Wrpgs or Jrpgs overall?

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Edited By Jakandsigz

Poll Wrpgs or Jrpgs overall? (85 votes)

Wrpgs 51%
Jrpgs 27%
Modern Wrpgs and Jrpgs are not even Rpgs 7%
I don't like Rpgs. 0%
Neither have any games that are actually Rpgs 1%
Both 13%
Jakandsigz 4%

So another gen has come and gone, and we have received a plethora(?) of Rpgs and games being labeled rpgs, and a lot of them were fan freaking tastic.

Tastic not being a real word.

However, how about OVERALL? Here are some POPULAR examples of each over the generation to help you with your decision. These are just the top of my head from what I played.


  1. Ultima 4
  2. Ultima 7 part 1
  3. Ultima 7 part 2
  4. Ultima 5
  5. Wizardry
  6. Wizardry 5
  7. Wizardry 7
  8. Wizardry 8
  9. The Bard Tale
  10. Entomorph plague of the darkfall
  11. Betrayal At Krondor
  12. All those AD&D games
  13. Fable Lost Chapter
  14. Fable II
  15. Neverwinter Nights
  16. Neverwinter Knights 2
  17. Kotor
  18. Kotor 2
  19. Ice wind Dale
  20. Mass Effect
  21. Mass Effect 2
  22. Dragon Age Origins
  23. The Witcher
  24. The Witcher 2
  25. The Modern the Bard Tale
  26. Deus EX
  27. Deus EX Invisible War
  28. Wasteland
  29. Fall out
  30. Fall Out 2
  31. Fall out 3
  32. Fall out New Vegas
  33. Elder Scrolls Arena
  34. Elder Scrolls Morrowind
  35. Elder Scrolls Oblivion
  36. Elder Scrolls Skyrim
  37. Temple of Elemental Evil
  38. Diablo
  39. Diablo 2
  40. Baulders Gate
  41. Baulders Gate Dark Alliance
  42. Baulders Gate 2
  43. Vampire the Masqurade
  44. Star Control II
  45. System Shock
  46. System Shock 2
  47. Pool of Radiance
  48. Ultima Underworld
  49. Arx Fatalis
  50. King of Dragon pass
  51. Seven Sprits of Ra
  52. Gothic 1
  53. Gothic 2
  54. Alpha Protocol
  55. Sacred
  56. Gulld Wars
  57. Guild Wars 2
  58. WOW
  59. Jade Empire
  60. Dark Messiah of might and magic
  61. Shadow Run


  1. YS Oath in Felghana
  2. Final Fantasy IV
  3. Final Fantasy 6
  4. Final Fantasy 7
  5. Final Fantasy 8
  6. Final Fantasy IX
  7. Final Fantasy X
  8. Dragon Quest 7
  9. Legend of Legaia
  10. Breath of Fire
  11. Breath of Fire 3
  12. Breath of Fire 4
  13. Tales of Vesperia
  14. Tales of Symphonia
  15. Shadow Hearts 1
  16. Dragon Warrior 1
  17. Dragon Warrior 3
  18. Persona 2(PSX-NA)
  19. Persona 3
  20. The 7th Saga
  21. Brainlord
  22. Valkyrie Chronicles
  23. Valkyrie Chronicles 2
  24. Chrono Trigger
  25. SaGa frontier 2
  26. Thread of Fate
  27. Resonance of Fate
  28. Dragon Quest V
  29. Pokemon Sapphire
  30. Pokemon White
  31. Rogue Galaxy
  32. Megaman Battle Network 2
  33. Megaman Battle Network 3 both
  34. Megaman Battle Network 5 both
  35. Megaman Battle Network 5 DS
  36. Megaman Star Force 3 Black Ace
  37. Phantasy Star III
  38. Phantasy Star IV
  39. The Last Story
  40. Frontier Gate

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#51 Lulu_Lulu
Member since 2013 • 19564 Posts

@ cain006.

I have an idea to boost the quality in RPG gameplay mechanics. We can simply look for an non-RPG that has many well-executed Role Playing Elements as possible like Bioshock, and simply nag the developers to maintain the games as it is and only add the rest of the Role Playing elements not present in the game. ;) its ambitious but possible.

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#52 Blabadon
Member since 2008 • 33030 Posts

Mass Effect is a TPS.

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#53  Edited By danten81
Member since 2013 • 328 Posts

If you made this poll in 1998, it would be in the opposite direction. Anyway, I love both and I need both for different reasons. WRPGS for a more realistic, gloomy style and JRPGS for a colorful fun romp.

