XBOX 360 lacking Blu-ray is worse than whatever the PS3 lacks combined

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#101 kingtito
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[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]xbox 360 runs in 1080i or the PS3 equivalent for most games and 1080p for a few just like the PS3 does. I didn't buy a 360 to view movies. If I wanted to watch movies in HD I would buy a blu-ray player or an HD-DVD drive as soon as the price gets down to about $200 or less.Sihanouk

I am not asking you at what price YOU will pay to get into HD movies. I am talking about the value of the PS3 as a blu-ray player. How important that is for gamers and casuals who care about graphics and HD movies.

Anyways, since you would spend $200 on a blu-ray player, can't you see how much Blu-ray makes the PS3 a much better machine than the 360?

So here's one for you, too:

Be honest here. Put your credibility on the line. Do you watch DVD movies at home? Do you care about graphics in games? If you answer yes to both questions, and don't agree that Blu-ray makes the PS3 a better machine than the 360, then you have double standards. In fact, I would think you are a hypocrite. A blind fanboy at that.

let me ask you this then.....DVD has become the mainstream. HOW many people do you know recently went to a electronic store to buy a dvd player and said.."WOW, look at ps2, it plays games AND it plays dvd, it must be a better value"

if NO ONE is doing that NOW, why do you think it's going to happen in the future?

Fair enough. People dont' really care about the DVD feature on the PS2 now. But you are talking about 7 years into the ps2's life span. Blu-ray is barely into its 2nd year. Blu-ray as feature on the PS3 will matter as long as people want to buy a blu-ray player, especially since the PS3 is so future proof. So now and onward, perhaps untill it's 7th year at least, the PS3's value is enhanced by it's inclusion of Blu-ray. So, for now and the forseeable future, Blu-ray makes the PS3 a better value over the 360 for gamers and movie lovers--who care about graphics.

Nothing is future proof and the sooner you learn it the better. BTW you can find BR players cheaper than the PS3. The PS3 already has a negative image in the minds of a lot of casuals and that's evident by it's sales.

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#102 kingtito
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Be honest here. Put your credibility on the line. Do you watch DVD movies at home? Do you care about graphics in games? If you answer yes to both questions, and don't agree that Blu-ray makes the PS3 a better machine than the 360, then you have double standards. In fact, I would think you are a hypocrite. A blind fanboy at that.


No, blu-ray does not make the PS3 a better gaming machine. It does make it a better movie watching machine but as I said I didn't buy my Wii nor my 360 to watch movies on.

I am talking about the totality of the machine--in gaming, movies, and whatever else. As far as a gaming machine, I do believe that the PS3 is a better gaming machine for 2008 games and beyond. So, it's simple really. If you like games or if you like movies, and you want to buy a gaming machine this year or beyond, the PS3 is the way to go. Like HD-DVD vs. Blu-ray, the 360 is losing its value relative to the PS3. Watch a couple of blu-ray movies on a decent HD TV. Then tell me that you don't see how Blu-ray is so cool to have on the PS3.

Isn't a gaming machines value dependent on it's content, ie: games? You keep saying this year and beyond yet you have ZERO proof of this. Where are the games? What games are you talking about? In other words "Just wait"

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#103 Udsen
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Games are different than movies.

Games develop over time, graphics improve and physics and controls take new forms. Whereas if I buy GoodFellas on Blu-Ray it's still Goodfellas.

Keep your lame accusations away from me, I'm neither a hypocrite or a fanboy.

Attacking me personally because you don't agree with what I'm saying, sheesh buddy.

I even stated in the first sentence I wasn't bashing the PS3, I don't know why you have to wet your pants and jump on everyone for not agreeing with you...Are you by any chance employed by Sony?


Hehe. I am not attacking you personally. I am attacking your double standards and your refusal to admit the value Blu-ray adds to the pS3.

You appear to be a hypocrite because you do have double standards, one for games, and one for movies, both seen and on the same TV screen. You appear to be a fanboy because you refuse to admit how much value Blu-ray adds to the PS3, movies wise anyway. You do care about movies. So if your actions make you appear a certain way, it's fair for me to assume you are that way, no? I am not working for Sony. I just believe the PS3 has too many things going for it that it's easier to support the PS3 than to support the 360, starting this year anyway.

I love what Sony put in the PS3. Bluetooth, Blu-ray, Built in wireless free internet play, Memory Stick slots, SD and CF slots, etc. It's a fantastic multimedia device, but we're on a gaming forum.

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#104 Riverwolf007
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If I really want to see a movie in HD why wouldn't I just DL it off XBL or my local cable companies pay per view? I have two boxes of useless VHS tapes in my basement that I look at every once in awhile just to remind myself what a total waste it is to own movies.

I also upgraded my cable to include HD channels and a huge DVR and over the last couple of months have watched piles of great movies including Blade Runner, Lord of the Rings trilogy, SW trilogy, Planet Earth, Battlestar Galactica series, you name it and it's in HD for 13.95 a month.

Blu-Ray and HD is cool and all but owning movies is for suckers.

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#105 kingtito
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Be honest here. Put your credibility on the line. Do you watch DVD movies at home? Do you care about graphics in games? If you answer yes to both questions, and don't agree that Blu-ray makes the PS3 a better machine than the 360, then you have double standards. In fact, I would think you are a hypocrite. A blind fanboy at that.


No, blu-ray does not make the PS3 a better gaming machine. It does make it a better movie watching machine but as I said I didn't buy my Wii nor my 360 to watch movies on.

I am talking about the totality of the machine--in gaming, movies, and whatever else. As far as a gaming machine, I do believe that the PS3 is a better gaming machine for 2008 games and beyond. So, it's simple really. If you like games or if you like movies, and you want to buy a gaming machine this year or beyond, the PS3 is the way to go. Like HD-DVD vs. Blu-ray, the 360 is losing its value relative to the PS3. Watch a couple of blu-ray movies on a decent HD TV. Then tell me that you don't see how Blu-ray is so cool to have on the PS3.

like how sony PR said ps3 is a super computer.... so ps3 is a "totality of the machine, gaming, movies and whateverelse"

i'll give you facts. so far 360 games > ps3 games no one can see the future

fact 2. pc > ps3 when it comes to "whatever else"

so by your own logic, ps3 is failing 2/3 departments and only sucessful in 1.

