uncharted 2 was announced since early 2008 in case you dont rememberSome recent ps3 history -
- Resistance 2 and Motorstorm Pacific Rift announcedearly 2008 , releasedq4 2008
- Uncharted 2 and Ratchet and Clank ACiT announcedearly 2009 , released q42009
4 studios that are prime candidates fora similarannouncement before E3 (and possible 2010 release)
- Insomniac - one game a year studio , a 2010 game will not surprise anyone
- Evolution Studios - doesn't seem to take them long to pump out racing game- Motorstorm Pacific Rift released October 2008. I wouldn't mind seeing them take a crack at Pursuit Force since BigBigdid a Motorstorm game for the PSP. Ha !Pursuit Force 4D !
- Eat Sleep Play - last game was Twisted Metal released in February of 2008
- Lightbox - last game those guys worked on was Warhawk/expansions before forming their new studio. They have been doing Dog and Pony shows with Sony execs along with Eat Sleep Play.
Some other possibilities -
- Rockstar is claiming 2010 for Agent which would help out Sony in 2010 , but who knows with the way they release games and this mysterious title in question.
- The Last Guardian - hard to say
- Killzone3 - unlikely ifInsomniac has Resistance 3 ready to rolland are shooting for November already..... but I'm sure they could rush Killzone 3 if this isn't the case.
Only time will tell.
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