Games. Halo 3. Orange Box. Beautiful Katamari. Eternal Sonata. Mass Effect. Blue Dragon. Viva Pinata. Gears of War. Scene It.Assassin's Creed. Bioshock. Ace Combat 6. GRAW, GRAW2, RAINBOW SIX VEGAS, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Call of Duty 2, Project Gotham Racing 3 and 4, Skate, Tony Hawk, Xbox 1 games backwards compatible, Too Human, Banjo 3, Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, Ninja Gaiden II,Fallout 3, Alan Wake, Alone in the Dark, Shadowrun, Madden, FIFA, NBA, Forza 2, Dead Space, Mercanaries 2, Army of Two...need I go on? 360 has the best game lineup ever and this is not even all the best games on the list...(Console permanent and time exclusives in bold.)
Plus, you can chat on Xbox Live, download movies, music, videos, TV shows, watch TV, play online, gain achievements, and download new and classic games from Xbox Live Arcade like today's big release, Undertow,(9.0 from OFFICIAL Xbox Magazine). So many features...What other system gives you all that? And the system isn't too buggy and is much more reliable than any other system. Plus, there's great graphics. You can get a 360 for the price of the Wii plus $30 and have access to so, so, so much more plus several free games straight out of the box. Beat that, Sony and Nintendo. I dare you. Oh, wait, no, you can't.
I'm not a pure 360 fanboy as I think some Nintendo games like Zelda and Metroid are awesome but I'm just stating the facts about who's gonna win this console war (definetly. Wii has the lead but it'll die off by late 2008 due to lack of hardcore games and not much innovations in sequels to the launch titles).
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