You know, there is a machine that copies/prints and fax...but everyone will tell you that it's better to buy all 3 separate than a combo machine. Maybe ps3 is a combo machine, It does little bit of this, little bit of that but it does it in average.


Be honest here. Put your credibility on the line. Do you watch DVD movies at home? Do you care about graphics in games? If you answer yes to both questions, and don't agree that Blu-ray makes the PS3 a better machine than the 360, then you have double standards. In fact, I would think you are a hypocrite. A blind fanboy at that.


No, blu-ray does not make the PS3 a better gaming machine. It does make it a better movie watching machine but as I said I didn't buy my Wii nor my 360 to watch movies on.

I am talking about the totality of the machine--in gaming, movies, and whatever else. As far as a gaming machine, I do believe that the PS3 is a better gaming machine for 2008 games and beyond. So, it's simple really. If you like games or if you like movies, and you want to buy a gaming machine this year or beyond, the PS3 is the way to go. Like HD-DVD vs. Blu-ray, the 360 is losing its value relative to the PS3. Watch a couple of blu-ray movies on a decent HD TV. Then tell me that you don't see how Blu-ray is so cool to have on the PS3.

like how sony PR said ps3 is a super computer.... so ps3 is a "totality of the machine, gaming, movies and whateverelse"

i'll give you facts. so far 360 games > ps3 games no one can see the future

fact 2. pc > ps3 when it comes to "whatever else"

so by your own logic, ps3 is failing 2/3 departments and only sucessful in 1.

You know, there is a machine that copies/prints and fax...but everyone will tell you that it's better to buy all 3 separate than a combo machine. Maybe ps3 is a combo machine, It does little bit of this, little bit of that but it does it in average.


Be honest here. Put your credibility on the line. Do you watch DVD movies at home? Do you care about graphics in games? If you answer yes to both questions, and don't agree that Blu-ray makes the PS3 a better machine than the 360, then you have double standards. In fact, I would think you are a hypocrite. A blind fanboy at that.


No, blu-ray does not make the PS3 a better gaming machine. It does make it a better movie watching machine but as I said I didn't buy my Wii nor my 360 to watch movies on.

I am talking about the totality of the machine--in gaming, movies, and whatever else. As far as a gaming machine, I do believe that the PS3 is a better gaming machine for 2008 games and beyond. So, it's simple really. If you like games or if you like movies, and you want to buy a gaming machine this year or beyond, the PS3 is the way to go. Like HD-DVD vs. Blu-ray, the 360 is losing its value relative to the PS3. Watch a couple of blu-ray movies on a decent HD TV. Then tell me that you don't see how Blu-ray is so cool to have on the PS3.

like how sony PR said ps3 is a super computer.... so ps3 is a "totality of the machine, gaming, movies and whateverelse"

i'll give you facts. so far 360 games > ps3 games no one can see the future

fact 2. pc > ps3 when it comes to "whatever else"

so by your own logic, ps3 is failing 2/3 departments and only sucessful in 1.

You know, there is a machine that copies/prints and fax...but everyone will tell you that it's better to buy all 3 separate than a combo machine. Maybe ps3 is a combo machine, It does little bit of this, little bit of that but it does it in average.

You can talk all you want about last year's games. I am not going to argue with you. You win.

Sure, you can't be certain about the future, if you are technical about it. But 2008 and beyond, you can be wise about it. Judging from exclusives coming this year and from how much better developers understand the power of the PS3, the wise decision is to buy the PS3 and not the 360, especially if you like movies.

Again, I admit, the PS3 failed last year. But this it will not. This year, it is not an average gaming machine. Most industry professionals will agree with me, except for fanboys. It has better games and can play HD movies, to boot. For people who like graphics in games and like to watch movies, they simply should not invest in the 360. This year anyway. After that, developers will have learned even more how to maximize the superiority of the PS3's power, all the more reason to invest in the PS3.

You mean like DMC4? How much better is that game on the PS3? Oh, wait it's not. The PS3 is not any more powerful than the 360. If you understood anything about either of the hardware you'd know this. All you seem interested in is what a great movie player it is. Well have fun with your movies while the rest of us NON fanboys will be playing games.

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#106 Rogers_Wireless
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nice to see cows coverting into movie viewers :lol:

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#107 Sihanouk
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Before I make my statements in relation to this topic, I am not bashing the PS3.

Blu-Ray, while nifty, new, and pretty revolutionary, should not be used as basis of why the PS3 is better than 360.

I want Sony to deliver it's promises. I want a game that could not POSSIBLY be done on DVD. A huge game, huge worlds, a long story (Uncharted and Heavenly Sword, I'm looking at you..), and a game that truly makes you go, "see, that's why blu-ray is needed!"

Call me picky but when Sony claims Blu-Ray allows for bigger worlds and "a larger canvas for developers to work on", it'd be nice if they utilized the feature. Adding more languages and uncompressed sound isn't using BR to its full potential.

The PS3 is great, it has tons of potential, I'd just wish they'd utilize it.

Unless you're talking about BR which case, it's a GAME console.


Without a doubt it should be used as a basis for why the PS3 is better than 360, simply because watching DVDs at home is a very popular activity. Gamers also watch movies. Casuals watch lots of movies. So when gamers and casuals buy a console that can play HD movies, Blu-ray as on the PS3 is a very important consideration. If you don't watch movies at home and don't care about graphics, then yes, Blu-ray movies don't matter. Stay with the topic. I am not talking about Blu-ray for games. It's advantages for games will come soon enough this year, and especiall 2009 onward.

Be honest here. Put your credibility on the line. Do you watch DVD movies at home? Do you care about graphics in games? If you answer yes to both questions, and don't agree that Blu-ray makes the PS3 a better machine than the 360, then you have double standards. In fact, I would think you are a hypocrite. A blind fanboy at that.

I care about graphics in games, but I don't care about graphics in movies. So your assumptions on the association that if you like graphics in games, then you have to like graphics in movies is flawed.

