Poll X1X 4K Ultra Graphics vs PC 4K Ultra Graphics vs LMFAO PS4 Pro (93 votes)
The X1X Ultra 4K Graphics look the best! 42%
PC Ultra 4k Graphics look the best! 48%
The PS4 Pro checkerboard 4K Graphics look the best! 10%
Which do you find looks the best?
Well, the big surprise for me was that the X1X version looks considerably better than the PC Ultra 4K graphics. The texture detail looks better, the clarity of the visuals is superior and even the graphical effects such as the hairworks looks a lot better as well. Btw, the PS4 pro looks like @SS, LMFAO!
Uh... yeah that is a little strange the X1X version looks the best. Was there any additional optimization done for it? Does it reflect PC's ultra settings?
The xbox x draw distance looks better than the PC version, surprised with that.
12 GBs of GDDR5 RAM with 326 GB/s memory bandwidth! You can expect open world games such as Grand Theft Auto 6 and Red Dead Redemption 2 to have a lot better draw distances, 4k assets and just all around graphics while running a lot better than the PS4 Pro version.
The xbox x draw distance looks better than the PC version, surprised with that.
12 GBs of GDDR5 RAM with 326 GB/s memory bandwidth! You can expect open world games such as Grand Theft Auto 6 and Red Dead Redemption 2 to have a lot better draw distances, 4k assets and just all around graphics while running a lot better than the PS4 Pro version.
It is a good sign the x is beating the PC draw distance.
Uh... yeah that is a little strange the X1X version looks the best. Was there any additional optimization done for it? Does it reflect PC's ultra settings?
It doesn't. This is an altered video. The Xbox version is alpha footage as it says in the trailer uploaded by Crystal Dynamics and the PS4 Pro looks better than what is shown as I had the game and beat it last year. The so called PS4 Pro part is not even in 1080p. You are late to BTW OP. Nice try though. The Xbox One X video is just an enhanced trailer as the patch for the game is not even finished yet.
PC still looks better to me but impressive showing for the X1X....Pro lol
Watch it at 2.27 minutes. The Pro and PC draw distance is more blurry. I curious why the PC version looks this way though?
Because the videos are altered to make the XBX look better and as I said the XBX footage was not in game, just enhanced trailer. The pro version as I actually owned it looks great, but PC is best this time around. people on this site ignore facts though to fit their make believe world. No footage of the game running on XBX exists because the patch has not happened.
PC still looks better to me but impressive showing for the X1X....Pro lol
Watch it at 2.27 minutes. The Pro and PC draw distance is more blurry. I curious why the PC version looks this way though?
Because the videos are altered to make the XBX look better and as I said the XBX footage was not in game, just enhanced trailer. The pro version as I actually owned it looks great, but PC is best this time around. people on this site ignore facts though to fit their make believe world. No footage of the game running on XBX exists because the patch has not happened.
The video was just uploaded recently and the footage was captured on xbox one x. The person who was doing the comparison would have made this mistake not Microsoft and Crystal Dynamics.
PC still looks better to me but impressive showing for the X1X....Pro lol
Watch it at 2.27 minutes. The Pro and PC draw distance is more blurry. I curious why the PC version looks this way though?
Because the videos are altered to make the XBX look better and as I said the XBX footage was not in game, just enhanced trailer. The pro version as I actually owned it looks great, but PC is best this time around. people on this site ignore facts though to fit their make believe world. No footage of the game running on XBX exists because the patch has not happened.
The video was just uploaded recently and the footage was captured on xbox one x. The person who was doing the comparison would have made this mistake not Microsoft and Crystal Dynamics.
The footage says pre alpha but he is a direct comparison from someone actually using the PS4 pro version. Notice it doesn't look blurry.
PC still looks better to me but impressive showing for the X1X....Pro lol
Watch it at 2.27 minutes. The Pro and PC draw distance is more blurry. I curious why the PC version looks this way though?
Because the videos are altered to make the XBX look better and as I said the XBX footage was not in game, just enhanced trailer. The pro version as I actually owned it looks great, but PC is best this time around. people on this site ignore facts though to fit their make believe world. No footage of the game running on XBX exists because the patch has not happened.
The video was just uploaded recently and the footage was captured on xbox one x. The person who was doing the comparison would have made this mistake not Microsoft and Crystal Dynamics.
The footage says pre alpha but he is a direct comparison from someone actually using the PS4 pro version. Notice it doesn't look blurry.
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Uh... That still looks blurry especially when zoomed in. Is it even running in the 4K mode?
@GarGx1: One of the graphic options for RotTR is 60fps on X1X.
Not going to be 4k with Ultra settings though.
Well, on the PC side of things in order to get 4k Ultra with 60 fps you need a modern i7 CPU and a 1080ti GPU. Just those two components alone are over $1,000. Will the $500 X1X be able to achieve that? I'm not sure but probably.
@GarGx1: One of the graphic options for RotTR is 60fps on X1X.
Not going to be 4k with Ultra settings though.
