I think the reason that Halo 3 sells better than MGS 4 is because of it's appeal to casuals and diehards. Easy and fun to get into for casuals and it can get really competetive and skillful for the diehards. (Yeah i should put up my flameshield for saying Halo can require skill.) Not to mention that FPS is the number 1 genre right now. However MGS 4 has alot of things on their side such as great gameplay, a big cult fanbase, and one of the best games the PS3 has to offer.
The community is filled with some jerks - but then what game isn't?Kickinurass
Surprising i play more people who are nice or don't talk more than people who try to ruin it for others. Well i guess that's why they say the internet is serious business.
On that same note, It's funny that people that the same people that bag on Halo 3 and Live for the immaturity of some of it's users tend to join and tend to not bag on other communities that have the same or even worse kind of maturity. (Youtube comments, Unmoderated System Wars, any political website, anonymous, other games, etc.) Well at least the people i know. I guess one bad apple spoils the entire crate. But i'm getting off topic here. Just ignore the idiots and move on.
I guess I just have bad luck when it coms to Halo.Honestly, I can't even remember the last time I had fun on it.ThePRAssassin
Maybe Halo is just not for you.
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