According to Widipedia, "Midlife crisis is a term used in Western societies to describe a period of dramatic self-doubt that is felt by some individuals in the "middle years" of life, as a result of sensing the passing of youth and the imminence of old age."
What a perfect description of the PS3's predicament. The PS3 is indeed in the "middle years" of its lifespan. And guess what?
1) Playstation 3 is experiencing serious self-doubt.
The PS3 knows that it wasn't good enough to justify it's original price what does it do? It has more SKU changes in one year than any other console...ever...just because Sony doesn't thave any faith in their console. They cut prices like mad, bundled games with their console, and they are still dead last in sales..even watching the Wii whiz right by them and leave Sony in the dust. Not to mention Sony claiming that they felt that backwards compatible was the core of what they believed they should offer, and than cutting it out of one of their sku's. Not to mention the failed attempt to try and convince their games that rumble wasn't necessary, only to annoyingly add it a year later. And as ps3 fanboys claim that games like FF13 can't be done on the 360, and than it jumps ship to the 360, it becomes obvious that the 360 can handle the best that the ps3 has to offer. So it tries to offer features such as Home and games such as LBP to be more casual friendly. Unfortunately, the PS3 doesn't have the Wii's intuitive controls or the xbox360's extensive online features, so instead of doing things their own way they make up "trophies", which is oddly familiar to "achievements". They have never produced an online exclusive that can hold a candle to Halo 3 in terms of online games played, and Metal Gear Solid didn't make half the splash that Halo 3 it's pretty obvious that MS is making the games people care about. They have bluray, yet they are starting to integrate digital distribution because they are realizing that MS has it right. Indeed, the self doubt continues.
2) PS3 is sensing the passing of youth.
Remember when the PS3 showed the arrogance of youth? When Sony set a rediculous price tag thinking that everyone was going to go out and buy it just because it was "sony", than they came out with their tail between their legs and practically begged people to buy their consoles by cutting prices in the same year? When they went an agonizing amount of time without a PS3 AAA exclusive...and tried to pass off mediocre games such as Resistance as being better than they really are, just because there really was nothing else to play? When they watched games like Heavenly Sword, Lair, Uncharted, and Ratchet and Clank flop right before their eyes? The PS3 hasn't passed the 360 in sales, despite multiple price cuts and the so called "superior technology", let alone free online. They have tried ever move in the book yet they still have failed to close the gap and pass them like the Wii did. The PS2 sold like hot-cakes, I guess Sony has just passed it's youth.
3) PS3 is seeing the imminence of old age.
Remember when the 360 seemed so powerful that its multiplats and exlusives looked and played better than the PS3's? Well, old age has already arrived in 2008. They still do. Developers are complaining that the PS3 is difficult to develop for. As such, so far this year, gamespot has already done an update to their multiplat comparison, and the xbox360 was given the advantage yet again. And as games get bigger and more advanced, it becomes more and more obvious that the 360 has the upperhand.
And so, while PS3 is suffering from a midlife crisis that doesn't seem to get any better, the 360 is enjoying one hell of a year, with it's best games still ahead.
Nice effort. Really. However, it doesn't ring so true.
1) The PS3 isn't experiencing self-doubt. Sure the PS3 made mistakes, but it is the most improved console this generation. In fact, it is experiencing self-confidence--hardware and software sales are doubling from last year. The 360 couldn't beat it despite a $50 price cut!
2) PS3 passing its youth? True, if you meant infancy and childhood, when it was barely learning to walk and run. The PS3 is stronger now. It's selling faster than the 360; the latest mulitplats and exclusives look and play better on the PS3; and it hasn't even come close to reaching its peak.
3) PS3 reaching old age? If this is true, then the PS3 gets better with old age. Developers complain less and less about the PS3 and more and more about the 360's lack of blu-ray or hard-disk drive. Square will have a hardtime working with the 360's aging bones.
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