The games I play, I want them to have great graphics because I play them. No so much with movies because I watch them with no interaction, so I am satisfied with downloading HD movies on my 360 or just renting a dvd and upscale.

So your inital assumption is flawed.

Also you expect the PS3 to comeback in games, which is another huge assumption on your part. Now you seem like a very logical guy and maybe you can appreciate and understand the logic that I'm about to lay on you.

Systems are bought because of their library of games. Third party DEV's are a major part of that and first-party devs are a medium part of that. Now, when you have the 360 which is making a hell of alot more money on games than the ps3. Who do you think developers on going to flock to. I honestly believe that you are not going to see ps3 catchup due to this phenomenon right here. It's like a ripple effect. Just like the ps2. Xbox was significantly greater in the hardware department, but PS3 had the games. This gen, same philosophy, but the companies have just reversed.

No it's not flawed. I didn't say people who like grahics in games always like graphics in movies. I say that if they like graphics in games and not like graphics in movies, then they have double standards. In fact, I think they are hypocrites. You obviousely have double standards for the images you see on your HD TV. And yes, I do think you are a hypocrite. A blind fanboy even. You do have a decent HD TV, right? You have seen a couple of Blu-ray movies, right? The movies you like, I am talking about.

You may play games, and movies aren't interactive, but your eyes see very similar things on screen: Moving Images. Graphics in games are just moving images. Same with movies. If you can appreciate graphics in one and not the other, then without a doubt you have double standards. In my eyes, you are hypocrite. You have yet to show me that your mind is open enough to see the major added value Blu-ray brings to the PS3, movies wise at least. To me, you are very likely a blind fanboy. My assumption still stands.

I didn't assume the PS3 to make a comeback. I EXPECTED. Most industry professionals will tell you that they also expect the PS3 to have better games this year. Do a bit of research.

Systems aren't just bought for their current library of games; they are also bought for UPCOMING games, especially if the systems already have decent games to start out with: the PS3 already have many decent games, AAA ones as well. Also, sytems are bought for their OVERALL value. Some buy them only for games. MOST people who watch DVD movies at home, can appreciate the fact that the PS3 has Blu-ray. I am not talking about blind fanboys.

Devopers who have millions, hundreds of millions of dollars on the line, think long term.Yes, last year the PS3 had worse games and a smaller install base. But this year, the games will be better on the PS3. The install base on the PS3 will be more than that of the 360 in Europe by summer, not to mention Japan. In the US, because Blu-ray is getter more and more popular each day, because this years' games will kick ass on the PS3, and because developing on the PS3 is getting easier and easier, developers, like the respected gaming analyst Michael Pachter, will see that the monthly sales of the PS3 will catch up or suppass the 360s by the end of this year. So I definitely think that developers will flock to the PS3. I am not saying they won't flock to 360 as well. I am saying that developers will not treat the PS3 less than the 360 starting this year, and especially going into next year. In fact, it's quite reasonable to expect that by 2009, multiplats will look better on the PS3. You might not see the PS3 catch up. But plenty of object analysts can see that the PS3 will not only catch up, but surpass the 360. You are showing yourself more and more as a blind fanboy.

The PS2 vs. Xbox isn't the same relationship as the PS3 vs. XBOX 360. The ps2 had games. XBOX didnt' have a respected BRAND NAME, even though it was more powerful. The PS3 has a much, much better brand name the the XBOX did. And the number of exclusives this generation aren't as many as last generation. Also, again, starting this year games will be better on the PS3, in terms of exclusives and graphics.

So there you have it. My assumptions still stand, and my expectations are very reasonable. Starting this year I can't see why gamers who like movies would not want to buy the PS3. This year, it has better games. Blu-ray has pretty become the standard HD movie format. Developers have shown a better understanding of the PS3's superior power. The PS3's install base is increasing faster than that of the 360s, and is widely expected to surpass that of the 360 in a year or two.

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#108 Burnsmiesta
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Did he just say Blu-Ray gives movies better graphics??? :shock:
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#109 Sinheart
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blu-ray is great for very big screens. I can't see too much of a difference on a 40" 1080p tv, unless I get very close to it. It's nice to have for the future though since in 5 years, 70" 1080p TVs will be common and cheap. microsoft will release a blu-ray addon for the 360 to watch blu-ray movies on when the feel the need to.
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#110 Sihanouk
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whats a blu ray graphic?

No such thing. Its a resolution, not a graphic.....

eventually Blu ray might take effect. When people stop releasing on DVD but untill that point DVD is still supreme.

Also, how many people own High Def players, HD TV AND a surround system to actually make use of all that uncompressed audio and video ;)

A very small ammount.

I am quite happy with my 5.1 surround on my monitor watching normal DVD's.


A fanyboy, perhaps? Using FUD? definitely.

I am talking about moving images in games and movies. In fact for movies, it's not just resolution. Resolution is static. I am talking about moving images. So i use the term graphics for gamers here, really.

What makes you think that Blu-ray won't beat DVD until DVD is dead? DVD beat VHS before VHS was dead. 5000 plus posts, and yet your reasoning is so weak. I am sorry, but this reasoning is just too weak.

All great things start small. Just like DVDs. You don't have to have a surround sound system to appreciate Blu-ray. All you have to do is get an HD TV.

So I ask you:

Be honest here. Put your credibility on the line. Do you watch DVD movies at home? Do you care about graphics in games? If you answer yes to both questions, and don't agree that Blu-ray makes the PS3 a better machine than the 360, then you have double standards. In fact, I would think you are a hypocrite. A blind fanboy at that.

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#111 rocket9434
Member since 2006 • 2665 Posts
Yep, Blu-ray is going world wide. Countries are being taught about it.
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#112 long_dong_goo
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No. Xbox360 lacking reliability is worse than whatever the PS3 lacks combined.
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#113 Sihanouk
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[QUOTE="Can-o-Mark"]I think the PS3 lacking a real good exclusive is worse than the 360 lacking Blu-Ray. I hardly care about HD movies. Im not saying it doesnt make a difference. Im just saying I dont care.clone01

Fair enough. I am not talking about software now though. Software on the PS3 will improve, and should be better than the 360 this year. But as far as hardware is concerned, I stand by the topic I started.

digital delivery eliminates the need for DVD or Blu-Ray...just like most people have an MP3 player that gets more use than a CD player.