Well, on the PC side of things in order to get 4k Ultra with 60 fps you need a modern i7 CPU and a 1080ti GPU. Just those two components alone are over $1,000. Will the $500 X1X be able to achieve that? I'm not sure but probably.
@GarGx1: One of the graphic options for RotTR is 60fps on X1X.
Not going to be 4k with Ultra settings though.
Well, on the PC side of things in order to get 4k Ultra with 60 fps you need a modern i7 CPU and a 1080ti GPU. Just those two components alone are over $1,000. Will the $500 X1X be able to achieve that? I'm not sure but probably.
@GarGx1: One of the graphic options for RotTR is 60fps on X1X.
Not going to be 4k with Ultra settings though.
Well, on the PC side of things in order to get 4k Ultra with 60 fps you need a modern i7 CPU and a 1080ti GPU. Just those two components alone are over $1,000. Will the $500 X1X be able to achieve that? I'm not sure but probably.
How would it achieve that?
There's no way on Earth that the X1X will be running any game with graphics of a similar calibre to RotTR (arguably a graphics king contender) at 4K, PC Ultra and 60fps, or even close to it. To expect it to is beyond wishful thinking.
Well, on the PC side of things in order to get 4k Ultra with 60 fps you need a modern i7 CPU and a 1080ti GPU. Just those two components alone are over $1,000. Will the $500 X1X be able to achieve that? I'm not sure but probably.
How would it achieve that?
How is it going to make it 60fps, 4k Ultra in RotTR?
It surprise me more how close all 3 look than the difference between the 3 PC and XBO X look sharper without doubt the difference is relatively small,it was a nice job done on TR.
Well, on the PC side of things in order to get 4k Ultra with 60 fps you need a modern i7 CPU and a 1080ti GPU. Just those two components alone are over $1,000. Will the $500 X1X be able to achieve that? I'm not sure but probably.
How would it achieve that?
How is it going to make it 60fps, 4k Ultra in RotTR?
Well, on the PC side of things in order to get 4k Ultra with 60 fps you need a modern i7 CPU and a 1080ti GPU. Just those two components alone are over $1,000. Will the $500 X1X be able to achieve that? I'm not sure but probably.
How would it achieve that?
How is it going to make it 60fps, 4k Ultra in RotTR?
The XBoneX looks best especially at 02:02 but then at 02:18 you can see why. They removed or significantly toned down the DOF effect on XBoneX to make the image look sharper in the distance. Something id imagine is optional on the PC version.
Lets not be totally biased against the PS4 Pro. The Pro has a lot of great looking games that play well on the system. Yes, the Xbox One X beats it in ever category, but it is not LOL worthy. :P
Seriously, Is this 100% legit? I'm not poking fun at PS4 Pro. But it's very blurry. Doesn't even look like it's 1080p. Which obviously it's higher then that. So why does the PS4 Pro version look like a Nintendo switch trying to run Rise of Tomb Raider?
@GarGx1: One of the graphic options for RotTR is 60fps on X1X.
Not going to be 4k with Ultra settings though.
Well, on the PC side of things in order to get 4k Ultra with 60 fps you need a modern i7 CPU and a 1080ti GPU. Just those two components alone are over $1,000. Will the $500 X1X be able to achieve that? I'm not sure but probably.
PC still looks better to me but impressive showing for the X1X....Pro lol
Watch it at 2.27 minutes. The Pro and PC draw distance is more blurry. I curious why the PC version looks this way though?
Because the videos are altered to make the XBX look better and as I said the XBX footage was not in game, just enhanced trailer. The pro version as I actually owned it looks great, but PC is best this time around. people on this site ignore facts though to fit their make believe world. No footage of the game running on XBX exists because the patch has not happened.
The video was just uploaded recently and the footage was captured on xbox one x. The person who was doing the comparison would have made this mistake not Microsoft and Crystal Dynamics.
The footage says pre alpha but he is a direct comparison from someone actually using the PS4 pro version. Notice it doesn't look blurry.
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I can barely see any difference. And her hair still looks bad.
The PC version shown in that video is not running at PC max settings.
It has lower pure hair settings, lacks vxao and other settings are turned down.
I know this because I have a 1080ti and play the game maxed out at 4k.
The game at 4k max settings on PC is too demanding for the Xbox One as my 1080ti drops to the 40s in frame rate at max settings in 4k.
Here is what they say the PC version looks like. Right click and view in new tab to see full picture quality. Switch back and forth between tabs to see the difference better.
Here is a screenshot I took at max settings.
Notice the higher textures, the high pure hair settings and better shadows...
And before you say that is because the capture from their video is highly compressed (which it is) here is the Xbox One X version.
Notice the texture matching up more with my PC screenshot.
Also here is a screenshot they use for the PC version.
And here is a screenshot taken from my PC maxed out at 4k.
You will notice the foliage LOD is better. The bad compression from the video hides most of the other differences I could point out.
PC version looks way better then the XB1x version, which isn't really a surprise, but as console goes, xb1x looks slightly better then the ps4 pro. I guess in this case lemmings are hyping 2 year old games now, since console really doesn't have anything worth while (exclusives) to show off the power of the xb1x .
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