XBox 360 a.k.a Microsoft at the moment have no exclusives for their console for 2011. They will soon have Gears of war 3, Forza 4 and Halo Anniversary Edition. PS3 has many exclusives out this year. I have played LBP2, Socom 4, Killzone 3 so far this year. I played LBP2, completed the single player and did try out some of the user created levels. After I beat the campaign of little big planet, it didnt last long for me. Killzone 3 had a good campaign which I completed and then I tried out the multiplayer. I played it for 2-3 weeks till it got boring. I also bought Socom 4, I beat the campaign which was horrible and also after Sony got PSN back up, I tried out their online which was also terrible. I have played the Resistance 3 beta which I didnt too like. I think that game will shine for singleplayer just like other PS3 exclusives. Now, I did not pick up Infamous 2. I know that game has a very good single player and has no multiplayer. I played the Uncharted 3 beta which I did think it was OK but I also think that game will shine for single player purposes. The xbox 360 on the other hand has OK Single player games, I think Alan Wake was the best xbox 360 exclusive for single player. This year, already. I have played the gears of war 3 beta and I loved it. I played it all the time for month till it ended. Gears of war 3's prequel which is gears of war that came out few years ago. I still play it and I still love it. Halo 1 IMO hands down is the best multiplayer game of all time. Nothing has still beat it. Now, yes there is Halo reach and Halo 3. After 4 years, I still love to play Halo 3. Having the best multiplayer game of all time being remaked is awesome. Also, I do own forza. I only have forza 3 though. All I can say, the game is fun as hell. Season Play is really good, earning money and try to earn different cars is awesome. Also multiplayer shines for forza too. Auction house was really useful if you wanted to get rid of your cars. Also, Tag virus, Cat and mouse games were fun as hell, I do still play it but the last time I played forza was approximately a month ago. I will now state my opinions. For the games that are not out yet, I will state my opinions on their prequel.
Infamous 2, Very Good singleplayer, No MP
Little Big Planet 2, OK Singleplayer and Good User created contents.
Killzone 3, Excellent Campaign, OK MP
Socom 4, Mediocre Campaign, Terrible MP
Resistance 3 Beta, Mediocre MP
Resistance 2, Excellent Singleplayer
Uncharted 3 Beta, Good MP
Uncharted 2, Brilliant Singleplayer!!!
Forza 4, (cant comment)Looks very good though
Forza 3, Very Good Season Play, Addicting, Very Good Multiplayer (Auctioning your cars, game modes like Tag virus)
Gears of war 3 Beta, Excellent MP
Gears of war 2, Good MP
Halo Anniversary Edition, (cant comment)Looks excellent with switching graphics engine element
Halo 1, BEST MP!!!!! Mediocre campaign
Halo 3, Bad campaign, Excellent MP
Now, this is not a joke thread like the last one but I will make a state so sum up everything here.
"Xbox 360 this year has 3 exclusives coming out where as PS3 has handful already out and more to come. If you are looking for a good multiplayer game and something that will last long then go for the Xbox 360 Exclusives. If you want a good Campaign with good story, long, never gets bored, good gameplay then go for the PS3 exclusives"
Now Do you agree with my statement? I will put out a poll so you can vote.
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