Another fanboy using FUD.

Digital delivery does not eliminate the need for DVD or BLu-ray. Not in the forseeable future. Heck, for more than 10 years now, digital downloads hasn't even elimated the need of CD music! We are talking about about a few megabytes there. For HD Movies, you are talking about a dozen or more gigs. For those who care about graphics OR SOUND, digital delievery is no match for Blu-ray.

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#114 Sihanouk
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Yes, you read it right. I have watched many Blu-ray movies, and I aint going back to Standard Def. The graphics are so much better.


I stopped reading right there.

I started seeing a close-minded individual right there.

He was right, they are resolutions not graphics.

They are more than just resolutions. Resolution is static. I use graphics becaue I am taking about moving images. Games and movies are mostly moving images.

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#115 Udsen
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DD is not conveniant yet. Who is going to wait hours for a DVD to download (unless using an On-Demand box), when they can just run to the movie store for a quick 5 bucks and a week with said movie? These 24 hr deals for the on-demand cable boxes just dont fit the schedule of someone with an extremely busy worklife/social life. I hink it's nice when I rent a movie and can watch it but 3 days later if I want, and let me tell you, Microsoft (or whoever is backing DD), needs to dumb it down and make it instant, simple, and cheap.

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#116 clone01
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[QUOTE="Can-o-Mark"]I think the PS3 lacking a real good exclusive is worse than the 360 lacking Blu-Ray. I hardly care about HD movies. Im not saying it doesnt make a difference. Im just saying I dont care.Sihanouk

Fair enough. I am not talking about software now though. Software on the PS3 will improve, and should be better than the 360 this year. But as far as hardware is concerned, I stand by the topic I started.

digital delivery eliminates the need for DVD or Blu-Ray...just like most people have an MP3 player that gets more use than a CD player.

Another fanboy using FUD.

Digital delivery does not eliminate the need for DVD or BLu-ray. Not in the forseeable future. Heck, for more than 10 years now, digital downloads hasn't even elimated the need of CD music! We are talking about about a few megabytes there. For HD Movies, you are talking about a dozen or more gigs. For those who care about graphics OR SOUND, digital delievery is no match for Blu-ray.

Last time I checked, I wasn't a fanboy. If you doubt that, feel free to check my posting history. In fact, you seem to be quite the cow. And what do you think a TIVO is. TADA! DIGITAL DELIVERY. Why don't you go compare households that have a Blu-Ray player to households that have a Digital Disc Recorder of some sort? Your logic is still flawed: gamers buy consoles for games, not for a movie player. And for the last time, video works in resolution, not graphics.

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#117 Sihanouk
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the only reason Blu-ray matters is for watching movies

last time I checked these are GAME MACHINES, so thats what should matter, but as long as Sony is happy, they won the format war, and are losing the console war, congrats sony, great movie player, and so far very average game machine


No. Only the 360 is a gaming machine. The PS3 is an even more powerful machine with better exclusives this year AND is also a MOVIE MACHINE. Now, how many gamers like movies as well?? Do a fair survey. How many gamers watch DVD movies at home? Well, if indeed there are a whole lot of them, then gamers who care about graphics or sound will care about Blu-ray. Casuals problably care more about movies than hard core gamers do. So, when casuals start to enter the gaming world, Blu-ray will play a very big role. I believe once Blu-ray becomes mainstream, gamers will see the value of Blu-ray on the PS3.

now your trying to pass opinion off as fact.


the only reason Blu-ray matters is for watching movies

last time I checked these are GAME MACHINES, so thats what should matter, but as long as Sony is happy, they won the format war, and are losing the console war, congrats sony, great movie player, and so far very average game machine


No. Only the 360 is a gaming machine. The PS3 is an even more powerful machine with better exclusives this year AND is also a MOVIE MACHINE. Now, how many gamers like movies as well?? Do a fair survey. How many gamers watch DVD movies at home? Well, if indeed there are a whole lot of them, then gamers who care about graphics or sound will care about Blu-ray. Casuals problably care more about movies than hard core gamers do. So, when casuals start to enter the gaming world, Blu-ray will play a very big role. I believe once Blu-ray becomes mainstream, gamers will see the value of Blu-ray on the PS3.

now your trying to pass opinion off as fact.

Another fanboy using FUD. Really, lemmings. You are looking bad here in this thread. Be fair and reasonable when you make a comment. Where did I attempt to make my opinion as a fact? My facts aren't made up. My opinions are very reasonable. Perhaps my opinions are so reasonable that YOU think it's fact?

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#118 blackace
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[QUOTE="Can-o-Mark"]I think the PS3 lacking a real good exclusive is worse than the 360 lacking Blu-Ray. I hardly care about HD movies. Im not saying it doesnt make a difference. Im just saying I dont care.Sihanouk

Fair enough. I am not talking about software now though. Software on the PS3 will improve, and should be better than the 360 this year. But as far as hardware is concerned, I stand by the topic I started.

The problem with you theory is that the XBox 360 was made to be a GAME CONSOLE and NOT a MOVIE PLAYER. This is where your topic completely fails and falls apart. The XBox 360 was never trying to be a HD-DVD movie player. Why do you think the HD-DVD came as an add-on? The XBox 360 IS about GAME SOFTWARE and it doesn't that great. That's all that matters. I've played DVD's upscaled on my XBox 360 and it looks almost as good as Blu-Ray to me. I own a PS3 and have played Blu-Ray movies. There's nothing really special about the look of Blu-Ray movies to me. Yes, it looks a bit better, but it's not significantly better and that the problem I have with it. Why pay an extra $5-$10 for a slightly better looking film?

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the only reason Blu-ray matters is for watching movies

last time I checked these are GAME MACHINES, so thats what should matter, but as long as Sony is happy, they won the format war, and are losing the console war, congrats sony, great movie player, and so far very average game machine


No idiot, the games that people make for ps3 are all on Blu-Ray, thet games will get MUCH bigger than 360's in a year or two's time. And better sound and ACTUALLY display in 1080p, not upscaling like the 360.

