow SV - and so many more games i cant remember now...
Can you compete with all these? Im not talking about preferences here.But what is better than another. Because if im a fan of RE4 i wont deny that RE5 would be better...Despite the tastes,something is wrong here dont you agree? So i beleive 360 and PS3 despite their inferior sales worldwide VS Wii,they dont have to worry or feel inferior to in anything else. Wii is the console to worry about 3rdparty support and lack of the biggest titles developers can offer worlwide.(not 1st party)
That line up is nothign because the wii has zack and wikki, the console war is over because they have yet another mario game and zack and wikki.
lol,you hate Wii dont you?..:P
Well i didnt tried to bash Wii though,even if i sound like it. Im talking with what i see on forums and developers announces. Wii is ok console and especially addictive to Nintendo icons fans. Its supreme console for them thats ok. But we cant deny here that Wii (atm) cant compete and eventually wont ever till the next -gen with what PS3-X360 have already or will have in the future (we are not far from that).
3rd parties seems dont want or cant (is better say cant because of the hardware,cause i dont think they dont want to release their best games on the best sale-wise console worldwide) release their BEST franchises and games into Wii.Example... Lets see a big japanese company like Capcom.
Capcom = Resident evil 5 - Street Fighter 4 - Devil May Cry 4. These are the best (atm) franchises of the company that working on them like crazy. All 3 are very well-known and got a crazy fan-base around the globe. Will any of these 3 games ever release on Wii?Dont think so. Would Capcom like to release them on Wii if it could run them? Yes,of course (who wouldnt like to release his game on the best selling system?)
So same goes for almost ALL big developers around the globe. So we have some nintendo fans that dont worry at all,dont care or dont want to see what is happening ,and on the other hand we got some Wii owners that as time passes,thinking to buy a 360 or PS3 later on. ITs indeed a very weird generation,where you definetly cant say whos the worst or whos the best.Im very weird what will happen till the end of this gen,because anything can happen really.Lets see then
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