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the 360 cut is permanent. it's not a clearance sale on a discontinued product. temporay? bioshock is ready to hit the shelves. and next moth the ps3 killer comes out. just 1 of the 3 versions of halo is outselling the discontined ps3, with two more versions left to pile on. is it temporary, yes, an xbox 720 will eventually be launched. that still dosn't help sony.just like lemmings said to ps3-fans: this is just temporary.
it's kinda pathetic you're calling this ownage when you told the cows to "shup up this is just temporary", but here you are, claiming ownage on being no.1. :lol:
well today 1. 360, 2. halo3, 3. madden 08 for 360, 4. ps3, 5. wii, 6. ps3 controler, 7. halo3 collectors, 8. wii controler, 9. 360 eliete, 10. ds lite.
half the top ten are 360 products. the top 3 are all360 products. the 360 domination of christmas 2007 has started.
I'm one of the people who bought one. My original Xbox died in the middle of one of my semi-annual replays of KOTOR so it was time.
The extra $20 below the regular pricedrop, no sales tax and free shipping made it a must do.
Now if I only wasn't so upset about the fact that PS3's sell better in Europe perhaps I could enjoy it.....
you know what....I think I will anyway.
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