The website is loading very slowly, so here are the numbers in case:
1Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock..........798,671
3Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock..........254,596
4Wii Sports..........146,934
5Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock..........113,040
6Halo 3..........88,586
8Wii Play..........77,184
10Manhunt 2..........57,894
I don't even have to say anything. The chart speaks for itself
1) People will whine about,but keep in mind they use the actual NPD numbers from previous weeks as part of their numbers. Will it be 100% accurate? I don't think so, but the sales figures still have some truth to it. And just look at the list, it makes sense for things like Halo 3 to still be on there. Why wouldn't it?
2) People will whine that sales don't matter. To tell the truth, I agree. But in order to get games, you need to get sales. When I see even crappy Xbox 360 games like Timeshift and Conan earn more than many Wii games, this is not good news. The Wii third party games should be doing better. I will cut PS3 some slack because it was $500-$600 for crying out loud. It just recently got a price drop so I'll give it time to show some better numbers. But the Wii, #1 in hardware sales, is definitely not #1 in software sales. This incongruity means you will start to see less developer support, not more. Time to save money for a Xbox 360 or PS3.
3) People will say that the Wii wasn't meant to be popular for these type of games. Um, I really disagree here. This was designed for a system like the Wii and their fanbase. Casual enough to pick up, great for parties and friends, and it's online. There should be no reason for the Wii to be that much behind the Xbox 360 version. And you had a $10 cheaper price!
When Madden 08 on Xbox 360 sold 900,000 copies in Week 1 and the Wii version only sold 60,000 copies, people said the Wii wasn't meant for sports games. I laughed at the excuse, but even if Ilet you have that one, you have no excuses left for Guitar Hero III. Xbox 360 and Wii are pretty much close in hardware sales, but the Xbox 360 is making massive moolah from the games. The reason is simple = Xbox 360 is the better system for Guitar Hero 3. People laugh at $50 for Xbox Live and yet people prefer it judging by this. So stop laughing!
Next time you make fun of Xbox 360 I will post these numbers to haunt you. You're now forced to limit yourself and carefully choose your attacks towards the Xbox 360 after this spectacular performance/domination/destruction right in front of you.
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