No matter what anyone wants to say about the Xbox, the bottom line is that Microsoft gave up on the Xbox after only 4 years. That's nothing in gaming years. Microsoft simply took their ball and went home, leaving fans that paid hard-earned money stranded at the carnival without a ride home. Fortunately for Microsoft, Xbox fans, in general, are a loyal lot.
Well, if Bobby Bach is to be believed, Microsoft is getting ready to do it all over again. If that's the case, count me out.
Robert Bach, the President of the Entertainment and Devices division of Microsoft gave an interview to recently and many gaming sites picked up on one tidbit in the interview:
Microsoft wants to be the first one out of the gate with the NEXT, next-gen console. Specifically, he said, "If you take the question of whether it was the right thing to try to be first, the answer to that is definitely yes. It has given us a leg up in a number of places that are super important. It has given us a leg up with game developers. It has given us a leg up from an economics perspective. It helped us expand Xbox Live quickly. At a strategy level, if you asked if we wanted to be first again, I would say yes."
While this factoid, in and of itself, isn't a big deal, when you couple it with what we know about Microsoft and their gaming hardware cycles, you'll realize that that release date is fast approaching.
If 2010 or 2011 really is their window for releasing the next Xbox, I don't think I'll be one of those early adopters. You'd think, by now, that Microsoft would have learned their lesson about being "first" and "quickest" to the market. Their haste to get to the starting line first resulted in a loss of over a billion dollars and a loss of unquantifiable consumer confidence, no matter what the PR spin on the Red Ring of Death fiasco is this week.
I don't want another new console to shell out $600 bucks for. Sony has repeatedly said that they plan on having a 10 year life cycle for the PS3 and I applaud them for that. Will Sony ever realize the potential of the PS3? Who knows, but at least one company is sticking to its guns and isn't out searching for the next big thing.
Sure, if the next, next-gen Xbox is launched in 2011 it will be six years from the 360's launch, but what about people that aren't early adopters? There's a lot of us out there that didn't buy an Xbox 360 until 2006, or 2007, or even more of us out there that still haven't purchased the console yet. What about us, Microsoft?
Microsoft, don't run out on us, like you did to the original Xbox guys. In your rush to be first, you may end up leaving the rest of us behind... Permanently.
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