Poll Wrpgs or Jrpgs overall? (85 votes)
So another gen has come and gone, and we have received a plethora(?) of Rpgs and games being labeled rpgs, and a lot of them were fan freaking tastic.
Tastic not being a real word.
However, how about OVERALL? Here are some POPULAR examples of each over the generation to help you with your decision. These are just the top of my head from what I played.
- Ultima 4
- Ultima 7 part 1
- Ultima 7 part 2
- Ultima 5
- Wizardry
- Wizardry 5
- Wizardry 7
- Wizardry 8
- The Bard Tale
- Entomorph plague of the darkfall
- Betrayal At Krondor
- All those AD&D games
- Fable Lost Chapter
- Fable II
- Neverwinter Nights
- Neverwinter Knights 2
- Kotor
- Kotor 2
- Ice wind Dale
- Mass Effect
- Mass Effect 2
- Dragon Age Origins
- The Witcher
- The Witcher 2
- The Modern the Bard Tale
- Deus EX
- Deus EX Invisible War
- Wasteland
- Fall out
- Fall Out 2
- Fall out 3
- Fall out New Vegas
- Elder Scrolls Arena
- Elder Scrolls Morrowind
- Elder Scrolls Oblivion
- Elder Scrolls Skyrim
- Temple of Elemental Evil
- Diablo
- Diablo 2
- Baulders Gate
- Baulders Gate Dark Alliance
- Baulders Gate 2
- Vampire the Masqurade
- Star Control II
- System Shock
- System Shock 2
- Pool of Radiance
- Ultima Underworld
- Arx Fatalis
- King of Dragon pass
- Seven Sprits of Ra
- Gothic 1
- Gothic 2
- Alpha Protocol
- Sacred
- Gulld Wars
- Guild Wars 2
- Jade Empire
- Dark Messiah of might and magic
- Shadow Run
- YS Oath in Felghana
- Final Fantasy IV
- Final Fantasy 6
- Final Fantasy 7
- Final Fantasy 8
- Final Fantasy IX
- Final Fantasy X
- Dragon Quest 7
- Legend of Legaia
- Breath of Fire
- Breath of Fire 3
- Breath of Fire 4
- Tales of Vesperia
- Tales of Symphonia
- Shadow Hearts 1
- Dragon Warrior 1
- Dragon Warrior 3
- Persona 2(PSX-NA)
- Persona 3
- The 7th Saga
- Brainlord
- Valkyrie Chronicles
- Valkyrie Chronicles 2
- Chrono Trigger
- SaGa frontier 2
- Thread of Fate
- Resonance of Fate
- Dragon Quest V
- Pokemon Sapphire
- Pokemon White
- Rogue Galaxy
- Megaman Battle Network 2
- Megaman Battle Network 3 both
- Megaman Battle Network 5 both
- Megaman Battle Network 5 DS
- Megaman Star Force 3 Black Ace
- Phantasy Star III
- Phantasy Star IV
- The Last Story
- Frontier Gate
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