Well, they did it. They reversed all of their policies on DRM for the Xbox One....I'm still not buying one and I will be happy to explain why.
You see, Microsoft lit the gaming community on fire with all of its intrusive DRM, terrible policies and "Deal with it" responses. They fully and proudly announced all of these horribly intrusive hoops for consumers to jump through. This was no slight overlook, no this was balls out screwing the consumer and they knew it.
So they announced all these wonderful things going all out and acting proud of it at their press conference. Well the internet erupted into a volcano of hatred for weeks on end constantly, everywhere and what did Microsoft do? They said "Deal with it" they explained why the "Concept of ownership is morphing" by telling us how we should share our products we buy and own with Microsoft and do what they say with them, they spent weeks with interviews and conferences explaining why all this stuff is really ok and its for our own good and told us why we should just roll over and accept it. Lets face it, this has been going on for months before the E3 event unveiled all of their plans.
So after all of that they decided to reverse the policies they were slapping us with just a few days ago and expecting to not only put up with them, but pay for them as well.
Will I buy an Xbox One now that Microsoft has changed the policies that I so justifiably hated? No, I will not. Not even if they reduce the price and throw in a free game I will not buy an Xbox One.
"OHHHH BUT WHY????!!!!! They change what you hated you should like them now!" No, I should not like them now. They flip flopped over night, that does not suddenly make everything ok.
Despite changing their policies Microsoft is still the exact same company it was 2 days ago which we all hated and despised. Sure they changed policies but its still the same company. Do you honestly think the entire company suddenly had a epiphany and decided now it loves the consumers? Has our best interest at heart? And wants to become all of our best friends and show us how loved and adored we are as their customers? Wrong! Its the same company. They did not change their minds over night, and there is nothing to say they wont change it right back again at the drop of a hat.
Microsoft did not make these changes for the good of the consumer. They did not change anything to please its customers. They did not change anything to bring more value to us. They did not change anything in order to make us feel valuable. And they did not change anything to say they are sorry. They did however change things for the sake of profit and nothing else. They changed not because they wanted to, but because they were forced to.
Like Sony did before many times with the PS3, and even lying about personal infomration, but go on and get a PS4 still lol. Gaming is a business, gaming has always been, and attacking MS for something small inrelationship to another company makes no sense.
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