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#121 Sihanouk
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[QUOTE="Erkidu"]I don't buy gaming consoles to watch movies. ;)clone01

Fair enough. But...

Be honest here. Put your credibility on the line. Do you watch DVD movies at home? Do you care about graphics in games? If you answer yes to both questions, and don't agree that Blu-ray makes the PS3 a better machine than the 360, then you have double standards. In fact, I would think you are a hypocrite. A blind fanboy at that.

no, it makes the PS3 a better Blu-Ray player, not a better gaming console.

Nope. It makes the PS3 a better machine over all. It enhances' the PS3's value to gamers who watch dvd movies at home.

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#122 blackace
Member since 2002 • 23576 Posts

the only reason Blu-ray matters is for watching movies

last time I checked these are GAME MACHINES, so thats what should matter, but as long as Sony is happy, they won the format war, and are losing the console war, congrats sony, great movie player, and so far very average game machine


No. Only the 360 is a gaming machine. The PS3 is an even more powerful machine with better exclusives this year AND is also a MOVIE MACHINE. Now, how many gamers like movies as well?? Do a fair survey. How many gamers watch DVD movies at home? Well, if indeed there are a whole lot of them, then gamers who care about graphics or sound will care about Blu-ray. Casuals problably care more about movies than hard core gamers do. So, when casuals start to enter the gaming world, Blu-ray will play a very big role. I believe once Blu-ray becomes mainstream, gamers will see the value of Blu-ray on the PS3.

now your trying to pass opinion off as fact.


the only reason Blu-ray matters is for watching movies

last time I checked these are GAME MACHINES, so thats what should matter, but as long as Sony is happy, they won the format war, and are losing the console war, congrats sony, great movie player, and so far very average game machine


No. Only the 360 is a gaming machine. The PS3 is an even more powerful machine with better exclusives this year AND is also a MOVIE MACHINE. Now, how many gamers like movies as well?? Do a fair survey. How many gamers watch DVD movies at home? Well, if indeed there are a whole lot of them, then gamers who care about graphics or sound will care about Blu-ray. Casuals problably care more about movies than hard core gamers do. So, when casuals start to enter the gaming world, Blu-ray will play a very big role. I believe once Blu-ray becomes mainstream, gamers will see the value of Blu-ray on the PS3.

now your trying to pass opinion off as fact.

Another fanboy using FUD. Really, lemmings. You are looking bad here in this thread. Be fair and reasonable when you make a comment. Where did I attempt to make my opinion as a fact? My facts aren't made up. My opinions are very reasonable. Perhaps my opinions are so reasonable that YOU think it's fact?

At least you know it just yoour opinion and NOT FACT. That's all lemmings need to hear I think. ;) I'm not sure if Blu-Ray will ever become mainstream. Movie Studios will have to stop making DVD's first for that to happen. I don't see that happening anytime soon.

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#123 Arjdagr8
Member since 2003 • 3865 Posts
i watched spiderman 3 on blu ray yesterday, i have to say i wasnt very impressed. it looked good but not that good.
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#124 thegoldenpoo
Member since 2005 • 5136 Posts
waht this thread lacks, any kind of point or sense, is worse than what all the other threads lack out together. i have a bluray- HDDVD combo drive for my PC. i think this is an exercise on my part of not caring.
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#125 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29846 Posts

[QUOTE="Erkidu"]I don't buy gaming consoles to watch movies. ;)Sihanouk

Fair enough. But...

Be honest here. Put your credibility on the line. Do you watch DVD movies at home? Do you care about graphics in games? If you answer yes to both questions, and don't agree that Blu-ray makes the PS3 a better machine than the 360, then you have double standards. In fact, I would think you are a hypocrite. A blind fanboy at that.

no, it makes the PS3 a better Blu-Ray player, not a better gaming console.

Nope. It makes the PS3 a better machine over all. It enhances' the PS3's value to gamers who watch dvd movies at home.

you mean blu-ray movies? yep, the PS3 is a superior Blu-Ray player to the 360.

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#126 Sihanouk
Member since 2008 • 601 Posts

How sad that cows are now trying to convince everyone that the PS3 is a great movie player instead of a gaming console. It's pathetic and the reason why Sony is in last place and won't be seeing a change anytime soon.


Not sad at all. Happy.

I am not trying to convince people that the PS3 is a great movie player. People already know that. I am trying to convince gamers who like to watch movies at home to see the value of Blu-ray in the PS3.

Also, read my posts in this thread. I also said starting this year, the PS3 is a better gaming maching than the 360. So, if plays HD movies, and have better games this year, all the while developers are taking advantages of the PS3's superiority, I dont' see why anyone would want to buy a 360--unless they are blind fanboys and only want play the 360's exclusives. Most professionals would agree that the PS3 has better exclusives that year.

Sony's place in the system wars is already changing. It's kicking Xbox's butt in Europe. It's basically killed the 360 in Japan. It's catching up in the US, and by this holdiday seaon, it will be even or better than the 360 in terms of sales.

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#127 Sihanouk
Member since 2008 • 601 Posts

so bluray is more important than games now cows? :lol:


Another fanboy using FUD?

I never said Blu-ray is more important than games. I am saying it makes the PS3 a better machine than the 360 to gamers who like movies at home. You want to talk about games? Talk about this year's games and beyond. Talk about overall value. That smile on your face, will disappear. Sad, ha?

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#128 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29846 Posts

How sad that cows are now trying to convince everyone that the PS3 is a great movie player instead of a gaming console. It's pathetic and the reason why Sony is in last place and won't be seeing a change anytime soon.


Not sad at all. Happy.

I am not trying to convince people that the PS3 is a great movie player. People already know that. I am trying to convince gamers who like to watch movies at home to see the value of Blu-ray in the PS3.

Also, read my posts in this thread. I also said starting this year, the PS3 is a better gaming maching than the 360. So, if plays HD movies, and have better games this year, all the while developers are taking advantages of the PS3's superiority, I dont' see why anyone would want to buy a 360--unless they are blind fanboys and only want play the 360's exclusives. Most professionals would agree that the PS3 has better exclusives that year.

