[QUOTE="clone01"] [QUOTE="knight-k"]
Sorry that's just your opinion. In the opinion of GS MGS4=10> any 360 exclusive. So we're on GS and we can take that as a fact. And it's not my opinion 360 has a high failure rate, and is unreliable it's a fact. And paying 50 bucks AKA getting ripped off for an online service that's free everywhere else is not my opinion it's a fact.Syn_Valence
so 1 game that's AAAA is better than multiple AAA? that would seem to be opinion. as far as the failure rate goes. yes, at launch, the 360 had an abnormally high failure rate, and a lot of consumers got burned by it. however, new chips are making this less and less of a problem, and microsoft took proactive steps to remedy the situation. when my PS2 collapsed from a DRE, i don't remember sony coming to my rescue. as far as XBL being a rip off, well, that once again is your opinion. many users who have both (like myself) feel that the streamlined operation and increased robustness over PSN is more than worth the $50 per year.
LOL but microsoft had to drop that fee for their computer live service......because i guess hermits are soo much smarter then lemmings are..........they refused to pay for the service........but lemmings keep defending it on console......lol
no, i'd certainly prefer it to be free. however, most of my friends are on live, and PC gaming really doesn't interest me that much. i'm simply stating that, compared to PSN, which is also completely functional, i don't mind paying the money for the extra features and better interface.
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