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#54 GhoX
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JRPG and WRPG are hardly defined by their locations. It's indeed as other poster has said - a difference in style. Any comparison between the two genres is ultimately flawed and highly dependent on personal preference. Why does it matter whether JRPG or WRPG is the superior RPG? A JRPG fan will enjoy JRPG, a WRPG will enjoy WRPG, and some enjoy both in varying degrees.

Comparing a WRPG against a JRPG is similar to comparing Breaking Bad against Attack on Titan. They are both "shows", but they target vastly different audiences. The RPG is such a big genre that it can no longer be described as a single genre. If the fallacy is stretched further, one can even claim that all games belong in the genre of "Gaming", and any meaningful comparison would be washed away and result in pure and simple popularity contest.

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#55 AdobeArtist  Moderator
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@Blabadon said:

Mass Effect is a TPS.

The classic argument of the unobservant.

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#56 finalfantasy94
Member since 2004 • 27442 Posts

I enjoy both. Though I tend to be more drawn to jrpgs. I never get the doom and gloom some jrpg fans keep talking about the genra. Maybe its something to do with nostalgia.After playing ff4 and ff13 I rather have ff13. Not saying ff4 is bad but I find the combat rather boring but the story and characters kept me interested.

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#58  Edited By Lulu_Lulu
Member since 2013 • 19564 Posts

@ SNIPER4321

Hey Good Morning SNIPEY ! :D

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#59  Edited By NeonNinja
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Because I'm a man of class.

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#60 Joedgabe
Member since 2006 • 5134 Posts

Lately WRPG have been shinning far above JRPG games... however WRPG's of today aren't as good as the classic JRPG's. Namely because they told a story we can care and enjoy remembering them for.... while WRPG is something we enjoyed the time we played it.

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#61 Sagem28
Member since 2010 • 10498 Posts

I love both, amongst my favourite genres.

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#62 campzor
Member since 2004 • 34932 Posts

Pokemon is under "JRPG"

so that wins automatically i guess.

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#63  Edited By Trail_Mix
Member since 2011 • 2579 Posts

@Jakandsigz said:

@Trail_Mix said:

JRPGs, easily. Over all spectrum.

Especially character design.

You might want to actually play Some Wrpgs before you say things like that. Or I guess you assume all of them are made by Bioware and Bethesda.

Any recommendations?

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#64  Edited By loosingENDS
Member since 2011 • 11793 Posts

After Demons Souls, easilly JRPGs

My top games of all time are Souls games, FF7-9-10 and Bravely Default, all JRPGs

After these experiences, i find games like Skyrim like a joke, i could not even begin to play it, was so boring and generic

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#65 AdobeArtist  Moderator
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@cain006 said:

@AdobeArtist: People will bicker about what WRPG and JRPG means forever. Nothing you can do will change that sadly.

That may very well be, but the undeniable truth remains; we need a better way to categorize the sub-genres of RPG when the regional definitions are no longer as rigidly adhered to as they once were generations ago. Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma are made in Japan, yet they aren't typical of a JRPG. Then there the Witcher games that on the surface seems to be WRPG, but isn't from the west or the east, it's from Poland. And if more and more countries continue to join in the production of RPGs, classification on nationality becomes even less relevant.

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#66  Edited By jhonMalcovich
Member since 2010 • 7090 Posts

@AdobeArtist: Exactly, I was saying this for centuries. We should start to diferentiate rpgs made in Japan from classic jrpg. What in reality happened was that Japan rpgs makers have been westernized.

Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma are NOT classic jrpgs, they are just normal rpgs made in Japan.

So in the end, we clearly see that wrpg took over the world, so even Japan is producing wrpgs now.

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#67 Newhopes
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JRPG by hugh margin.

Last WRPG I really like was vampire the masquerade:bloodlines which is nearly 10 years old now, also the old WRPGs like the Black isle games where also great, current WRPGs however suck arse with very few exceptions.

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#68  Edited By BlbecekBobecek
Member since 2006 • 2949 Posts

@AdobeArtist said:

This really just illustrates how trying to define and quantify games by their regional origins is so flawed now. Granted there may have been a time (perhaps 10 years ago or so) that most western and most Japanese games rigidly adhered to their established design philosophies. The terms came about because while trying to lump both categories of games in the RPG camp, gamers always noticed how differently they played, to the point of feeling like different genres.

