Using Metacritic 70+ EXCLUSIVE games
Vita games are also PSN games so they are exclusive to PSN
Minecraft, American Nightmare, Splunking,Mark of the Ninja etc are XBLA on PC games but why are they not there?Because you can get them elsewhere, steam, mac, ios etc so they are not exclusive to XBLA
Trials Evolution - 90
Fez - 89
Trials Evolution: Origin of Pain - 85
Dust: An Elysian Tail - 83
Double Fine Happy Action Theater(kinect lol) - 80
Hybrid - 73
Haunt (kinect lol) - 70
Journey - 92
Sound Shapes - 84
Dyad - 83
The Unfinished Swan - 79
Retro/Grade - 78
Tokyo Jungle - 74
The House of the Dead 4 - 73
Papo & Yo - 72
Derrick the Deathfin - 71
Rainbow Moon - 70
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