Remember the 64? Of course you do!! Who could forget such a lovable console. All those incredible multiplayer games; Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Turok. This is just the tip of the iceberg, a whole lot of more games could be listed. It had an incredible run, can't deny that.
But in the end it died alone, Nintendo was the only developer still publishing games for the console. Every Third-party developer left like a bat out of hell. The reason? well... It was running on cartridges!!!! A very limited format, once the Nintendo 64 got to its peak, third-party developers started to notice another format that surpassed the cartridge (well... except for the loading time).
And now with the current war we come to the same dilemma; the DVD format is peaking or peaked, very little can be done to extend its life. So it's just a matter of time for the Third-party developers to start leaving Microsoft to join the current format (Blue-Ray). Hollywood has already joined the Blue-Ray (Pixar, Paramount, Columbia, etc). With the current price drop Microsoft has given the Xbox what it takes to survive through 2009 (I wouldn't be amazed of another price drop in 6 to 8 months). ID software has announced that their upcomming game "Rage" WILL LOOK BETTER on the PS3, so this only the first of many, many, many more games that will achieve this...
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