But the lines are becoming more blurred. When you get games like Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma that take the same design and aesthetics of what we categorize as a WRPG, yet they really come from Japan. By that criteria they're really JRPGs, though they don't play like how we'd traditionally associate with that sub genre. Or how about The Witcher games? They would also be taken as a WRPG, but is neither from NA or Japan. It's from Poland, defying all regional classification.

The truth is, these games should be quantified by their game designs & aesthetics. To really get to the core of the gameplay experience being aimed for the players. And I've given this some thought. Do keep in mind my proposal is only a rough concept for better labeling games on this criteria, but here goes :)

WRPG to be called Interpretive RPG - This is based on the foundation of the player being able to customize the game and their interaction according to their personal interpretation, which can include any combination of the following;

* character race, gender, and appearance

* self defining the personality and characteristics of the character (such as being an extension of the player them self)

* deciding on story paths or other forms of personal world interaction, where choices can differentiate large or localized outcomes

So by this definition, Skyrim, Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect, Deus Ex, Dark Souls, Dragon's Dogma, and The Witcher would all fit this category, nation of origin not with standing. Even where appearance in Witcher and Deus Ex is pre-designed, there's still plenty of player interpretation in interaction and story paths.

JRPG to be called Narrative RPG - This is based on the player assuming a pre-defined role, both in appearance and behavioral patterns of the character. The gameplay is structured around a tightly crafted story according to the designers narrative, where the players involvement in world interaction is more of a passive observer and with little to no input outside of the combat gameplay.

So... thoughts?

I don't think we here on SW can change gaming terminology. WRPGs vs JRPGs are genres that are well established because of the place of origin of the _genre_, not of particular games. Spaghetti and pizza will awlays be Italian food, although they were cooked by a german immigrant in a restaurant in New York owned by a Spanish company. Same goes for games. Septerra Core is a JRPG despite it was developed in France, and Dark Souls is a WRPG despite being developed in Japan.

EDIT: Also, The Witcher games are from Poland and that makes them WRPGs even by place of origin. Poland is and always was part of the western civilization. Long before NA was even discovered.

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#69 Senor_Kami
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Tough call for me.
For me there are Bethesda/Obsidian RPGs, BioWare/Obsidian RPGs, and JRPGs. There is no connection or similarity in the things I love in Bethesda vs Bioware games. I like the emphasis on story and the willingness to include acting in Bioware and JRPG games. I like exploring the world, which only Bethesda offers. I like the combat gameplay in BioWare and JRPGs. I like the choices and dialog options in BioWare games. JRPGs don't offer this and Bethesda games are really bad at it so I can't get excited about it even though it is there.
In sheer numbers, there were more WRPGS I enjoyed this gen (Dragon Age O/A/2, Fallout+NV, Skyrim, Mass Effect series) than JRPGS (Lost Odyssey, FFXIII+2) so I guess WRPGs win.

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#70  Edited By Lucianu
Member since 2007 • 10347 Posts

I love both styles.

@Trail_Mix said:

@Jakandsigz said:

@Trail_Mix said:

JRPGs, easily. Over all spectrum.

Especially character design.

You might want to actually play Some Wrpgs before you say things like that. Or I guess you assume all of them are made by Bioware and Bethesda.

Any recommendations?

KOTOR2 + Restoration Project

Temple of Elemental Evil + Circle of Eight module

Vampire the Masquarade: Bloodlines + Unofficial Patch

Mount & Blade Warband (Prophesy of Pendor for SP, cRPG for MP)

Fallout: New Vegas

Planescape: Torment + The mods in this guide

Gothic 2: Gold Edition

Gothic 3 (with the community patch)

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#72  Edited By Lucianu
Member since 2007 • 10347 Posts

@BlbecekBobecek said:

I don't think we here on SW can change gaming terminology. WRPGs vs JRPGs are genres that are well established because of the place of origin of the _genre_, not of particular games. Spaghetti and pizza will awlays be Italian food, although they were cooked by a german immigrant in a restaurant in New York owned by a Spanish company. Same goes for games. Septerra Core is a JRPG despite it was developed in France, and Dark Souls is a WRPG despite being developed in Japan.

EDIT: Also, The Witcher games are from Poland and that makes them WRPGs even by place of origin. Poland is and always was part of the western civilization. Long before NA was even discovered.

  • Action - RPG
  • Tactical - RPG
  • Strategy - RPG
  • Dungeon Crawler
  • Story-Driven RPG
  • Sandbox - RPG
  • Roguelikes
  • etc.

