Playstation 3 and Wii support Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, mainstream standards as storage(SD Flash and 2.5" HD), and internet browsing.
Playstation 3 also supports a HD format standard and allows a new OS such as Linux to be installed. Wii also supports avatar customization.
Xbox 360 supports none of these features.
A Playstation 3 owner just has to pay as little as $99 to upgrade to 120GB and can pick from a wide assortment of manufacturers, yet a Xbox 360 owner must pay $179 and can only buy the hard-drive from Microsoft. 360 users can only use 360 supported wireless devices. Playstation 3 users can use almost any Bluetooth device on their PS3. And of course, Playstation 3 owners are not forced to pay $4 a month in order to play online. Playstation 3 offers much more freedom than the Xbox 360.
A Wii owner can quickly check the weather, browse the internet (with Opera, the proven fastest internet browser), customize Miis, and utilize the media stored on their Wii (available on all 3 consoles however) all while taking a gaming break. even features flash-based games compatible with a Wiimote. The Wii Virtual Console after only 6 months has become the largest downloadable game store on any of the three consoles. Wii is packed with features for both gamers and non-gamers.
The Xbox 360 ranks last in freedom available to the user, while the Wii and Playstation 3 excel in this category.
The Xbox 360 has the best media content available for download of all three consoles, but outside of that has nothing the other consoles don't have.
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