care to explain the reasoning behind dlc being offered on ps3 exclusives?John Carmack On why Rage will come on only 2 DVDs .... While spanning the game over multiple discs could solve the issue, id Software revealed that the associated royalties to Microsoft for more than two discs would become economically unfavourable. "We're pretty much resigned to the fact that we're going to make it fit onto two DVDs on the 360. Plus there would be a lot of disc switching if we went to three DVDs, and since the game is split between two different wasteland environments, two DVDs should work well," he explained. "
MS sucks money from every crevest... DLC issues with develpers over charging, sued because of Memory cards, Had to expand Warranty because it was being suied.... Their GREED shows no limit. They will charge what they can get away with for EVERYTHING. I see now where the airlines got their fee to fly idea from
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