Those are (sub)genres. Just because most RPG created in Japan used turn-based combat (tactical RPG) and artstyles inspired by japanese animation, doesn't mean that it's a genre. That's ridiculous (no offense), as is that food analogy i've seen you use a number of times.

They're just different styles that are in most cases extreme generalizations.

People get confused because the RPG genre has been diluted to the point were people don't even know what the **** an RPG is anymore.

But shit, i've seen a lot of heated arguments on system wars around this for years now. It will never end.

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#73  Edited By Doom_HellKnight
Member since 2005 • 12217 Posts

@Blabadon: Mass Effect is an RPG. Deal with it.

Also, WRPG vs JRPG is one of the easiest decisions in gaming. WRPG takes the cake. Every single time.

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#74  Edited By loosingENDS
Member since 2011 • 11793 Posts

@Doom_HellKnight said:

@Blabadon: Mass Effect is an RPG. Deal with it.

Also, WRPG vs JRPG is one of the easiest decisions in gaming. WRPG takes the cake. Every single time.

How so ? WRPGs are far more generic than the top JRPGs and the gameplay is a joke comparing to Souls games

So JRPG win by miles in art, design, variety and gameplay and what is left for WPRGs ?

Story is debatable, open world too, since Witcher 2 felt totally on rails and you could not go back to previous areas, which is way worse than FF7-8-9 open world

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#75  Edited By Lulu_Lulu
Member since 2013 • 19564 Posts

@ Lucianu

RPG is a Formula now just like Open World, it can be applied to almost anything, and as usual, I believe it makes things worse, everytime.

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#76 BlbecekBobecek
Member since 2006 • 2949 Posts
@Lucianu said:

@BlbecekBobecek said:

I don't think we here on SW can change gaming terminology. WRPGs vs JRPGs are genres that are well established because of the place of origin of the _genre_, not of particular games. Spaghetti and pizza will awlays be Italian food, although they were cooked by a german immigrant in a restaurant in New York owned by a Spanish company. Same goes for games. Septerra Core is a JRPG despite it was developed in France, and Dark Souls is a WRPG despite being developed in Japan.

EDIT: Also, The Witcher games are from Poland and that makes them WRPGs even by place of origin. Poland is and always was part of the western civilization. Long before NA was even discovered.

  • Action - RPG
  • Tactical - RPG
  • Strategy - RPG
  • Dungeon Crawler
  • Story-Driven RPG
  • Sandbox - RPG
  • Roguelikes
  • etc.

Those are (sub)genres. Just because most RPG created in Japan used turn-based combat (tactical RPG) and artstyles inspired by japanese animation, doesn't mean that it's a genre. That's ridiculous (no offense), as is that food analogy i've seen you use a number of times.

They're just different styles that are in most cases extreme generalizations.

People get confused because the RPG genre has been diluted to the point were people don't even know what the **** an RPG is anymore.

But shit, i've seen a lot of heated arguments on system wars around this for years now. It will never end.

Generalization is the point of genres. It makes discussion about games (as well as music, movies and other things) possible without having to describe every single aspect of the given game every time you want to tell someone about it.

I don't think that FF7 can be considered tactical RPG just because it has turn-based combat.

And despite you find the idea that JRPG is a genre ridiculous, there is no denying wide gaming community is using to word "JRPG" to describe a genre of a game (i.e. describe general attributes of the game). We can hardly do anything about it here.

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#77  Edited By RussianMeatClob
Member since 2010 • 282 Posts

I pick both because I like having a wide range of flavors.

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#78 Doom_HellKnight
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@loosingENDS said:

@Doom_HellKnight said:

@Blabadon: Mass Effect is an RPG. Deal with it.

Also, WRPG vs JRPG is one of the easiest decisions in gaming. WRPG takes the cake. Every single time.

How so ? WRPGs are far more generic than the top JRPGs and the gameplay is a joke comparing to Souls games

So JRPG win by miles in art, design, variety and gameplay and what is left for WPRGs ?

Story is debatable, open world too, since Witcher 2 felt totally on rails and you could not go back to previous areas, which is way worse than FF7-8-9 open world

Everything you've just spat out is opinion. I personally cannot stand the art style of Japanese RPGs, I much prefer the gameplay of many Western RPGS, and story obviously depends on the game. I've always hated games like final fantasy, and no amount of people on the internet is going to sway me. The Witcher 2 remains a better, more enjoyable game than any RPG that Japan has ever fired out. That includes Souls, the gameplay of which I did not enjoy.

