[QUOTE="bloodyclot"] another uniformed statement imo.. We have 500 servers around 80 of them are linux based. Most of those are web servers. When it comes to enterprise servers windows is hands and fist better than anything linux has to offer. Prime example: Exchange Server, I.S.A server, and Shadow Copy(on of the best microsoft products period.) are products that linux really hasn't created anything to compete with. Not to mention We've had our web servers hacked before (damn unsecure Joomla portals) and we have never had a lick of trouble with the windows 2003 servers. Also have an issue with a server... you can call microsoft and the Gold support is TOP notch.. Ever call Red Hat support?? :-) is all I have to say about that.
Contrary to popular belief all tech people one time or another is probably going to have to call a dedicated support line on a product. To say you won't means you still have a ways to go in I.T. because weird stuff just happens. I used to be like LINUX was the bomb, zomg best servers... Then I've spent 5 years in I.T. 2 in help desk, and now as a C.S.S.A. (certified sonicwall systems administrator and System Administrator.) Linux has its niche (which I believe is web hosting... IIS is a horrible Microsoft Technology) but even in the server front there is a reason Microsoft is still 90% of the server market. Its functionality. Linux may RUN on lower hardware but that doesn't mean its near as functional in all other areas. As for security linux the os is fairy secure.. The problem is all the open source software for it. You always have to think not just the os but the programs on said os. That being said Open Source is Open Source and free, but the lack of support and the fact you don't know when they are just going to scrap the project. Microsoft gets a bad rap because they are the number 1 company, did I say they are innovative? Some of their side projects(ones most people don't even realize exists) yes, OS wise not so much.
As to the unethical behavior look at google the companies motto is "Do no evil" they are going through the same thing. When your top dog you are put under a microscope for everything. By what your saying in the last paragraph you must hate: Wal-mart, Target, Best Buy, Microsoft, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Google...etc..etc.. because those are ALL compaines that force others to sell and shut down.
That and when you have to manage 800+ users on one domain Active Directory is a god send.
**EDIT p.s. Mac OSX rocks, (yes I know its Unix based) but I think its a matter of too little, too late. They are still only up to around 2-5% market share and they are still limiting themselves with the pepriatary(sp? I know I butched that :-)) hardware. If they started to make it where you could install it on any x86 or amd64 pc then I think you would see there marketshare grow but Steve Jobs is stubborn and won't do it. We actually have a mac server as well at work for a local graphic company and they seem to love it. I don't have enough experience with the servers to make a judgement on them. **EDIT**
"another uniformed statement imo"
I've been in the industry for 15 years, and I still wouldn't presume to call you ignorant,but your opinion is vastly different than most IT professionals I know. For every tech that prefers MS, I can find 2 that disagree. Linux is far more stable (manages resources on a superior basis than windows), Linux is far more secure(Viruses, Spyware, Trojans on Linux?), Linux is far more affordable, Linux has great customer service(Redhat has been great), Linux is gaining more and more popularity over the years, just take a look around the world. In the US MS dominates, it's what businesses feel comfortable with, but it is not a better solution for everyone, not by a long shot. MS has software and market manipulation going for it. Any IT drone that's worth his/her salt knows their Linux/Unix, and I've never had a crisis with Linux and their support . I'm not sure why you would say something like that, as that sounds more like spreading fear than anything else.
It doesn't matter how many servers you have, that doesn't make your opinion any more sound. MS has market domination, it's not a surprise.That doesn't in any way reinforce the idea the MS provides a better server solution. Quite the opposite imo. Furthermore, with the debacle better known as Vista, it shouldn't be surprising for Linux to garner more market share. Back in April, Dell started rolling out a Linux solution, from the overwhelming customer requests might I add. Look for both Mac and Linux to gain more popularity over the years, especially abroad.
All those other companies you have listed are nowhere near the level of unethical behavior as MS (HP etc..etc.). MS feels threatened by open-source and has always targeted the community with scare tactics and legal maneuvering. For this reason, I have always been critical of the company, which as an IT guy, you should understand more than anyone. Open source is the pinnacle of keeping computing from being owned by every multinational corporation in the world, and it's movement is extremely important.
I'll give you a prime example as to why everyone should be weary of MS and their actions. This should also make people a bit nervous that MS could eventually corner the console market, just as they have done in the OS biz. Read this article, not for me, for yourself.
Ballmer is making his rounds again, threatening lawsuits against any and all open source companies/users, as MS say it's in violation of their patents, and wants companies/users to pay royalties! These sorts of news items NEVER make the front page, but occur all the time. First off, you shouldn't be able to "patent" software! That's like patenting math! Copyright is one thing, for a certain program or whatnot like a book is, but patenting is something large corps started doing en mass in the late 80's. The stupidity of the US patents office is the reason this has gotten so out of hand, and furthermore, most of MS's patents for example, would most likely be thrown out in court. You can't patent the "triple click"!! But guess who did? Anyway, MS refuses to let anyone know which of the 200 patents it violate.
Read this article:
Following site shows Linux domination over MS in the Web Server category. Stable and Secure are probably reasons for using Linux over MS.
I disagree with you, but I still agree with the webserver but I have had horrible time with redhat support. But that last graph is misleading. Its taking Apache vs IIS.. You can run apache on a windows server, its just more prevalant on linux and unix machines. I also disagree with linux being that more secure than windows(again because of the software installed on the server, not the os itself). Of course we still have several SCO servers and I actually like them so I'm probably the anti-christ to the linux community.
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