Sony's place in the system wars is already changing. It's kicking Xbox's butt in Europe. It's basically killed the 360 in Japan. It's catching up in the US, and by this holdiday seaon, it will be even or better than the 360 in terms of sales.

oh, can you give me an inside link on future reviews for the '08 PS3 exclusives? i don't seem to be able to find that information. the funny thing is, almost everyone on this forum has said exactly the same thing: They don't buy a console for movies, they buy it for games. at the moment, the 360 has better games. this could change, who knows. but calling someone a fanboy because they prefer the 360's current lineup is ridiculous. in fact, your statements have come across as more fanboyish than just about any other post in this thread. you also forget that the 360 can now do 1080p, HD movies through, you guessed, digital delivery.

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#129 cosmostein77
Member since 2004 • 7043 Posts

As I said well before the whole "format war" was resolved,

Neither console needed a Blu-Ray or an HD-DVD player, DVD's took a full decade to surpass VHS machines in terms of Hardware sales and realistically you didn't need a special TV in order to use a DVD player. (My first GE DVD Player in 1998 actually had a coax connection) With both of these new fangle formats; in order to benefit from them you need a HDTV, and as of the Holiday season 2007, The United States was on the cusp of passing the 10% of households with TV's having HDTV's, and less then 1% have a 1080p capable set.

With that said while I think the next gen format player is a really great perk, its a little early at this point.

The amount of HD software that sells from month to month is not really that significant at this point, the raw numbers shows that it has a LONG way to go before its even anywhere in the zone next to standard DVD.

While Blu-ray is certainly a perk, PS3 users are clearly not buying Blu-Ray movies on the same pace as stand alone player owners are, and this is made clear when you look at the sales figures in most months in 2007 of HD-DVD Vs. Blu-Ray software sales.

Blu-Ray players enjoyed nearly a 12-1 lead in hardware (the PS3's clearly helped in that regard making up a large portion of the player market on the blu-ray side) yet normally outsold HD-DVD by only a 70-30 margin.

With 12 times more players, you would expect 12x more sales in software. This was not the case at all.

Its a nice perk, and I am sure its helped sell a few PS3's but the numbers simply don't support it being a "major" factor thus far in the console race, and with the rather slow pace of the adoption of HDTV's and the increase in digital downloads the PS4 may have beena better platform for Blu-Ray in terms of movies.

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#130 Rogers_Wireless
Member since 2008 • 706 Posts

so bluray is more important than games now cows? :lol:


Another fanboy using FUD?

I never said Blu-ray is more important than games. I am saying it makes the PS3 a better machine than the 360 to gamers who like movies at home. You want to talk about games? Talk about this year's games and beyond. Talk about overall value. That smile on your face, will disappear. Sad, ha?

all you said is "just wait for teh games" :lol:

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#131 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29846 Posts

so bluray is more important than games now cows? :lol:


Another fanboy using FUD?

I never said Blu-ray is more important than games. I am saying it makes the PS3 a better machine than the 360 to gamers who like movies at home. You want to talk about games? Talk about this year's games and beyond. Talk about overall value. That smile on your face, will disappear. Sad, ha?

yes, because the Nintendo Wii and the Xbox 360 stopped making games after SSBB and Halo 3.

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#132 Sihanouk
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Bluray =/= Games. :lol:Sgt_Crow

Another fanboy using FUD, trying to turn this discusion into Blu-ray vs. Games. I am not talking about Blu-ray vs. Games. I am talking about if you are a gamer who likes movies, then starting this year, the PS3 is a better option than the 360. Heck, I'd go as far as to say, even if you like games only, the PS3 is a better option for this year's games and beyond.

I feel like being ganged up here in this thread. Yet, I am winning. That's because the PS3 has a much better value than the 360 this year and beyond.

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#133 long_dong_goo
Member since 2008 • 164 Posts

How sad that cows are now trying to convince everyone that the PS3 is a great movie player instead of a gaming console. It's pathetic and the reason why Sony is in last place and won't be seeing a change anytime soon.kingtito

It's a great movie player and a great gaming console.

What's pathetic and sad is a company that can't fix a hardware defect in its products for 2+ years running now.

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#134 Sihanouk
Member since 2008 • 601 Posts

[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]xbox 360 runs in 1080i or the PS3 equivalent for most games and 1080p for a few just like the PS3 does. I didn't buy a 360 to view movies. If I wanted to watch movies in HD I would buy a blu-ray player or an HD-DVD drive as soon as the price gets down to about $200 or less.kingtito

I am not asking you at what price YOU will pay to get into HD movies. I am talking about the value of the PS3 as a blu-ray player. How important that is for gamers and casuals who care about graphics and HD movies.

Anyways, since you would spend $200 on a blu-ray player, can't you see how much Blu-ray makes the PS3 a much better machine than the 360?

So here's one for you, too:

Be honest here. Put your credibility on the line. Do you watch DVD movies at home? Do you care about graphics in games? If you answer yes to both questions, and don't agree that Blu-ray makes the PS3 a better machine than the 360, then you have double standards. In fact, I would think you are a hypocrite. A blind fanboy at that.

let me ask you this then.....DVD has become the mainstream. HOW many people do you know recently went to a electronic store to buy a dvd player and said.."WOW, look at ps2, it plays games AND it plays dvd, it must be a better value"

if NO ONE is doing that NOW, why do you think it's going to happen in the future?

Fair enough. People dont' really care about the DVD feature on the PS2 now. But you are talking about 7 years into the ps2's life span. Blu-ray is barely into its 2nd year. Blu-ray as feature on the PS3 will matter as long as people want to buy a blu-ray player, especially since the PS3 is so future proof. So now and onward, perhaps untill it's 7th year at least, the PS3's value is enhanced by it's inclusion of Blu-ray. So, for now and the forseeable future, Blu-ray makes the PS3 a better value over the 360 for gamers and movie lovers--who care about graphics.