Naturally, this is from someone who, as I just mentioned, cannot stand JRPGs. If you have problems grasping that opinion, then I think it's time to leave the internet.

It's also interesting that you bring The Witcher 2 up when mentioning open worlds, considering The Witcher 2 never claimed to have such. Something I'm very thankful for.

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#79  Edited By deactivated-5cd08b1605da1
Member since 2012 • 9317 Posts

Last gen - JRPG

Current gen - WRPG

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#80 Jakandsigz
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@Trail_Mix said:

@Jakandsigz said:

@Trail_Mix said:

JRPGs, easily. Over all spectrum.

Especially character design.

You might want to actually play Some Wrpgs before you say things like that. Or I guess you assume all of them are made by Bioware and Bethesda.

Any recommendations?

Did not even try to look at the OP did you?

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#81 Jakandsigz
Member since 2013 • 6341 Posts

@loosingENDS said:

@Doom_HellKnight said:

@Blabadon: Mass Effect is an RPG. Deal with it.

Also, WRPG vs JRPG is one of the easiest decisions in gaming. WRPG takes the cake. Every single time.

How so ? WRPGs are far more generic than the top JRPGs and the gameplay is a joke comparing to Souls games

So JRPG win by miles in art, design, variety and gameplay and what is left for WPRGs ?

Story is debatable, open world too, since Witcher 2 felt totally on rails and you could not go back to previous areas, which is way worse than FF7-8-9 open world

All you did is show you never played many Wrpgs just like the VAST MAJORITY of Jrpgs fans on this board who think bioware and bethesda make the only Wrpgs. (plus Darksouls is a Wprg. I though you liked that.)

I can take your same flawed argument and throw it back at you.

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#82 finalfantasy94
Member since 2004 • 27442 Posts

@Jakandsigz said:

@loosingENDS said:

@Doom_HellKnight said:

@Blabadon: Mass Effect is an RPG. Deal with it.

Also, WRPG vs JRPG is one of the easiest decisions in gaming. WRPG takes the cake. Every single time.

How so ? WRPGs are far more generic than the top JRPGs and the gameplay is a joke comparing to Souls games

So JRPG win by miles in art, design, variety and gameplay and what is left for WPRGs ?

Story is debatable, open world too, since Witcher 2 felt totally on rails and you could not go back to previous areas, which is way worse than FF7-8-9 open world

All you did is show you never played many Wrpgs just like the VAST MAJORITY of Jrpgs fans on this board who think bioware and bethesda make the only Wrpgs. (plus Darksouls is a Wprg. I though you liked that.)

I can take your same flawed argument and throw it back at you.

Oh boy your just going to start another long discussion.

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#83  Edited By loosingENDS
Member since 2011 • 11793 Posts

@Jakandsigz said:

@loosingENDS said:

@Doom_HellKnight said:

@Blabadon: Mass Effect is an RPG. Deal with it.

Also, WRPG vs JRPG is one of the easiest decisions in gaming. WRPG takes the cake. Every single time.

How so ? WRPGs are far more generic than the top JRPGs and the gameplay is a joke comparing to Souls games

So JRPG win by miles in art, design, variety and gameplay and what is left for WPRGs ?

Story is debatable, open world too, since Witcher 2 felt totally on rails and you could not go back to previous areas, which is way worse than FF7-8-9 open world

All you did is show you never played many Wrpgs just like the VAST MAJORITY of Jrpgs fans on this board who think bioware and bethesda make the only Wrpgs. (plus Darksouls is a Wprg. I though you liked that.)

I can take your same flawed argument and throw it back at you.

I have played nearly every WRPG in existance, starting in Ultima Underworld, Ultima and Might and Magic days

Simply put, the latest years WRPGs are becoming a joke, they try to appeal to casuals, are oversimplified and linear

JRPGs does it better

and Demons Souls completly conquers gameplay for 3D action RPG too

Dark Souls is a JRPG, not a WRPG

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#84 Jakandsigz
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@loosingENDS said:

@Jakandsigz said:

@loosingENDS said:

@Doom_HellKnight said:

@Blabadon: Mass Effect is an RPG. Deal with it.

Also, WRPG vs JRPG is one of the easiest decisions in gaming. WRPG takes the cake. Every single time.

How so ? WRPGs are far more generic than the top JRPGs and the gameplay is a joke comparing to Souls games

So JRPG win by miles in art, design, variety and gameplay and what is left for WPRGs ?

