The 360 is the cheapest out of consoles and handhelds.The 360 is now the cheapest console ever put on the market.genaroll
wrongit was never the cheapest except for the short term before wii dropped its price , that was for a now discontinued arcade unit
but add hdd it would cost the same if not 30 more then the elite/slim does right now
oh and did i mention discontinued
thats right
there is no cheaper 360 now!
ps3 and 360 now cost the same ,, , there for making wii once again the cheapest console ! and to own a 360 in the long run its more expensive
to get everything out of it then the wii and ps3
because the cost of online! oh wat about replacment units since almost every owner who owns a 360 is likely to run into problems
more so then ps3 and wii owners
infact my first post proves this --
2 percetn for wii 4 percent for ps3 and qa whoping 50plus percent for 360
which means only 1 thing
you might as well choose a wii and ps3
and be done! oh and a handheld on the side if you choose, ,
cause 360 is on its last legs!
as far as ps2 price is conserned , ,
it doesnt count because thats last gen console!
and for the record gc was 99,99 along time ago , way before ps2 even reached 99 , , or 129 even lol , ,
so why the ps2 wait so long to get 99 is beyond me at this point in time ps1 costed a measly 49,99 /59,99 w monitor
so ya !
the cheaper console to own in the long run is obviously the wii
50 per title( lets give an example ok)
since ps3 and 360 games cost 10 more
if any one were to own 25 titles per console
theyed spend more on ps3 and 360 then they would wii by about 40 bucks or more-new titles only dont count used ones , or older ones
so ya in the long run wii is the cheapest !
heck even day one its the cheapest!
199,99 new gives you -2 games a stand a motion plus remote nunchuck printed material ac cords and av cords
along with sensor bar and even strap and grip
no other console comes with games unless its a limited time bundle
or a stand or anything else theyj ust give you the controller the cord and the av cord , along with console and printed material ,, bla bla bla
for 100 more even!
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