Nothing is future proof and the sooner you learn it the better. BTW you can find BR players cheaper than the PS3. The PS3 already has a negative image in the minds of a lot of casuals and that's evident by it's sales.

No offense, but I am getting tired of correcting lemmings's comments in this thread. Too many of you with weak arguments. Nothing is future proof. OK. I am not going argue with you. But a large majority of people, maybe not you the fanboy, can see Blu-ray's value now and the next 7 yrs, at least. It's common sense.

The PS3 HAD negative images among casuals, games wise and price only. Talking about negative images, the 360's Red Ring of Death is even worse. This year, with better exclusives and with Blu-ray becoming the standard HD movie format, the PS3 is getting much more desirable every day, especially to casuals as they like movies more than hard-cores do.

There maybe cheaper blu-ray players than the PS3, but they cost more about 300 bucks now. For about 50 to a hundred more than the 360 you are getting more than $200 worth in extra value. Becuse the PS3 is actually a better blu-ray player than the 300 dollar ones out there.

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#135 clone01
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[QUOTE="Sgt_Crow"]Bluray =/= Games. :lol:Sihanouk

Another fanboy using FUD, trying to turn this discusion into Blu-ray vs. Games. I am not talking about Blu-ray vs. Games. I am talking about if you are a gamer who likes movies, then starting this year, the PS3 is a better option than the 360. Heck, I'd go as far as to say, even if you like games only, the PS3 is a better option for this year's games and beyond.

I feel like being ganged up here in this thread. Yet, I am winning. That's because the PS3 has a much better value than the 360 this year and beyond.

you went to a gaming forum to discuss A/V movie playback superiority. you have no games on your profile. then you complain about being ganged up on. what did you think was going to happen? unless you're just a troll, which i'm sure isn't the case.

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#136 kozzy1234
Member since 2005 • 35966 Posts

This thread is garbage..

360 = TONS of great games

PS3 = Blu Ray dvds and NO GAMES

Mmmmmm being a gamer what would i want..... movies or actual good games..... Obviously games.

All my friends that ps3's only use it for blu ray, they dont even play many games anymore, because there is NO selection

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#137 DXGreat1_HGL
Member since 2003 • 7543 Posts

[QUOTE="Sgt_Crow"]Bluray =/= Games. :lol:Sihanouk

Another fanboy using FUD, trying to turn this discusion into Blu-ray vs. Games. I am not talking about Blu-ray vs. Games. I am talking about if you are a gamer who likes movies, then starting this year, the PS3 is a better option than the 360. Heck, I'd go as far as to say, even if you like games only, the PS3 is a better option for this year's games and beyond.

I feel like being ganged up here in this thread. Yet, I am winning. That's because the PS3 has a much better value than the 360 this year and beyond.

Winning what? Sony's shill of the year award? You think that if you taint anyone elses facts with your jaded opinions and made up stories, that somehow is a victory? Fact is, I get 1080p picture quality on standard DVDs and the nominal upgrade Bluray provides isn't needed. You're doing a poor job of providing an argument. Now, continue to evade my points or result to namecalling, which, in your jaded outlook, is 'winning.' I'd tell you to 'put your credability on the line,' but you lost it on the 2nd page...
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#138 DXGreat1_HGL
Member since 2003 • 7543 Posts

[QUOTE="kingtito"] How sad that cows are now trying to convince everyone that the PS3 is a great movie player instead of a gaming console. It's pathetic and the reason why Sony is in last place and won't be seeing a change anytime soon.long_dong_goo

It's a great movie player and a great gaming console.

What's pathetic and sad is a company that can't fix a hardware defect in its products for 2+ years running now.

Yes, I agree it was sad that it took Sony 5 years to fix theirs...
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#139 Sihanouk
Member since 2008 • 601 Posts

Isn't a gaming machines value dependent on it's content, ie: games? You keep saying this year and beyond yet you have ZERO proof of this. Where are the games? What games are you talking about? In other words "Just wait"


Stop trying to turn discussion into one just about games. If you don't like movies at home, then don't even argue with me. If you like movies at home and care about graphics in games, then you have to see the value of Blu-ray in the PS3.

Now as for games. We all know games are a very subject matter. But do a bit of research. Read IGN, Gaminformer, Iup, Gamespot, do a search on yahoo or google about THIS year's games and beyond. Then come back and tell me that most objective professionals think this year the 360 has better games. If you are honest and diligent, you will tell me otherwise. Because most professionals do think this year the PS3 has better exclusives. Games? Metal Solid 4, Final Fantasy 13, Killzone2, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, ...a bunch of others. It's not "just wait." It's let's trust the objective industry professionals, not fanboys like you.

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#140 Arjdagr8
Member since 2003 • 3865 Posts

This thread is garbage..

360 = TONS of great games

PS3 = Blu Ray dvds and NO GAMES

Mmmmmm being a gamer what would i want..... movies or actual good games..... Obviously games.

All my friends that ps3's only use it for blu ray, they dont even play many games anymore, because there is NO selection


i dont understand, how does the ps3 have no games?

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#142 DXGreat1_HGL
Member since 2003 • 7543 Posts

Isn't a gaming machines value dependent on it's content, ie: games? You keep saying this year and beyond yet you have ZERO proof of this. Where are the games? What games are you talking about? In other words "Just wait"


Stop trying to turn discussion into one just about games. If you don't like movies at home, then don't even argue with me. If you like movies at home and care about graphics in games, then you have to see the value of Blu-ray in the PS3.

Now as for games. We all know games are a very subject matter. But do a bit of research. Read IGN, Gaminformer, Iup, Gamespot, do a search on yahoo or google about THIS year's games and beyond. Then come back and tell me that most objective professionals think this year the 360 has better games. If you are honest and diligent, you will tell me otherwise. Because most professionals do think this year the PS3 has better exclusives. Games? Metal Solid 4, Final Fantasy 13, Killzone2, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, ...a bunch of others. It's not "just wait." It's let's trust the objective industry professionals, not fanboys like you.