Story is debatable, open world too, since Witcher 2 felt totally on rails and you could not go back to previous areas, which is way worse than FF7-8-9 open world

All you did is show you never played many Wrpgs just like the VAST MAJORITY of Jrpgs fans on this board who think bioware and bethesda make the only Wrpgs. (plus Darksouls is a Wprg. I though you liked that.)

I can take your same flawed argument and throw it back at you.

I have played nearly every WRPG in existance, starting in Ultima Underworld, Ultima and Might and Magic days

Simply put, the latest years WRPGs are becoming a joke, they try to appeal to casuals, are oversimplified and linear

JRPGs does it better

and Demons Souls completly conquers gameplay for 3D action RPG too

Dark Souls is a JRPG, not a WRPG

No you haven't. Lol, Might and Magic and Ultima, how long did it takes you to google those? Nice examples, not really.

The fact you are ignoring the casualization of Jrpgs nor describe your point just shows you want to remove thing so that it makes it seem like you know what you are saying. This is double hilarious because you have said in older posts it's not a Jrpg so you clearly are losing your mind.

Hell, Jrpgs entire existence is based on casualizing regular Rpgs from the start, and eventually it went from taking a few rpg elements out to be debatable as an rpg at all.

And Dark Souls is a Wrpg, the style fits, it's what it plays like, it's FACTUALLY the reason why they were split up, you can say the sky is purple on a blue sunny day, but you are an idiot if you do.

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#85  Edited By Seabas989
Member since 2009 • 13567 Posts

Xenoblade is my favorite RPG this gen so I'll go with JRPGs.

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#86 Lucianu
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@Doom_HellKnight said:

Everything you've just spat out is opinion. I personally cannot stand the art style of Japanese RPGs, I much prefer the gameplay of many Western RPGS, and story obviously depends on the game. I've always hated games like final fantasy, and no amount of people on the internet is going to sway me. The Witcher 2 remains a better, more enjoyable game than any RPG that Japan has ever fired out. That includes Souls, the gameplay of which I did not enjoy.

Naturally, this is from someone who, as I just mentioned, cannot stand JRPGs. If you have problems grasping that opinion, then I think it's time to leave the internet.

It's also interesting that you bring The Witcher 2 up when mentioning open worlds, considering The Witcher 2 never claimed to have such. Something I'm very thankful for.

I hate Final Fantasy aswell, quite passionately actually, but i'm gonna presume you haven't played the likes of 999, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Mother 3 and Dragon Quest V to form a better opinion on JRPGs.

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#87 Jakandsigz
Member since 2013 • 6341 Posts

@Lucianu said:

@Doom_HellKnight said:

Everything you've just spat out is opinion. I personally cannot stand the art style of Japanese RPGs, I much prefer the gameplay of many Western RPGS, and story obviously depends on the game. I've always hated games like final fantasy, and no amount of people on the internet is going to sway me. The Witcher 2 remains a better, more enjoyable game than any RPG that Japan has ever fired out. That includes Souls, the gameplay of which I did not enjoy.

Naturally, this is from someone who, as I just mentioned, cannot stand JRPGs. If you have problems grasping that opinion, then I think it's time to leave the internet.

It's also interesting that you bring The Witcher 2 up when mentioning open worlds, considering The Witcher 2 never claimed to have such. Something I'm very thankful for.

I hate Final Fantasy aswell, quite passionately actually, but i'm gonna presume you haven't played the likes of 999, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Mother 3 and Dragon Quest V to form a better opinion on JRPGs.

3 of which have similar gameplay to quite a few Final Fantasy games. And one of the 3 just mentioned is stuck in a time warp. However, your other examples are good. I would through Tales of Symphonia and/or Vesperia since those are the western favorite tales games.

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#88  Edited By loosingENDS
Member since 2011 • 11793 Posts

@Jakandsigz said:

@loosingENDS said:

@Jakandsigz said:

@loosingENDS said:

@Doom_HellKnight said:

@Blabadon: Mass Effect is an RPG. Deal with it.

Also, WRPG vs JRPG is one of the easiest decisions in gaming. WRPG takes the cake. Every single time.

How so ? WRPGs are far more generic than the top JRPGs and the gameplay is a joke comparing to Souls games

So JRPG win by miles in art, design, variety and gameplay and what is left for WPRGs ?

Story is debatable, open world too, since Witcher 2 felt totally on rails and you could not go back to previous areas, which is way worse than FF7-8-9 open world

All you did is show you never played many Wrpgs just like the VAST MAJORITY of Jrpgs fans on this board who think bioware and bethesda make the only Wrpgs. (plus Darksouls is a Wprg. I though you liked that.)

