[QUOTE="sonicmj1"][QUOTE="Zhengi"]This is how they do it.
First, they are counting games that are bundled in with the Xbox. This includes all the Forza 2 and Marvel (I belive it was this game) bundles. The Halo 3 bundle also counts. This inflates the numbers.
Secondly, the install base is not growing as fast. This is not to say they aren't selling anything. This increases the attach ratio. For example, in Japan, they've only sold 500k consoles, but the attach rate is about 5.6 or so. Those who have a console will continue to buy games. If there are no infusion of new console purchasers, then the attach rate will remain pretty high.
Lastly, they do have a user base that buys a lot of games. That does help the attach rate. However, if they had more casuals, the attach rate would fall. They haven't captured that market yet and it's the one they really want to capture.
One thing they don't count is arcade games. So if anyone says this, then they are wrong.
The Halo 3 Xbox doesn't actually include Halo 3. So that's not a bundle there. Also, you assume that people buy games in addition to Forza 2 and Marvel: UA, when they well might choose not to get other games when they get the console because those two games are already packed in.
The install base is still growing, especially in North America. Those seem to be the numbers this press release is concerned with, after all. The 360 sold a lot this holiday season, didn't it? All this shows is that people are buying games faster than they are buying consoles. And that's a good thing.
Microsoft makes money every time a game is sold. If they have a console with a userbase that buys lots of games (including third-party games), that is a good thing. It helps them make profits. And having a console with a high attach rate encourages third parties to continue to produce games for the 360, which should keep people interested in the console.
Okay, I wasn't sure if Halo 3 came with the Halo edition. Thanks for the correction.
As for the bundled games, I'm not saying that peopel buy additional games to those that are included. Rather, I'm saying that MS counts those bundled games as being sold. So if they sell 1.3 million consoles in Dec., and assuming about 30% of them have the bundled games (I think it would be higher), that would mean an extra 780k combined sales for both games. That helps to keep the attach rate up.
The install base continues to grow in NA. I didn't say it didn't. However, the rate that it's growing at for the first half of the year was very slow as evidence by how very few consoles were moved from a month to month basis (according to NPD). During that time, it's obvious the install base isn't going to stop buying games. That keeps the attach rate high.
Last part, pretty irrelevant to how MS keeps its attach rate up. It's true they make money and third parties are making money, but I didn't argue against those points.
I don't know if the bundled games make as big a difference as you say they do, though. Do they boost the attach rate? Sure they do. But if there weren't bundled games, do you think people would bring the console home with nothing to play on it? I'd expect that they'd buy a game or two with the console, in which case, it'd all balance out. I'm sure the bundle helps a bit, but I don't think it's an enormous difference-maker.
The second point is basically accurate, especially given that the 360 apparently sold less in 2007 than in 2006.
The reason I included the last part is because I was trying to focus on the importance of the number. I know it's not too relevant in a response to what you're saying, at least on the surface, but the tone I was getting from your post was that this attach rate happened because of a number of outside factors that didn't relate to anything positive for Microsoft (the first point could be read as "Microsoft is cheating the statistics by bundling", and the second as "This number is spin to cover up that they didn't sell consoles"). I just wanted to point out why this 7.0 attach rate was worth making a thread about.
The attach rate number, combined with the relatively high sales of 360 titles relative to Wii and PS3 titles, seems to point to your third and most obvious reason for the attach rate being the most important. It really seems that 360 owners buy more games.
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