Stop trying to turn a videogame forum into discussions about movie watching. Some peole actually prefer to use their videogame consoles to play games. I guess your coworkers at Sony marketing forgot to tell you that...
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#143 JediRiff
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Well, I invested in an HD player for my 360, because of a deal I couldnt turn down at Best Buy. But in all honestly, I dont think HD will win this battle. But let me add this, I see no difference in the quality on the HD player from a Blu-Ray player, and I dont think M$ is above changing or adding some kind of hardware if Blu-Ray comes out on top to go with the 360.

But, to me, its really irrelevant, because my main concern with my 360 is my games. But winning the HD war will sell some PS3s, of that I have no doubt.

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#144 Sihanouk
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blu-ray is great for very big screens. I can't see too much of a difference on a 40" 1080p tv, unless I get very close to it. It's nice to have for the future though since in 5 years, 70" 1080p TVs will be common and cheap. microsoft will release a blu-ray addon for the 360 to watch blu-ray movies on when the feel the need to.Sinheart

Not much. Maybe to you. It's still good to know that the PS3's blu-ray feature is there waiting for you, family, or anyone who will get a bigger TV than 40 inch.

Microsoft will not have a blu-ray add on this generatrion. It would be a marketing disaster. A noisy console, with Red Ring of Death potential, taking up even more space becaue of the add on to watch a blu-ray movie. I think Sony would be very happy to have Microsoft use Blu-ray on the 360.

Hmm. Am I starting to see Blu-ray envy in a lemming?

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#145 Sihanouk
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Games are different than movies.

Games develop over time, graphics improve and physics and controls take new forms. Whereas if I buy GoodFellas on Blu-Ray it's still Goodfellas.

Keep your lame accusations away from me, I'm neither a hypocrite or a fanboy.

Attacking me personally because you don't agree with what I'm saying, sheesh buddy.

I even stated in the first sentence I wasn't bashing the PS3, I don't know why you have to wet your pants and jump on everyone for not agreeing with you...Are you by any chance employed by Sony?


Hehe. I am not attacking you personally. I am attacking your double standards and your refusal to admit the value Blu-ray adds to the pS3.

You appear to be a hypocrite because you do have double standards, one for games, and one for movies, both seen and on the same TV screen. You appear to be a fanboy because you refuse to admit how much value Blu-ray adds to the PS3, movies wise anyway. You do care about movies. So if your actions make you appear a certain way, it's fair for me to assume you are that way, no? I am not working for Sony. I just believe the PS3 has too many things going for it that it's easier to support the PS3 than to support the 360, starting this year anyway.

I love what Sony put in the PS3. Bluetooth, Blu-ray, Built in wireless free internet play, Memory Stick slots, SD and CF slots, etc. It's a fantastic multimedia device, but we're on a gaming forum.

We are on a gaming forum yes. But gamers do watch DVDs at home. Gamers who care about graphics. No matter how manylemmings try to hide the value of Blu-ray to gamers, you can't. It's too obvious. Gamers, most of them anyway, do watch DVD movies at home.

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#146 long_dong_goo
Member since 2008 • 164 Posts

[QUOTE="kingtito"] How sad that cows are now trying to convince everyone that the PS3 is a great movie player instead of a gaming console. It's pathetic and the reason why Sony is in last place and won't be seeing a change anytime soon.DXGreat1_HGL

It's a great movie player and a great gaming console.

What's pathetic and sad is a company that can't fix a hardware defect in its products for 2+ years running now.

Yes, I agree it was sad that it took Sony 5 years to fix theirs...

Incompetence is incompetence.

Whether is was Sony last gen or MS this gen.

It's neither excusable or acceptable. No matter who you happen to support.

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#147 krunkfu2
Member since 2007 • 4218 Posts
HD is crap entirely
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#148 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29846 Posts

Games are different than movies.

Games develop over time, graphics improve and physics and controls take new forms. Whereas if I buy GoodFellas on Blu-Ray it's still Goodfellas.

Keep your lame accusations away from me, I'm neither a hypocrite or a fanboy.

Attacking me personally because you don't agree with what I'm saying, sheesh buddy.

I even stated in the first sentence I wasn't bashing the PS3, I don't know why you have to wet your pants and jump on everyone for not agreeing with you...Are you by any chance employed by Sony?


Hehe. I am not attacking you personally. I am attacking your double standards and your refusal to admit the value Blu-ray adds to the pS3.

You appear to be a hypocrite because you do have double standards, one for games, and one for movies, both seen and on the same TV screen. You appear to be a fanboy because you refuse to admit how much value Blu-ray adds to the PS3, movies wise anyway. You do care about movies. So if your actions make you appear a certain way, it's fair for me to assume you are that way, no? I am not working for Sony. I just believe the PS3 has too many things going for it that it's easier to support the PS3 than to support the 360, starting this year anyway.

I love what Sony put in the PS3. Bluetooth, Blu-ray, Built in wireless free internet play, Memory Stick slots, SD and CF slots, etc. It's a fantastic multimedia device, but we're on a gaming forum.

We are on a gaming forum yes. But gamers do watch DVDs at home. Gamers who care about graphics. No matter how manylemmings try to hide the value of Blu-ray to gamers, you can't. It's too obvious. Gamers, most of them anyway, do watch DVD movies at home.

But i can watch DVDs on my 360.

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#149 mlbslugger86
Member since 2004 • 12867 Posts
why are sony fans acting like blu-ray discs are like the second coming of god?? so what if the 360 doesn't have blu-ray, i could live without thank you very much.
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#150 DXGreat1_HGL
Member since 2003 • 7543 Posts

[QUOTE="kingtito"] How sad that cows are now trying to convince everyone that the PS3 is a great movie player instead of a gaming console. It's pathetic and the reason why Sony is in last place and won't be seeing a change anytime soon.long_dong_goo

It's a great movie player and a great gaming console.

What's pathetic and sad is a company that can't fix a hardware defect in its products for 2+ years running now.

Yes, I agree it was sad that it took Sony 5 years to fix theirs...

Incompetence is incompetence.

Whether is was Sony last gen or MS this gen.

It's neither excusable or acceptable. No matter who you happen to support.

It's what happens when you don't spend enough on R&D. I swear some of those hardware engineers couldn't make it across the street without a roadmap.