I can take your same flawed argument and throw it back at you.

I have played nearly every WRPG in existance, starting in Ultima Underworld, Ultima and Might and Magic days

Simply put, the latest years WRPGs are becoming a joke, they try to appeal to casuals, are oversimplified and linear

JRPGs does it better

and Demons Souls completly conquers gameplay for 3D action RPG too

Dark Souls is a JRPG, not a WRPG

No you haven't. Lol, Might and Magic and Ultima, how long did it takes you to google those? Nice examples, not really.

The fact you are ignoring the casualization of Jrpgs nor describe your point just shows you want to remove thing so that it makes it seem like you know what you are saying. This is double hilarious because you have said in older posts it's not a Jrpg so you clearly are losing your mind.

Hell, Jrpgs entire existence is based on casualizing regular Rpgs from the start, and eventually it went from taking a few rpg elements out to be debatable as an rpg at all.

And Dark Souls is a Wrpg, the style fits, it's what it plays like, it's FACTUALLY the reason why they were split up, you can say the sky is purple on a blue sunny day, but you are an idiot if you do.

I dont see why you dont like Might and Magic and Ultima, these games were amazing. Probably you have not played either series. Also i have the boxes of many of my old PC collection, i can take a pic with my username on if you like, just in case you keep this "you have not played those games" silly damage control stance.

And how about the casualization of WRPG ? Skyrim and Witcher 2 were jokes comparing to Morrowind and Witcher 1 or Gothic 1-2 (which again you obviosuly have never played, so you think new WRPGs are any good)

Also the only serious WRPG style game to come this generation is a JRPG (a RPG from Japan and ONLY on consoles - PS3 - Demons Soul)

WRPGs are way worse than they were and RPGs from Japan are getting way better in SOuls case or at least are as amazing as they were previosuly (Lost Odyssey, Ni no Kuni, Bravely Default)

WRPGs are getting crap, JRPGs getting better or remain same

Both Witcher 2 and Skyrim are some of the most boring games i have ever played TBH, Witcher 2 was totally on rails, and the combat in both games is like a torture of extreme boredom. Sticking nails to my fingertips seems way more fun than the combat and gameplay of those two titles.

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#89 AdobeArtist  Moderator
Member since 2006 • 25184 Posts
@loosingENDS said:

Both Witcher 2 and Skyrim are some of the most boring games i have ever played TBH, Witcher 2 was totally on rails, and the combat in both games is like a torture of extreme boredom. Sticking nails to my fingertips seems way more fun than the combat and gameplay of those two titles.

But... what about that "true next gen lighting" in Witcher 2? ;) :P

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#90 good_sk8er7
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Nothing beats an amazing JRPG.

That being said, I LOVE WRPGs too.

I'm just a huge RPG fan.

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#91  Edited By M8ingSeezun
Member since 2007 • 2313 Posts

Neither genres are appealing to me.

But if I had to choose, WRPGs are far better, based upon what I've fiddled and dabbled with but never really finished.

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#92 TheFlush
Member since 2002 • 5965 Posts

WRPG's have evolved greatly the last couple of years.
And while I still enjoy JRPG's once in a while, they haven't innovated that much. It's more a feeling of nostalgia when I'm playing them.

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#93  Edited By loosingENDS
Member since 2011 • 11793 Posts

@TheFlush said:

WRPG's have evolved greatly the last couple of years.

And while I still enjoy JRPG's once in a while, they haven't innovated that much. It's more a feeling of nostalgia when I'm playing them.

In what ways ?

They have devolved really, become more casual and linear

Demons Souls is the way RPGs should be made and is a JRPG

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#94 Jakandsigz
Member since 2013 • 6341 Posts

@loosingENDS said:

@Jakandsigz said:

@loosingENDS said:

@Jakandsigz said:

@loosingENDS said:

@Doom_HellKnight said:

@Blabadon: Mass Effect is an RPG. Deal with it.

Also, WRPG vs JRPG is one of the easiest decisions in gaming. WRPG takes the cake. Every single time.

How so ? WRPGs are far more generic than the top JRPGs and the gameplay is a joke comparing to Souls games

So JRPG win by miles in art, design, variety and gameplay and what is left for WPRGs ?

