1080p isnt everything 480p SSBB looks better than 1080p pong. resolution isnt everything, there are a lot of other factors involved like texture, AA, etc. Crysis 1080p looks a lot better than STALKER 1080p, so resolution really isnt the deciding factor. Theres also the problem of frames per second where a game looks better in 720p with max graphics than a 1080p game with max graphics but stutters a lot (or rather it plays a lot better). There is a give and take for everything, unless you have a really good computer with the latest hardware you have to factor in trade-offs. Consoles, despite their limitations do a really good job of presenting really good looking games. Its a testament on the developers part that they pull off a feat on a 5 year old console. Its more disheartening (and i can say this as a avid pc gamer) that developers arent pushing pc games to be as good as they can be aside from a few devs.
but really who cares? I don't. I have a ps3 and i enjoy my streaming content so :P
1080p is better then 720p, when the same game or video is being discussed. PERIOD. That's what he is saying. He is also saying that every time a console can do something in 1080p its mentioned as a benefit, yet played down when PC gamers bring it up as a positive against the consoles. This is all.
lol the original post was asking how everyone was enjoying netflix upgrade and somehow people took offence to that simple question
Crysis 1080p with low resolutions/shadows/AA, etc looks worse than 720p with higher resolution/shadows/etc. If you can play a game at a better framerate at 720p over 1080p then its better at 720p. Resolution is not everything 1080p is not always definitively better than 720p in a lot more cases than you would expect
yes it is. Crysis Max settings 60 fps 1080p is better then Crysis Max settings 60 fps 720p. The Dark Knight 1080p is better then The Dark Knight 720p. Get it? You can't "gimp" comparisons just so you can say you are "right". Thats stuff my eight year old pulls.
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