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....ummm yeah...since ff7 final fantasy has all ways been 20 hours and under.....The rest of the time you spend on it? watching CGI.
ff7 had like 10-20 hours of CGI, 8? same. 9? same 10, x2, 12 all had like 12-20 hours of actual gameplay if you played smart went through it and followed the story, the rest was CGI cutscenes and 13 will be no different.then you have the fact right now I can put down 5-6 geneic final fantasy scenarios and boom ff13 will follow it exactly.
Do you have any idea how much space 10-20 hours of CGI, even in low-res, would occupy?
FF7 had probably something like 30 minutes max of actual CGI (i.e. CG-video). Most sequences were between 25 and 45 seconds in length; the CGI aspects of the intro and the outro/finale probably pushed 1.5 minutes.
Later Final Fantasy titles obviously brought with them more CGI. Still they were nowhere near even the 2 hour mark (they likely did not even breach the 45 minute mark).
Most Final Fantasy "gameplay" comes from random battles and the load time associated with them. You engage in hundreds upon hundreds of random battles and bosses; each takes about 6 seconds to "screen swirl," load, and "camera pan." It then takes another 8 seconds to "victory dance," load, and "gain experience/GP." This comes out to about 3.5 to 4 hours. The fighting itself? Another 7 hours. All told, fighting takes about 12 hours of gameplay.
This of course assumes you grind out levels to something around 70 (which is about par for most Final Fantasy titles). Of course the game can be beaten around 40 most of the time, in which case the actual totals will be much lower.
You probably get a solid 5 hours of dialog if you're a reasonable reader, and another 5 from point A to point B running. That means your total is something like 22 to 30 hours of gameplay, which is about right for anyone who has played the game before (I've played FF7 something like 5 times, I can do it incredibly fast even if I read the dialog and level up to a decent level). The first playthrough requires more exploration (i.e. run time), so you can take on an additional 5 and maybe an additional 1 to 2 for dialog since you might read more slowly, talk to more people, and re-read certain confusing parts. That means first playthrough for most people over the age of 13ish is going to be something like 29 to 35 hours.
Sounds almost spot on for me. I think I did FF9 my first time through in 35.
To the TC, you must have never played a final fantasy game after 7 I've played every final fantasy after 7 and if you just want to beat the game without doing any of the side missions your talking about 40 hours at the least. With side missions up to a 100 hours I should know I put a 100 hours in to 7 10 and 12deebo_x
I've played almost every single FF game before and after 7 (minus 1,2 and some HH FF titles).List how many 20+ hour games in the last 2 years...oh wait you really cant cause there's prolly maybe 5 at most,which is why I created the post in the first place.
....ummm yeah...since ff7 final fantasy has all ways been 20 hours and under.....The rest of the time you spend on it? watching CGI.
ff7 had like 10-20 hours of CGI, 8? same. 9? same 10, x2, 12 all had like 12-20 hours of actual gameplay if you played smart went through it and followed the story, the rest was CGI cutscenes and 13 will be no different.then you have the fact right now I can put down 5-6 geneic final fantasy scenarios and boom ff13 will follow it exactly.
Obviously, you don't have any brain left in your head.
20 hours of CGI?
That fits in30 CDs or more....
Use your brain next time, if you have one.
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