Story is debatable, open world too, since Witcher 2 felt totally on rails and you could not go back to previous areas, which is way worse than FF7-8-9 open world

All you did is show you never played many Wrpgs just like the VAST MAJORITY of Jrpgs fans on this board who think bioware and bethesda make the only Wrpgs. (plus Darksouls is a Wprg. I though you liked that.)

I can take your same flawed argument and throw it back at you.

I have played nearly every WRPG in existance, starting in Ultima Underworld, Ultima and Might and Magic days

Simply put, the latest years WRPGs are becoming a joke, they try to appeal to casuals, are oversimplified and linear

JRPGs does it better

and Demons Souls completly conquers gameplay for 3D action RPG too

Dark Souls is a JRPG, not a WRPG

No you haven't. Lol, Might and Magic and Ultima, how long did it takes you to google those? Nice examples, not really.

The fact you are ignoring the casualization of Jrpgs nor describe your point just shows you want to remove thing so that it makes it seem like you know what you are saying. This is double hilarious because you have said in older posts it's not a Jrpg so you clearly are losing your mind.

Hell, Jrpgs entire existence is based on casualizing regular Rpgs from the start, and eventually it went from taking a few rpg elements out to be debatable as an rpg at all.

And Dark Souls is a Wrpg, the style fits, it's what it plays like, it's FACTUALLY the reason why they were split up, you can say the sky is purple on a blue sunny day, but you are an idiot if you do.

I dont see why you dont like Might and Magic and Ultima, these games were amazing. Probably you have not played either series. Also i have the boxes of many of my old PC collection, i can take a pic with my username on if you like, just in case you keep this "you have not played those games" silly damage control stance.

And how about the casualization of WRPG ? Skyrim and Witcher 2 were jokes comparing to Morrowind and Witcher 1 or Gothic 1-2 (which again you obviosuly have never played, so you think new WRPGs are any good)

Also the only serious WRPG style game to come this generation is a JRPG (a RPG from Japan and ONLY on consoles - PS3 - Demons Soul)

WRPGs are way worse than they were and RPGs from Japan are getting way better in SOuls case or at least are as amazing as they were previosuly (Lost Odyssey, Ni no Kuni, Bravely Default)

WRPGs are getting crap, JRPGs getting better or remain same

Both Witcher 2 and Skyrim are some of the most boring games i have ever played TBH, Witcher 2 was totally on rails, and the combat in both games is like a torture of extreme boredom. Sticking nails to my fingertips seems way more fun than the combat and gameplay of those two titles.

I like how you purposely twisted my words around. i never directly said you never played thos games, I did however directly say that those are extremely googable names and it does not prove you played many Wrpgs at all.

I also already admitted to Skyrim multiple times in more than one thread that it's not that good to me, but in that post i stated that Jrgps are just as casualized and you managed to ignore that fact because you know it's true, At this point you literally are confirming you think bethesda and maybe Bioware make most the Wrpgs this gen when you randomly pull out Skyrim in a conversation not even about it.

You also need to get your facts state and stop being Stupid, no matter how much you throw a tantrum, Dark Souls is a Wrpg Period. the genres were SPLIT for THAT EXACT FACTUAL reason. From Softwares games, well most of them, are often considered to be ones broguth from western gameplay styles EVEN IN JAPAN. Although Japan does not split the genres like the western countries do, they are factually split for the reason mentioned. So if you use the terms Jrpg and Wrpgs, how about not being a bitch and using them, for what they were made for instead of trying to spin illusions?

Seems more like damage control of FF13 at this point.

I mean, you even said in another post that you like FF7 and FF9 for being uniue and generic when that's EXACTLY what those games are (quality being subjective) so you clearly don't have a clear head. In fact, were you not praising the Witcher 2 earlier?

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#95 Jakandsigz
Member since 2013 • 6341 Posts

@loosingENDS said:

@TheFlush said:

WRPG's have evolved greatly the last couple of years.

And while I still enjoy JRPG's once in a while, they haven't innovated that much. It's more a feeling of nostalgia when I'm playing them.

In what ways ?

They have devolved really, become more casual and linear

Demons Souls is the way RPGs should be made and is a JRPG

It's a Wrpg, please don't twist your illusions on people from historical facts.

And all you have proven here is that "most" Wrpgs you have played are from Bioware and Bethesda because your statement is terribly wrong. Prehaps actually knowing what you are talking about first.

(and fable. You seem to be DCing off Witcher after praising it so I have no idea what your opinion on that game is,)

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#96 enzyme36
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Fallout.D-Souls.Phantasy Starrpg